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Turner Field by PoisonMaddux - WIP


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I like your version of the AL West muuuuuch better than real life! :D

Yeah, me too! I'm going after your Mariners, but as of now they're hard to catch. I've got my game tweaked pretty good, so stealing a win (and keeping my head above .500) is a struggle.

But at least I'm not 11 games down. :)

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Yeah, that's how I do it. I like to keep up with the real time schedule (and rosters) so I can compare stats. Obviously with injuries and such, things are going to be different. But to me, it's fun to try and play (and manage) my team as in real life.

Here are my standings:


hellz yeah, my giants are in first and 8.5 ahead of the bums! man that's hot...

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I ran into some trouble and will have to delay this one a bit. I spent 10+ hours today, mostly on the outfield wall (working with oedit can be very slow)

I'm not sure how much time I'm going to have tomorrow, I'll keep everyone posted.

Sorry, and goodnight.

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I ran into some trouble and will have to delay this one a bit. I spent 10+ hours today, mostly on the outfield wall (working with oedit can be very slow)

I'm not sure how much time I'm going to have tomorrow, I'll keep everyone posted.

Sorry, and goodnight.

Thanks for letting us know. Alot of people are looking forward to this, but just take your time. We appreciate that your at least putting in the effort to get this stadium out. :)

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Ok poson I first must say that you totally out did yourself on this. It looks SPECTACULAR! Muy bien my friend! Ok I got some feed back coming in as we speak so you can include it on night hopefully so here we go:

The LED band goes all the way around the bottom of the lower deck not just the sides:


I don't know if it was in mine or Five's pics but there is a sign/clock combo, very similar but different ads as the right field one, on the left field side above the pen:


I also notcied that during my replay panning that the cingular man dissappeared (didn't test to see if it did it in the game or not):


Also the whole cingular thing needs to move over to the left a bit above the home bullpen:


If you really want to you can put a rolled up rain tarp on the 1B side:


That's all I can find at the moment. Absolute great work poison. Good luck on the night version! :mrgreen:

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Ok poson I first must say that you totally out did yourself on this. It looks SPECTACULAR! Muy bien my friend! Ok I got some feed back coming in as we speak so you can include it on night hopefully so here we go:

The LED band goes all the way around the bottom of the lower deck not just the sides:


I don't know if it was in mine or Five's pics but there is a sign/clock combo, very similar but different ads as the right field one, on the left field side above the pen:


I also notcied that during my replay panning that the cingular man dissappeared (didn't test to see if it did it in the game or not):


Also the whole cingular thing needs to move over to the left a bit above the home bullpen:


If you really want to you can put a rolled up rain tarp on the 1B side:


That's all I can find at the moment. Absolute great work poison. Good luck on the night version! :mrgreen:

more crtisim...sorry. the "welcome to turner field" and "home of the atlanta braves" looks too scrunched up. it needs to be spread out.


you may want to use the more accurate version of the dugouts that was sent to you, the one currently displayed is inaccurate.

any plans to get the retired numbers in?

one more thing, any way to get rid of those stadium shadows? they really stink.

you know, the more i look at it, i realized how much ea really stunk doing the ted, prehaps one of the worst defaults out there. nice work my friend!! you deserve a tomahawk chop.

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Wow I've been really confused here, bravesj858.... We've been communicated through email for a little while now, and the whole time I thought you were Trues...because I also sent him files

I gave him credit where I should have given you, and I'll do my best to correct that mistake...sorry :lol:

To address the flaws:

I am aware of everything that was brought up...

I am limited to vertecies behind home plate and in left field, which account for the following missing objects:

-ads behind homeplate

-LED behind homeplate

-scoreboard in left

-janky cingular dude

I'm going to try to scrounge up some extra entities to make these objects for the future version

Again, sorry for that mixup. Think you could make me a similar nightime sky by any chance?

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You could put in the Andruw's Brew Crew sign:


It looks like this (a crappy version I made and the "A" has a tomahawk through it):


Also if you really wanted it to look cool, you could put people standing(or sitting I suppose) against the railing.

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Let me apologize for being late. As the World's Greatest Braves Fan, I should've critiqued it first.

First off, let me say my socks were absolutely blown off. To be able to build an almost entirely new stadium like that, WOW. Great going. But yeah, it needs plenty of touch-up work. Everything else has been mentioned by my fellow fans, so here are my bits:

- The markers where the baseline coaches stand in should not have dirt, but grass.

- Can you replace the grass texture that is much "smoother" and not staticy, and has more of an emerald-green color? Also, can the infield dirt be a more Georgia-red color?

- The pennants at the 755 Club are much clearer, but they have an unusual font.

- The Bud Light ad in left field is incorrect. It should be: http://image42.webshots.com/42/3/90/67/374...67QUGQdT_ph.jpg (remove the silver border).

- The Bud Light and Comcast ads have also since switched positions.

- The wall next to the Bud Light ad is all blurry.

Otherwise, great job. Thoroughly impressed and the wait was worth it!!! :D

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- Can you replace the grass texture that is much "smoother" and not staticy, and has more of an emerald-green color?

That might be because he hasn't downloaded the universal grass changer.

- The Bud Light ad in left field is incorrect. It should be:

374039067QUGQdT (remove the silver border).

Here's the pic to the url you posted:


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Thanks Stix. I was trying to make it appear but it wasn't showing. I then tried linking it but it sent me to a forbidden page. Talk about your own computer betraying you! :lol:

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Here is a bud light ad I used in Tropicana it may be the right one


No the one That'swhyhesChipper posted is the right one. Thanks for the help though. :mrgreen:

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one thing i failed to mention eariler, the stadium still has a peachy tint to it even though the unis do not have it...any way to fix that?

just to know, that sky was actually stolen from coors field, it represnets turner field and the atlanta area well, partly cloudly skies, some overcast. not sure about getting you a night sky though...i found it pretty hard to make one becuase of the disotrtion it gives off, simular to halofan's problem.

those fans will be coming in time for the new version, but i'm not sure, i'm currently working on another project that's going to take up most of my time for the next week, then the braves are in town, so the rest of june is filled up. if you need the fans sooner than july 1st, ask someone else. i probaly won't be able to do it before then.

i forgot, did i send the top of the chop banner to you? i don't think so....

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Thanks Stix. I was trying to make it appear but it wasn't showing. I then tried linking it but it sent me to a forbidden page.

It's because it's webshots. IDK why but I cant make it show there, I just host at imageshack now.

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one thing i failed to mention eariler, the stadium still has a peachy tint to it even though the unis do not have it...any way to fix that?

It was implied. And no, the uniforms do have the peacy tint and that's the result of the dusk lighting still present. Somebody mentioned lighting and hopefully that should be fixed.

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It was implied. And no, the uniforms do have the peacy tint and that's the result of the dusk lighting still present. Somebody mentioned lighting and hopefully that should be fixed.

i'm refreing to the lighting values found in the stadium files, when changed to day, it still has no effect on the rest of the stadium, only the unis. even though after the change of lighting values does elimate peachy tint from the unis, it still remains on the rest of the stadium.

i thought the best way for posion to avoid this situation was to inculde a modded lighting values file to go along with the ted day.

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