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The Big, Nasty, All-encompassing Faq List!


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Well, here goes. My attempt to answer some (or hopefully, most) of the most frequently asked questions about MVP Baseball 2005 for the PC.

Hope it helps. :)


Where can I download the latest version of MVPEdit?

From here

When I open MVPEdit, I get an error message saying that a file is not found.

If the error mentions the file MSCOMCTL.OCX, COMDLG32.OCX or TABCTL32.OCX, download this file. When it's downloaded, run it. When this has finished, run MVPEdit again and you should be able to use it without the error appearing again.

How do I load my roster for the first time?

This depends on how you have got your roster to begin with. If the file you downloaded comes as a .mbe file, then simply open MVPEdit and click Open from the toolbar, then find the .mbe file. Click the Open button and the file will load so that you can view it and make changes to it. If you want to use the roster set you already have in MVPEdit or if you have downloaded a roster with lots of .dat files, open MVPEdit then click Import from the toolbar. You will be shown a folder location section with 2 buttons, OK and Cancel. Double-click on the database folder so that you see something similar to the following;


then click OK. You will then be asked where you want to save the file. Choose anywhere you want, but for convenience, you can use the MVPEdit folder. Choose a name for the file, then click Save and the files will be imported from your game directory and you can then view and edit them as you wish. From now on, instead of importing every time, you can just use the Open button to load the file you just created, which will be a .mbe file.

I've made the changes I want to make, but when I click Tools-Check Errors, it says my lineups are incomplete when they aren't.

This is a known bug in MVPEdit, but it isn't actually related to the lineups at all. Click the rotation tab, take a note of the way you have your pitching set out, from the rotation to long relief, middle relief, set up and closer, then remove all the players from all the boxes in this tab so that your pitching is totally clear. Now, but all the players back the way they were and click Tools-Check Errors again and the error should be gone.

How do I export my roster into the game?

Once you've loaded your roster in MVPEdit and have made all the changes you want to make, click the Export button on the toolbar. This will load a window with 2 buttons (OK and Cancel) and a folder location section. In this section, double-click on the database folder, so that when you are ready to click OK, your window looks similar to this:


If it does, click OK. You may be shown a message saying "File exists. OK to overwrite?" with OK and Cancel buttons. Click OK and the progress status at the bottom left of MVPEdit will start to update to let you know the status of the export. When that says "Save complete", the rosters have been exported correctly, so you can now close MVPEdit if you wish.

I exported my rosters, but they don't show up in-game.

You may need to click Reset Rosters in MVP 2005 to get the game to recognise your changes. You can find the Reset Rosters button by going to Roster Management from the main menu of the game.

The rosters showed up in-game, but when I try to play a game with them, the game closes with an error message and takes me back to the desktop.

There are a few things that could cause this, but the most common one seems to be using inaccurate face ID's or audio/photo ID's. Load the rosters in MVPEdit, then check through the players on the teams you selected to make sure that you haven't set an incorrect face or audio/photo ID.

I have created a player in MVPEdit, but don't know what face to give him.

Using MVPEdit, go to the Appearance tab, then look at the middle-right section and you'll find a "Face" field. In here, you input the face number you want to use. If you want to use a cyberface, install the cyberface, then set this field to the face number mentioned in the readme file that came with the download. If you just want to use a generic face, use any number from 901 to 915. This chart shows what the default faces look like with black hair, hair style 5 and no facial hair.


If you do want to use facial hair, change the hair colour or hair style, you can just change the fields for them in MVPEdit.

I've created a roster and started a dynasty, but I want to make more changes. If I make these changes, will they affect my dynasty?

No. The rosters that you start the dynasty with are stored in the dynasty file itself, and that hasn't been edited successfully yet. If you want your created dynasty to have the latest changes you've made, you'll have to restart your dynasty. The same applies to owner mode.

I really like MVPEdit, is there any way I can let the author know how much I appreciate it?

Yes, you can support MVPEdit and help out the author by going to the page he created for MVPEdit, located at http://www.glass4.com/mvpedit and going to the "SUPPORT MVPEDIT" section, where you should find 2 donation links.

Missing players in MVP Baseball 2005

Due to various legal reasons, some players have been omitted from MVP 2005. In some cases, it's because the player has left the MLBPA voluntarily and has requested that they not be involved in the game without their permission, in other cases it's because the player is not a member of the MLBPA and if a player is not in the MLBPA, they can't be in MVP 2005. Well, not officially anyway! Here is a list of players that are in the game, but may be using incorrect names or information. You can edit this information using MVPEdit. The name of the player in-game is on the left, and the player's actual name is on the right. If you have trouble finding the player, you can use the Find function in MVPEdit.

