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anyone remember roddata


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Hi could either of you send me this edited datafile thanks


Ditto to that:


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like rod said, if you want to hit homers, you must have the right timing. I have hit pulled homers and opposite homers. My sliders for batting are all zero. I feel the game plays much more realistic due to rods efforts.

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I have had to bump up the contact and power numbers pretty high on the sliders when watching/playing cpu. I love the ball physics and revised animations, but I think the game plays a little too station to station...but we all have different tastes, and it is all affected by the different rosters, sliders we use. So there never will be a perfect datafile for anyone..excpet when you tweak a good one like Rod's to your own liking/specs.


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So there never will be a perfect datafile for anyone..excpet when you tweak a good one like Rod's to your own liking/specs.


Nope, this is perfect for me gameplay wise. Just have to get that PIP issue resolved.

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apr i just sent you a pm. anyone else who wanted rods file with the zoomed cams AND PIP pm me, i am home from work. i need to move a couch real quick but, once i do i'll send them off. if you don't catch me tonight i will be back LATE tomorrow- like as in sunday morning late. so if you want it speak now. gonna move the couch i'll be back in a few.

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Rodkey, so far have only used on cpu vs. cpu with your suggested sliders and i have to say it is simply amazing - realistic pitch counts, satisfying number of foul balls ...superb! ty

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I have had two low scoring games (human vs. cpu)...first game I won 3-2 in 27 innings!!!!!! The second one was a 1-0 victory with my 5th starter (Saarloos)...so I'm not hitting great yet but neither is the cpu...

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For those looking for a bit more offense or HR's may want to try this adjustment:

At the beginning of the Datafile, you'll find the <batter> section.

Three entries here (19,20, & 21) modify hit power based on contact being made in the batter's cold, warm, or hot zones.

They are all set to 0.00 by default. Entry 19 is Hot_Power_Mod. This will modify the power of any hit made from within the batter's hot zone. Try changing this from 0.00 to, say, 0.20 or 0.25.

Entry #20 is Warm_Power_Mod. Try 0.10 or 0.15. For entry #21 Cold_Power_Mod, you can leave at zero or maybe try 0.05.

These adjustments will globally increase overall hit power by a bit. Play a few games and then adjust up (for more power) or down.

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The runner PIP "frame" (or boxes) will still show up because it is in a graphic file and not controlled by the Datafile. It's part of the overlay. There is at least one file in the Overlay downloads that removes the frame entirely.

That's what I use - so the frame and the actual PIP are both completely gone. That way it has a nice, clean appearance.

RRodkey, which overlay are you using, i would really like to try it out


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hey guys, I put rods 2004 batter and batterai changes into his 2005 datafile and it seems to have fixed the power problem. I have been to hit more homers and the games are a lot more offensive instead of a couple of runs.

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hey guys, I put rods 2004 batter and batterai changes into his 2005 datafile and it seems to have fixed the power problem. I have been to hit more homers and the games are a lot more offensive instead of a couple of runs.

What are they??

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here are the two lines, copy and paste over.

0xf3957227 70<batter>;0 ;1 6.0;2 14.0;3 -25.0;4 -20.0;5 25.0;6 0.75;7 0.40;8 ;9 0.34;10 1.35;11 0.10;12 0.93;13 1.05;14 66;15 90;16 23.0;17 10.5;18 0.43;19 0.00;20 0.00;21 0.00;22 -0.20;23 ;24 0.15;25 1.00;26 0.00;27 0.80;28 700.0000000000;29 1500.0000000000;30 ;31 37.5;32 2.0;33 2.5;34 3.0;35 7.3;36 0.30;37 0.15;38 0.00;39 -0.30;40 0.10;41 1.50;42 0.60;43 0.5;44 0.0;45 0.00;46 ;47 0.0;48 0.0;49 12.0;50 6.0;51 0.80;52 0.06;53 125;54 10.0;55 ;56 -0.80;57 0.70;58 0.00;59 1.40;60 ;61 31.0;62 1.5;63 5.0;64 0.00;65 8.0;66 2.0;67 2.5;68 1.0;69 -2.0;

0x2ebaa4d1 45<batterai>;0 ;1 3#0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000#4.838308e-001,5.000000e-001,1.600000e-001#1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,0.000000e+000#;2 ;3 3#0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000#4.838308e-001,5.000000e-001,1.600000e-001#1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,0.000000e+000#;4 ;5 3#0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000#4.838308e-001,5.000000e-001,1.600000e-001#1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,0.000000e+000#;6 ;7 50.0;8 0.0;9 0;10 50.0;11 0.0;12 0.0;13 0.000;14 0.000;15 0.900;16 1.100;17 0.850;18 1.15;19 0.000;20 0.000;21 0.950;22 1.050;23 0.950;24 1.050;25 ;26 65;27 35;28 ;29 0.0;30 0.845;31 1.090;32 50.0;33 0.000;34 0.000;35 10.0;36 0.000;37 0.000;38 10.0;39 0.000;40 0.000;41 ;42 3#0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000#5.696517e-001,6.057143e-001,1.428572e-001#1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,0.000000e+000#;43 ;44 1.0;

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I second that.

