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Sure, you can use 0.

Now that I tried it out, I believe I know the problem.

Since it's 2x, you must delete the silhouette portrait first, which is only 1x. There's a delete option when you click on the picture.

After that, just make sure "2x Portraits" is checked, and it should work.

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wow, thx for all the help here

yes the alpha is 256x256

i have it saved as 24-bit, but also tried 256, 16 and 2 colors, still no luck (my computer doesnt have an 8-bit option)

i changed the audio/photo # to 2, which is unused, but still just says "no picture found"

i appreciate everyone helping me out here, it must be ovious ive never done this before

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick question--thanks to this thread I've basically figured out how to use MVPEdit, but I haven't figured out how to place a player on the DL. Can anyone explain this? I.e., do I need to start a dynasty and import/export that file somehow?

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I am running a fantasy team on another message board and the game won't let me create more than 25 players. I figured I could edit the name of a few other "real" players to allow everyone to join. Now the link to MVPEdit is down and I'm wondering if someone can tell me where else I can download this tool? I have been searching for over an hour with no luck.


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I am running a fantasy team on another message board and the game won't let me create more than 25 players. I figured I could edit the name of a few other "real" players to allow everyone to join. Now the link to MVPEdit is down and I'm wondering if someone can tell me where else I can download this tool? I have been searching for over an hour with no luck.



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Thanks Maestro. Cubs fan eh? My little league team was the Cubs. We went 4 years with only one loss!

No prob man. Alot of people miss the link. It's the bottom link on the page with the dead link. :smile:

One loss huh? Maybe we should fly your team into Wrigleyville before the season starts. :chin:

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Also, if I want to edit a SAVED roster, where will the file be located on my box? For example, I want to edit players in a roster saved as Expos, so where will I locate this file? Thanks again.

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