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Citizens Bank Park Completed Both Night and Day


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Citizens Bank Park Done!

I finished it just now at 12:45 am with a thunderstorm in the background.

Here are the changes I am uploading it as we speak.

Good Night and Good Day, onto Jacobs Field.

Citizens Bank Park Version 6.0

Changes to both Night and Day:


Out of Town Scoreboard in right field.

Dodge Ad in Right Field

Fence in Center


Railings from green to white

All Ads redone

Bell is now white and has the crossbars in it

Clock now has MAB Paints ad

Put the Citizens Bank Park sign in correct area

Photo Realistic Video Boards

Brick in Center Field

Not added yet was Plantings in Center field

Serial Mikes Grass still used.

Thanks for the Grass Mike.

Sky by GoChiefs and RGlass.

Everything else created by Pirate.

Thanks to Everdver to making this discovery public.

Thanks to Ezorn for answering a question along the way.

Thanks Renegade for inspiring me to do this. Had it not been for that series in NY at Shea I would not have attempted it.


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Ok Pirate I just got back from playing ;) Now im not here to complain just asking if maybe u can help me out.In the day version u see the MLB.com grass patch and MLBPA grass patch?Well they dont seem to appear now this is only in the day version the night is fine.all I see in the spot where they are suppose to be are two black boxes.Do u think I have to resize them or something to make them show?What should I do.Give me some input on this Pirate.Thanks


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Hey Pirate I figured it out.Was there a reason u had alpha.BMP's for MLB.com and the MLBPA grass patches?Cause thats what was showing in the game the alpha.BMP's.I just deleted them and edited the index then was getting a error so I went into the cram32 nite index and copyed 0042-3 lines and 0043-2 lines and went back to the day cram32 index took out lines 0040-3 0041-2 lines and pasted the lines from the nite cram32 and just switched 0043-2 and 0042-3 too 0041-2 and 0040-3 and all is fine now.Thanks for the Mod Pirate u are the man bro. :mrgreen:

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Great Job, Pirate!.

As soon as my primary system is ready to go again, I will definitely enjoy playing in Citizen's Park. By the way, Thome's got it right... I check the stadium in my laptop and was able to see the MLB.com patch in the day version. I'd rather not have it present in any of the two versions, so if you can fix it, it'll be appreciated.



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Nope no right field foul pole in night version.U get a chance Pirate can check it out my little trick with the grass patches didnt work on the foul poles.So if u get any free time take a look into it.Thanks


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