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Zach's Cyberface Request Thread


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In this thread you can request cyberfaces for me to make. Just post the player you want and a headshape suggestion.

Ex: Damon Hollins - use Reggie Sanders as headshape.

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freddy sanchez - headshape possibly ivan rodriguez or david wright?

tike redman - headshape possibly dontrelle willis?

i'm not 100% sure on these headshapes but i think they're close - maybe someone can provide better suggestions

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Kevin Thompson- Trenton Thunder (Yankees AA)

Kinda looks like Griffey Headshape to me...


Melky Cabrera- Trenton Thunder (Yankees AA)

I can't really think of a headshape I'll get back to ya.

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Kevin Mench

Ryan Drese

Rod Barajas

Chris Young (Rangers)

Make sure all of these will work with an already-started dynasty! The current Kevin Mench cyberface does not!

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No face works with a previously started dynasty, unless it is replacing an already installed face

Mmmm, I see. Guess I'm out of luck then, please disregard.

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Here's another request for you Zach, since I made one over at dotOrg yesterday for Ryan Gomes.

If you look a few threads around this one, you'll see a Manny Ramirez request thread. That has a nice high-res picture. If you can o-edit Manny for he has less of an afro and more of dreds, that would be great. His face also needs some editing.

And if you search the forums for high-res player shots thread, you'll also find a picture of Kevin Millar, who is in desperate need of an upgrade.

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Can someone make a Prince Fielder or Weeks face?

Someone already made a Prince Fielder one, but there definitly needs to be a Rickie Weeks one...he's awesome and will be for years to come. I agree with Peavy and TribeTime about Cordero and Garland, they definitly need there own.

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