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I have a question for somebody. I have just bought MVP 2005 for xbox. And i really want the new rosters and the cardinals jersey with the bush stadium patch. The problem is that i dont have a modded xbox and i dont have xbox live. Is there anyways that someone and save that stuff onto a memory card and can mail it to me and i will pay them the money if they can do it. If you can will some one please reply to thi smessage i really want the rosters and jersey.

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If someone can do the same for PS2 I'd hook you up with the $ either with a check, cash, or paypal depending on what you've got. PM me. It is for my brother who is computer illiterate :doh: and won't get a modded PS2. Gracias.

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don't post too much. wait a few days, if no answer, forget it. if you post too much like the last 2 above, they'll lock this thread. i'd suggest patience. no offense, just telling you so that this thread won't get locked for spamming.

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Its impossible. Stadiums and Unis edit other files, not just the roster file which the ps2 can only edit. Theres no way for us to edit the stadium and uni files since its on the disk and not on a hardrive like the pc version is. Thats why with a modded xbox or ps2 you can burn a new version of the game with those files editted.

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