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Last Chant Mod: And The Crowd Goes Wild!


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yeaaa, this mod is sick. mad loud on my speakers, feels like yankee stadium/fenway to the max. and love the video ahaha, chipper says HEY MO!

i have most of ur audio mods, theyre all sick. this is your LAST mod right? maybe you'll come with something later on, neva know. thanks for all the work.

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haha yea i also like the "hey mo" that you recieved from chipper haha...but i like the mod, good work, sounds GREAT.

Yeah, that was pretty good. :lmao:

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I still think you should replace the siren after homers with my 30-second Get Ready for This clip I think I sent you earier.

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Sorry, maybe you did not understand, I'm only allotted 10-14 seconds, your clip is 30 seconds, and I'd have to disable the 4-6 second clip that comes on when a homer is jacked or else your clip will play at the same time as the 4-6 second clip is playing. The homer run sound fx are tricky because of that. I'd have to replace the home run songs with music files that play no sound at all so that when your clip comes on you only hear your clip-for 10-14 seconds. Plus there are a handful of sirens so I'd have to replace all of them so you'd be albe to hear it more often. Sorry, it is just tricky. "It's tricky to rock a rhym rock a rhym that's right on time it's tricky". Sorry. Run DMC there :huh:.

I'm working on a mod to replace the sounds for when the crowd is quiet. I'm also thinking about changing the file that says "Chipper! Chipper! Chipper!" to be one that says "Booooooooooooo". Not sure yet. These won't be mods I'll release though.

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Has anyone tried this on a modded XBOX yet? I'd love to ch..ch..check it out for PC, but I have glowing players and don't like playing it (Unless someone wants to buy me a new Vid Card :lol: )...If no one has tried it on the XBOX, I will tomorrow and give feedback to see if it worked.

-CB with a K

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A specific Indians chant mod would be sweet, with the drum beating everytime a runner gets into scorring position and at any other big time in the game. I don't know if this is possible, but it sure would be neat.

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Uncle Mo, can u make the crowd go wild during an at-bat for like the whole game and not just when they get base hits?

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