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Concept Uni Request Thread + 60 Uni Project


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no, i think from what i've heard, the code is assigned based on team. I.E. Houston can never have the number on the other side, because none of their unis have them there.

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Strange that when I told you this, I got abuse!!!

Once again.. The uniform styles and font info is hidden (I believe in the exe) and no-one has yet deciphered it, or more accurately, no one has even bothered. At it is dependant on the actual uni, not the team. If you overwrite a 20s style uni, the uni will still be 20s style, no helmetsnumbers and high pants etc. And copying an Indians uni into the Houston slot will make no difference to the position of fonts, but you are more than welcome to prove me wrong, as I said before. I'd love to know how to change this stuff.

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biker jim and have both said this before about the fonts placement are out of our control. so i can canform that is he case and can confirm its been said repatedly.

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:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: I thought more people would DL our ALW concept uni pack??????? O well i guess the people who DL them will be sastified but all the others who dodn't DL them will be missing out :wall:

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I spy some sweet catcher's gear in those photos ...

By the by, what are those weird shoes the Cards are wearing? I've never seen those before.

Me either, 2 questions though, What does by the by mean? :shrug: And do all those unis look ok?? :wtg:
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Letterman says "by the by" every now and then, just means "by the way."

Well, I decided i'm gonna keep my comments about other people's work to myself, since alot of people on here have no sense of humor and assume I say everything with hatred as my intention. BUT, since you asked, i'll leave a little feedback:

-- The Reds jersey with the mustached baseball man just looks silly. I can't believe they actually use to use that logo.

-- As for the cards, the first one to me is just their retro jersey thats already in the game but in sleeveless mode, and the other Cards jersey isn't half bad. I like the red jersey with blue sleeves idea, but there's just something about that logo, I think maybe it's too much white.

But hey, you guys are working your butts off and I respect that. Keep on keepin' on ...

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