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Batting stance missing..


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Hey, just noticed after the 2nd or 3rd patch..Tim Salmon and Andruw Jones' batting stance has disappeared..well Andruw jones' still there but got Chipper's stance duplicated into his stance instead. They actually fixed the lefty bug but got rid of a couple stance :roll: Hopefully the next patch doesn't get rid of more stances :lol:

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andrew jones and chipper jones have had the stance since the game was out of the box nothing changed

actually there are two different stances.

Is there another patch coming out?

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wht are u talking about when the game first came out with no mods right out of the box chipper jones and andrew jones both had the upright stance so dont tell me i dont no wht iam talking about i play with the mets so that was the first team i played with so i no they were both using the same stance

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andrew jones and chipper jones... almost have the exact same batting stance... but its not the same, a lil different... now salmon duznt evn hav a specific batting stance, just bagwells stance put on him....

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Guess the MVPEdit gotta get rid of salmon's stance out of the list..that's why i thought they actually had it for some reason..but yeah..i remember seeing him using bagwell's. But dammit..Andruw Jones! bring his stance back! :p

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Guess the MVPEdit gotta get rid of salmon's stance out of the list..that's why i thought they actually had it for some reason..but yeah..i remember seeing him using bagwell's. But dammit..Andruw Jones! bring his stance back! :p

ummm, his stance is still in my game.

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