If you look through the data file there is a 'descriptor' line directly above the lines with all of the #'s. You have to look through the descriptors to try to figure out what they do.

i.e. here are the first two lines of a datafile:

0xc38c638e 70 1;64 BAT_TIMEMOD;30 Contact_Parameters;19 Hot_Power_Mod;8 Hit_Power;56 INSIDE_SPIN_VAL;54 Bat_launch_angle;50 Vertical_bunt_zone;33 Ball_size;59 MAX_TOPSPIN_VAL;58 MIN_TOPSPIN_VAL;48 Batfudgetime;45 Bat_time_off;29 Max_spin_RPM;16 Bunt_Speed_MPH;15 BestHitPower;51 Hit_vert_compress;22 No_Power_Mod;68 HACK_STARTTIME;36 Hot_Contact_Mod;26 Min_topspin;17 Bunt_Var_MPH;5 Longball_Adjust;2 Power_launch_angle;66 MAX_VERTICAL_OFFSET;42 Outside_power;35 Bunt_max_lead;67 BALL_RADIUS;65 VERTICAL_ZONE_SIZE;62 BAT_YCENTER;40 Inside_power;63 BAT_ZCENTER;31 Bat_length;21 Cold_Power_Mod;20 Warm_Power_Mod;69 HACK_BATFUDGETIME;61 BAT_LENGTH;60 Contact;47 Starttime;46 Hacks!!;41 Sweetspot_power;38 Cold_Contact_Mod;25 Outside_factor;24 Inside_factor;12 SprayPowerMod;0 Hit_Parameters;57 OUTSIDE_SPIN_VAL;52 Bunt_vert_compress;43 Bat_Y_off;37 Warm_Contact_Mod;13 PullPowerMod;49 Vertical_hit_zone;44 Bat_Z_off;34 Ball_offset;32 Vertical_offset;28 Min_spin_RPM;18 Bunt_Aim_Comp;3 Bunt_launch_angle;53 Hit_Speed_MPH;39 No_Contact_Mod;11 Min_vert_power;9 Ball_bat_friction;1 Contact_launch_angle;23 Hit_Spin;14 WorstHitPower;7 Inside_pos;10 Max_vert_power;4 Grounder_Adjust;55 Hit;6 Sweetspot_pos;27 Max_topspin;

0xf3957227 70<batter>;0 ;1 6.0;2 14.0;3 -15.0;4 -20.0;5 20.0;6 0.75;7 0.40;8 ;9 0.34;10 1.00;11 0.10;12 0.90;13 1.02;14 66;15 90;16 25.0;17 10.5;18 0.43;19 0.00;20 0.00;21 0.00;22 -0.20;23 ;24 0.15;25 1.00;26 0.00;27 1.00;28 1400.0000000000;29 2400.0000000000;30 ;31 36.0;32 2.0;33 2.5;34 3.0;35 7.3;36 0.15;37 0.00;38 -0.15;39 -0.30;40 0.10;41 1.00;42 0.60;43 0.5;44 0.0;45 0.00;46 ;47 0.0;48 0.0;49 12.0;50 6.0;51 0.80;52 0.06;53 140;54 10.0;55 ;56 -0.80;57 0.70;58 0.00;59 1.40;60 ;61 30.0;62 1.5;63 5.0;64 0.00;65 8.0;66 2.0;67 2.5;68 1.0;69 -2.0;

You will see that I bolded 54 Bat_Launch_Angle in the top section. Adjust the modifier after the #54 in the next line (also bolded) to adjust the initial launch of the ball off your bat - i.e. ;54 7.5; would cause more grounders / line drives, and ;54 12.5; would cause more pop-ups. Not rocket-science necessarily, just a matter of understanding what you're looking for, finding it, and making adjustments.

The data file is HUGE though, so guys like RRodKey, KSM, and other great datafile modders spend hours, days, and weeks combing through and testing for variables that can be changed to make our games as great as they are!

Happy Modding!

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Actually, I've had 2005 about two weeks now, and I've been tweaking the new data file like crazy. The game plays differently this year, so there's been a new learning curve. It's so much better this year that I've come close to getting this thing to play extremely realistically.

I've been lurking and reading the comments from others here who have been making new discoveries. I've got a data file now that works well with all styles of play - full arcade and CPU vs. CPU simulation; as well as combination styles such as CPU batting and human pitching.

Walks are plenty, pitch counts are high, ball physics adjusted - you name it. :)

I love your work but in the above you say "walks are plenty"????

What I need is a reduction of walks and a significant rise in " K's"......

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i was looking at the datafile to adjust the delay between pitches, especially when i am pitching. what value needs to be changed? in your readme you mentioned "29" but i don't see a value after it. i think i need to change "36" but i don't see a value there either


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after more testing the values 15-24 in the batterai, if you raise them a bit it increase the contact quality and increases homeruns.

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