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Something odd I noticed about my strikeouts


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I noticed that 100% of my strikeouts as a batter come against a pitcher of the same side. All of my right handed batters strikeout only against a right pitcher, just as all lefties strike out against lefties. I find it very odd, anyone else notice this?

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I don't. :shrug:

Neither do I. I'm not much for striking out guys(maybe 4 a game) and I once struck out Wilkerson, Johnson, and Vidro in a row with Smoltz or Hudson.

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When I played a Dynasty with the Red Sox that happened to me with a few players. But mainly with Manny Ramirez. He had about 50 strikeout and they were all against righties which I found to be odd as well.

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Just to make sure you understand, I meant when I'm batting, not pitching. Anyway, I really noticed it because in one dynasty I changed a righty to a lefty and noticed that I would only strike out against a lefty. It must be the way I see the ball, when I'm pitching I've never had this happen, I strike out righties and lefties pretty consistently.

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I know this is an issue with the game, but I understood it be simply an error in the way the stats are recorded. All strike outs are recorded as coming from the same handed pitcher as your batter is...I didn't think it really happens in the game, it's just recorded incorrectly.

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