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Pitchers: What do you throw?


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I had hit 87 mph before, however I hurt my arm due to throwing the curveball wrong...

Well now am around low 80's with my fastball...

4-seam fastball

2-seam fastball

Knucklecurve(just started throwing it, some control problems at times, but when I can get it working it is one of my best)


Slider/Cutter, breaks right before the plate


A type of forkball, hold the ball in the middle with my index and ring finger, while my middle finger goes under the ball, does not hurt arm much, same movement as the original forkball, just a bit slower.

Not sure if there is a name for it, more like a slurve, have the ball like a 2 seamer, except, index and middle finger to the left of the seam and the ring and pinky to the right of the seam. A sharp break right when it comes to the zone, however if you put the pressure on the pinky and ring finger and take out the index finger it works like a fast screwball.

Am planning on maybe trying to learn the knuckleball, only thrown a no spin pitch twice successfully.

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19 years old---- Weight 128---- Attempting to try out for University @ Buffalo...

4 Seam - never learned how to throw...I lack velocity to use this :hmph:

2 Seam - rather straight but has a tendancy to slide up or down... 50-60 MPH

Circle Change - MY BABY! I love this pitch cuz it slows down soo much! ...ha!

Slider? - I grip this pitch with my index & middle on the far right seam and my thumb underneath the middle i then wind up and release 3/4 while rotating my wrist left like turning a doorknob...this pitch cuts in and sometimes slides up or down a lil...idk what it is tho!

Splitter - I used to think this was a forkball...guess not...index on outside of one seam...middle outside of other, thumb underneath ball with knuckles resting...this pitch upon release (is my best pitch for accuracy!) and dives down

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Weight 128

HAHAHA you need some meat man. Eat...ALOT

Seam - rather straight but has a tendancy to slide up or down... 50-60 MPH

sadly enough, college is all about the speed. The slowest pitcher i've seen pitching in college threw in the upper 70s.

Good luck

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i throwa:

4 Seam FB

2 Seamer




^^ all variations of the same pitch

and a knuckle curve (its pretty good, i can locate it well too, i also change speeds ith it too, ive thrown it el-duque speed too once or twice, batters hate that :lmao: )

and a decent knuckle ball, and a slurve that i dont like to throw b/c i dont want to hurt my arm

i probably top 70 maybe at best, idk ive never measured how fast i throw

im 14, 5'11" 150 lb

im all about throwing strikes though when i pitch, get ahead with the fastball and put em away with the knuckle curve, i only walked 16 compared to 99 Ks in 53.2 IP this yr, in little league, not counting travel.

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I got two pitches:

Fastball and curveball.

That's it. I don't care how hard I throw it, and I don't understand how those could possibly work alone, but it does and it keeps the team in the game.

No changeup because my changeup experiences aren't too good.

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here's my deal...

As a HS Junior

4-seam 86mph

2-seam 83mph

Changeup about 70mph

Curveball about 70mph

Senior year

4-seam 84mph

2-seam 80mph

Changeup 70

Curveball 70

Slider 74

What happened?

Too many curveballs early in my HS years screwed my elbow and I lost 2 months of training in the off-season and 3 weeks during the season to rehab instead of surgery.

I got up to 86mph on my 4-seamer my Freshman year in college but got cut because I was signed as a starter and couldn't throw 7+ innings in a game without having to go 7 days between starts because of arm pain.

I had a brief stint as a reliever throwing about 85mph sidearm with great movement, but by the time I was seeing success that way I was 22 years old, and these teams already had 18 year old lefties throwing 90.

Needless to say I regret not learning a better changeup and staying away from the curve a little while longer...

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15 Years Old, HS Sophomore

2 Seam FB, dives down and inside to Righties, tops out at 85

12-6 Curve, When Thrown well, it drops from the top to the bottom of the zone, really slow, maybe around 50

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  • 1 month later...

Me at age 11, when our two pitchers got kicked out of the game for arguing, coming in from third base.

I had three pitches, in the order of the frequency I threw them in:

1. The hit batsman

2. The three foot off the plater

3. The oh-my-God I can't believe it's a strike


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I pitched in High School and pitch in Adult leagues now I threw a

4-seam Fastball around 83-86

A sinker that had decent drop

A cutter that made lefties cry (ok not that good, but I thought it was my best pitch)

Circle Change - not too special

Three Finger Change - looked like my fastball but came in around 78-80mph

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I'm 15, and kinda skinny.

