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User Pitchcounts


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This might have been discussed a few times already, sorry if I posted this again.

My question is how do I increase the amount of balls I throw. I tried all the Data Files but they do not help until the 7th innning. I throw about 50 pitches per 7 innnings. Is there a datafile that makes it a lot more difficult to throw strikes?

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I have turned off everything, strike zone, hot/cold zones, vibration...it helps a bit, but quite often I still have unrealistically low pitch counts late in the game. Maybe next year :banghead:

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Turn CPU contact down to -25 or -30.
That helps, too.

Beyond that, I don't know what other advice to give. I just threw 90 pitches in seven innings in my last game with my starter.

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its hard to get your pitch counts up, you can manage about 103 (thats the most i ever managed) if you pitch a complete game and pitch about 4-5 pitches more if needed to each batter the only downside is that it takes 100% perfection because the green thing becomes a hair

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