MLB Players

Scott Barcik = Brendan Donnelly

Angel Brown = Keith Osik

Jake Byrd = Tom Martin

Aaron Callaway = Justin Miller

Roger Chamberlain = Damian Miller

Paul Cruz = Lou Merloni

John Dowd = Barry Bonds

Erik Eldred = Jeff Baker

Anthony Friese = Kevin Millar

Neale Genereaux = Ron Mahay

Alan Hughes = Cory Lidle

Ryan Lewis = Eddie Oropesa

Tim Murphy = Frank Menechino

Bailey Osbourne = Brian Daubauch

Chris Parker = Charles Gipson

Daryle Patterson = Matt Herges

Larry Reed = Shane Spencer

Daryl Smith = Jamie Walker

Scott Smith = Jose Flores

Scott Venema = Kerry Ligtenberg

There are also lots of minor league players who are in the game, but with incorrect names or appearances. You can find a list of these players here. In most of the roster updates available on MVPMods.com, these players names and appearances will already be replaced by more realistic ones.

Downloading modification programs

Where can I download BIGGUI?

From here.

Where can I download EA Graphics Editor?

From here.

Where can I download GFXPAK?

From here.

Where can I download FshEd?

From here.

Where can I download nFSHTool?

From here.

Where can I download OEdit and ORD Tools?

From here. OEdit currently not available, ND4SPWorld has closed and the file is no longer available for download. Will contact author and discuss options.

Where can I download the DF Compression Utility?

From here.

Miscellaneous questions

Do uniforms from MVP 2004 work in MVP 2005?


Do stadiums from MVP 2004 work in MVP 2005?


Is there any way to replace the menu music?

Yes. You'll need a program named Ditty Importer, which you can get from here. Download it, run it, then click the Browse button to the right of Convert File. Find the file you want to use in the menu music, then click Open. Click the Browse button to the right of Output Folder, then find the music folder inside your MVP 2005 installation folder. The default install folder is C:Program FilesEA SPORTSMVP Baseball 2005dataaudiocdmusic, so unless you know that you've installed the game to somewhere else, this is the folder you need. When you've selected the music folder, click OK, then click Import. The status bar will fill and when the file has been created, the status bar will empty. Do this for 9 files that you want to play in the menu, then close the Ditty Importer. Now, browse to the music folder and delete the files named menu1.asf, menu2.asf, menu3.asf, menu4.asf, menu5.asf, menu6.asf, menu7.asf, menu8.asf and menu9.asf, then rename the files you have just created to menu1.asf etc. respectively. When this is done, you should have 9 files in this folder named menu*.asf where * is 1 through 9. Now, when you load up the game, you should have your own menu music.

Is it possible to change the names of the tracks that appear on the EATrax box and in the Jukebox?

Yes. You will need a program named LocLook, available here. Download this, then run it and open the FEENG.LOC file. In the "Find" field, type in "IOU" and click Find. That should take you to a part of the list where, by scrolling up and down, you will see the names of the artists, tracks and albums that the tracks appear on. Simply change these, one by one, clicking the "Change" button after each, to represent the tracks you have inserted in the step above, then click Save. Close this program, then, the next time you load MVP Baseball 2005, you should see the appropriate names, tracks and album titles being displayed in both EATrax and in the Jukebox.

Is there any way to save a game in progress without losing it?

Unfortunately, no.

I messed up/moved/deleted/can't find a file, where can I get it? Do I have to ask someone to send me it?

No, you don't. You can get any file from the original game CD's. The default game .exe file, as well as the default stadiums and some of the audio is located on CD 2, and pretty much everything else is on CD 1. Just open the CD folder on your system and copy the default file from the CD. Some files, such as the default rosters, are contained inside a file named compressed.zip on CD 1. The same applies here, just extract any files you need from the .zip file.

I find Owner Mode too hard because I never have enough money. Is there any way to increase the size of my in-game wallet?

Yes, you can use a program named ArtMoney, which you can download from here. If you have any questions regarding the use of this software, please contact the author of the program.

Is there any way to have all the secret uniforms, stadiums and players unlocked without having to complete all the MVP tasks?

Yes, and it's brought to you by the same person who created MVPEdit. You can download it by clicking here. You can download an "unlocked" profile from here. When you've downloaded the file, extract the .sav file and place it in your My Documents\MVP Baseball 2005 folder, then load it in-game and everything should be unlocked.

Do the rosters expand to 40-man rosters in September?

Unfortunately, no.

I've started a dynasty, but have since added in some cyberfaces and changed some audio/photo ID's. Will they show in my dynasty?

As with the similar MVPEdit question above, no. Unless you have already set the audio/photo ID's and cyberface numbers before starting the dynasty, then started the dynasty with these numbers in place, then they will be exactly the same as they were when you started the dynasty. If you want them to show, you'll have to restart your dynasty. The same applies to owner mode.

I don't know how to use a OEdit, can I ask here?

