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trying to include .bat files with my cyberfaces....


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but for some reason, EAZIP is not working for me anymore. I am assuming I need to compress the files (.fsh .ord .orl) before posting them here for download since people wont be using Bigui to import and then compress them,

but everytime I go to Run - then EAZIP, it only flashes for a second.

any ideas?

the application is located in my windows folder.


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I compress my files with big gui. The problem is not compressing with big gui, only rebuilding them after compression. The game works fine if you compress them with BigGui. I don't use an installer anyway, since the installer doesn't work after you have 2,999 files installed in the models.big . I use eagraph to install the cyberfaces, then BigGui to compress. Also, if you install multiple cyberfaces at the same time, the trick is to not compress all the cyberfaces at the same time, but rather compress each of the 3 files that make up the cyberface. Then compress the next 3 & the next 3 etc...

I also do not compress uniform files after installing them. They work fine without compression. Actually if you compress them after installing the uniforms, if you already have 2,999 files inside it, it corrupts the models.big file.

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eazip is a command line program, you either need to use it in a dos window or create a batch file like

eazip -c *.orl

eazip -c *.ord

Eazip -c *.fsh

now you need to have your face files, eazip, and the batch file all in the directory

Run the batch file and all face releated files will be compressed

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