4 Seam Fastball: Around 72

Curveball: good movement, sometimes great movement.

Circle Changeup: Good movement, keeps hitters out in front

Sinker: This year I haven't gotten any movement on it

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In high school, I threw the following pitches...

2-seam fastball (tails in on righties)

4-seam fastball



In college (Eckerd College '00 - '03) and summer leagues (Great Lakes League '00 and '01), I developed a slider to replace the sluve and started throwing a splitter.

Now I still play in mens baseball leagues (Clearwater, Florida MABL League) and throw both fastballs, slider and change. The split causes too much stress on my elbow and I'm plenty effective without it.

I attached a cool blurred effect pic of me pitching from my college days.

Glad to see so many talented ballplayers on the forum.

- Fletch

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  • 3 weeks later...

5' 9"

12 years old

4 seam -- 64-68 straight and hard

2 seam -- 59-64 not too much movement

change -- 40-45


That's all i need

5'9 at 12 years old! Are you joking!
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My brother was about that at 12, of course he's about 6'8" or so now, he's 21. I may be wrong about that, so don't quote me, but I believe he was that tall. I was around 5'7" or so then, I'm 6'4" now at 23. So, I guess 5'9" at 12 is possible, depending on how you hit growth spurts and what not, plus how tall you are suppossed to be when fully developed.

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5' 9"

12 years old

4 seam -- 64-68 straight and hard

2 seam -- 59-64 not too much movement

change -- 40-45


That's all i need

At 12 years old, that's all you should be throwing. Not for another 5 years will you be able to develop breaking balls and various arm slots.

As for you goons or were 8'4 at the age of 2, try being 5'1 96 pounds at 12, than 6'3 160 pounds 5 years later. :lol:

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Yeah, I hit my growth early like somewhere around 12 or so. It was cool cause I was the tallest guy on my team and in school. Then I stopped at like 15 or so, and have only grown an inch since. Then everyone else caught up. I had my glory days. Man, 6'3" 160, I'm like 6'4" around 230, I have a pretty big frame, but still. Watch who you're callin a goon btw. :spin:

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Splitter and 4-seamer. The splitter seems to really be working good. Why do the people I pitch to keep swinging and missing at it. They know it's never in the strikezone and keep making themselves look like fools. The aluminum bats only make it sweeter to see.

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ive been pitching since age 9 but ive been on a break for one year because i injured my hand..im 18 years old now and in a few months when my hand gets better im gunno go back to NB-Canada and see how good i am

4seamer-86 mph fast and hard no movement(out pitch,strike pitch)

2seamer-79,82 mph alittle movment not throw it when im not sure if i want a strike out or a ground out

Cutter-79,80 mph..my out pitch

Changeup-76 mph alot of movment...throwthis when im tired though...im just a power pitcher..

as you see i dont throiw a curve..i was a started in my highschool though in new brunswick all the the time because i throw fast...injured my hand trying to get a 90 mph 4seamer i still cant pitch..:(

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Sophomore in HS (Canada)

Hopefully I will make the rotation this year. Grade 9 full of politics, hopefully things change this year. ugh

4 seam - high 60's maybe 70

2 seam - high 60's

curve - 58

split - 60's

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  • 1 month later...

if ya go to the batting cages like the one i always go to, they let you throw the ball inside the cages and i throw hard then 75MPH so I think maybe 80 to 85 on a fastball. I cant throw a 2 seamer with much control but my slider also a cutter I like. What wierd about me though is I can throw lefty and right and right with both. I learned as a kid when I lways broke my arm. Im originaly a righty but can do anything with my left and I can throw with better aim with my left when we play football.

Fastball faster than 75

2 seam faster than 75 little control

slider/cutter nice movement but I cant throw this pitch a lot

I can throw all pitches with my left hand as-well with better control too

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  • 2 months later...

Dom's Pitches


My pitches are:

4FB (my best pitch)

2FB (very slow, like a Change but with alot of movement)

Slider (i throw it very rarley because of my arm)

Changeup (good pitch with 2 strikes in the count)

Knuckleball (pretty good, but very slow)

Im very young so i have alot of time still to make my pitches better

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