You can, but it's probably best to contact the author of the program first, since they will probably give you more accurate and detailed information. If that fails, then I'm sure someone on MVPMods.com could help you.

Do I have to watch those introductory movies every time before I play the game?

Thanks to Trues, no, you don't. You can download his "No intro movies" file from here. There are instructions on how to use the files inside the download.

When I try to change the player detail level, it is stuck on "Low" and won't let me change it.

This is most likely caused by your PC not having enough graphics power to deal with the higher level of graphics, so the game recognises this and limits the detail it can show. Check out this thread for some possible solutions.

How can I take screenshots in the game?

There are a few methods. If you would like to take videos as well, you could check out FRAPS, available from here. You can also take screenshots with FRAPS. If, however, you only want to take screenshots, you might prefer something simple like Howie's Quick Screen Capture, available from here. There are other programs available that do the same type of job, but these 2 seem to be the most popular.

When I try to add the latest patch to the game, I get an error saying "Old file not found".

This is caused by non-default rosters or game files, so if you get this error when applying a patch, backup your rosters, as well as any other game files you may have replaced, then copy the default rosters and/or game files from CD 1, then run the patch again and it should work. When it's completed, put your old files back into their normal folder.

I am using a widescreen display. Is it possible to get MVP 2005 to run in widescreen mode?

It's possible to get the game to run in a widescreen resolution, but the image may be "stretched" from 4:3 or 5:4 as opposed to running at true 16:9 widescreen. Check out this thread for information.

What is the best roster update available?

This will depend on when you're actually reading this, as new updates are released almost every other week from at least one source, as well as what you're looking for in a roster. At the time of writing, Totte's Ultimate Roster project includes updated major and minor leagues, SwinginSoriano's Epic Rosters contain only major leaguers, significant minor leaguers and players on major league 40-man rosters, and kgbaseball's roster includes SwinginSoriano's major league players as well as kgbaseball's minor leaguers. You might be able to base your selection on this, but the best bet is really to try all 3 and see what you prefer.

I just got the game. What should I download first?

Again, there is no hard and fast answer to this. Have a look around the forums, see what you're looking for, and browse the downloads section for a while. The basics you'll probably be looking for are rosters, stadiums and portraits, so have a look at those sections and go from there.

Does MVP 2005 work on Windows Vista and Windows 7?

Yes, MVP 2005 works normally with Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Well, that's all I can think of for now. Hope these helped some people and save some forum space. :)

Good luck, and enjoy the game!

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Man, this is perfect. I think every new person on here should be required to read this. Even print it out if they want. This answers a lot of questions that are constantly asked in here. Thank you Mark.

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Need to point out that skin tone need to match with the face(you don't want a black man with a white body, right? :lol: )

From what I know:

Skin Tone Matching Generic face











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Need to point out that skin tone need to match with the face(you don't want a black man with a white body, right? :lol: )

From what I know:

Skin Tone Matching Generic face











Well, skin tones aren't required with the generic faces like I listed above, but it can't hurt to have them listed as you've done. :)

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Well, skin tones aren't required with the generic faces like I listed above, but it can't hurt to have them listed as you've done. :)

It is, I once created a Black player with the default 1 skin tone. And you know the result(Michael Jackson arm and Barry Bond face :eew: )

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face ID: 15

It was hilarious though. :lmao:

15 or 915? That's strange, because every time I've set the face to 901-915, it uses the skin tone from that face, not the skin tone field you set. The default face ID numbers over-ride the skin tone function.

Thanks for the comments, guys.

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Very useful MarkB.....this will help the newcomers out big time. You should sticky this or even make it an announcement because its got every answer.

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lol markb u left one out... at the very end it should read....

And the final FAQ...

Did MarkB leave any other FAQ's out?

A: Of course not. If your wondering this then 1) You have too much time on your hands and 2) Whatever you do come up with isn't frequent if you had to think about it.

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mabye this is a bit much, but mabye tell a one setence despriction of what each modding tool does, like what oedit does, and where they are most often used in.

and with the direct ip matches starting to become popular, i think mabye a small section should be decidated to that...mabye yankee4life can help you here.

nice job, answers most of the newbie questions.

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Thanks Mark this is perfect :wtg:



GO GRIFFEY JR GO!!!!(future 600 HR club member)

Playoffs teams are: Red Sox, Orioles, White Sox, Angels, Nationals, Cardinals, Padres, Marlins

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or you can just use the installer that does everything for you... and it looks like u missed my post about if he missed any...

there's an installer that extracts pbp from the game, cuts up the files, combines them to make a new name and reinstalls the correct files in the correct format? How did I miss that one?

and I saw your post which was why I added mine!

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you have missed 1, how to exportimportmod audio, eg callnames, play by play, announcers etc :wtg:

This isn't a tutorial thread. Its intention is to help new people how to install common mods, not make them.

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