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making new portraits tutorial


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Is there a detailed tutorial on how to make new portraits and add them for a created player??

I have looked through the forum and have found that it has to be 2 layers with transparency, must be 128x128, and then saved as a fsh file and finally imported to the portrait.big using eagraph... then i added the corresponding number to the custom player using MVPedit.

well, i have done all of that, and the portrait is listed in the portrait.big file when i look at it through eagraph, AND it even shows up in MVPedit when i select the created player, but when i try to select the player in the roster in the game, it crashes me out to the desktop! :banghead:

I have tried a few different things, and still the same result... I am obviously missing a step somewhere, any ideas??

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Is there a detailed tutorial on how to make new portraits and add them for a created player??

I have looked through the forum and have found that it has to be 2 layers with transparency, must be 128x128, and then saved as a fsh file and finally imported to the portrait.big using eagraph... then i added the corresponding number to the custom player using MVPedit.

well, i have done all of that, and the portrait is listed in the portrait.big file when i look at it through eagraph, AND it even shows up in MVPedit when i select the created player, but when i try to select the player in the roster in the game, it crashes me out to the desktop! :banghead:

I have tried a few different things, and still the same result... I am obviously missing a step somewhere, any ideas??

yep you forgot to change the id number in the fsh file itself...

that's critical

don't know what tutorial you're following, but include this step right after you have your fsh file..

read this thread.. pay attention to where it says renaming the fsh file


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that could have been it... i got it working now, but honestly i don't even know what i changed to get it going in the end cause i tried so many things!

anyway... i'll keep that in mind when i try to edit some more portraits and hopefully things will go smoothly...

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