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Pitcher accuracy meter


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I'm using rods version 5 datafile. I'm really enjoying it but having a lot of trouble pitching. Can someone give me the values i need to change to make the green sweetspot bar wider and easier to hit the pitches. For me at the moment it seems a bit narrow.

thanks in advance.

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.132 just messes with the fielder's meter. That is the only AccuracyWidth i see when i search, but there is badaccuracywidth and 2 more, should i change those instead or what?

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There might be more than one AccuracyWidth in the datafile. Check to make sure you are in the right section. I think the one you want is under <BatterPitcher>.

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does that really help? cause that value is the same in the roddata as it was in the default that came with the game, and it was certainly alot easier to pitch before :evil:

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i changed it to .132 and the green part got bigger but even as the game went on the fatigue did not affect my pitchers accuracy and effectiveness, my pitcher was at 20% and i was holding the power all the way and the accuracy meter was the same as it was in the first inning, very unrealistic

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