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2006 College Basball Wishlist


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Post what you want in the game that is most likely gona be out for 2006. Sure its early but hey theres a lot of people and a lot of opinions! Admins I didnt know ehere to put this so you can move it to where you think is proper.

So lets see some ideas!

Create A School

Create a Stadium (not like MVP 2005 though)

Real rosters

All D1 teams

and most important make it moddible!

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divison 2+3 schools please!!! they get ignored by everyone so much, i think it's time for them to get some exporsure...i will problay buy ethier way, but this would make that desicion a no brainer if the lower divisons were in there.

easily moddable (like mvp)

some kind of points system that rewards your school for having players with good grades and make it to the bigs...like more retutiment options depending on how your school is doing in outside forces.

make ademics a factor in the players seasons...like finals week. make how you schedule pratices etc effect the players somehow, and have a player mabye flunk a test, mabye order tutoring, have their grades posted up throughout the season, and maybe some grade tendicies.

i doubt they will have real rosters, mostly becuase the ncaa agremment only covers schools and not the students...imagine the costs of ea tracking down all the athletes down in divison 1, and the rosters change much more than at the pros. but we can fix that.

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NYM: This is fine where it is. Good idea for a thread, I'm kind of hoping someone from EA pops in here to read this stuff. It makes me wonder if they didn't hop on this college idea after they saw what Snash and the others were doing in here.

Either way, I hope it is for PC and we can continue modding it.

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O yea another great idea!!! You know how in NCAA 2005 for football you cna transport players to Madden....well maybe they can get college players to be in the draft in MVP 2005. Thanks for the comment Y4L

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  NYM91 said:
O yea another great idea!!! You know how in NCAA 2005 for football you cna transport players to Madden....well maybe they can get college players to be in the draft in MVP 2005. Thanks for the comment Y4L

related to that would be a higher chance you can recruit the best players from high school if your players go to the pros.

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You should submit this to EA. I was recently on NLCS(NBA LIVE Series Center) and every year they submit a wishlist to EA, and EA bases some of the new game features and fixes on this wishlist. Just a hint :wink:

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How about draft classes like in NCAA & Madden. Real rosters don't matter all that much few hours in front of the comp can do it but no one really wants to work it...

I have the best idea for the wish list...


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  NYM91 said:
Real rosters

That will never happen, it's against the rules. Real rosters will be a result of a geeks sleepless week spent typing them up.

Similar to how it happens for NCAA Football.

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the only reason i wanted real rosters is because my cousin is on St Johns. But i can create him if they have that option.....and you know what now that i think about it screw the rosters!!!! why do we need rosters??? just say the rosters were real, like wed no they were lol.

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hey guys a cool thing i realized.....didnt EA SPORTS sign a deal that enables them to use a ESPN overlay??? Thats why T2 cant use it. If they have a college game theyll have a ESPN overlay!!! thats cool. it will be like real life.

hope they make this game.

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