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Repacking the files into the fsh file...


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Hey, i know another uniform crap but i'm almost there with the batch file, i've been trying to repack the files back into the FSH file eventhough i get those error messages popping up, so i'm wondering what's the right command?

So far i've tried

-rp (that's the one i get the error msgs)

-e (extract) eventhough the weird thing is they extract files out of the fsh file, into a PNG file when it's supposed to be an BMP file

hmm...i dunno, i'm still a bit new with the batch file, so any other commands i should try, or at least will work if any of you guys know better than i do heh.

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Not exactly sure what your question is, are you trying to put a newly edited .fsh back into the models.big?

I haven't done anything with uniforms, but the command for that should ould be:

gfxpak -p models.big xxxxx.fsh

So basically you would unpack the models.big with this:

gfxpak -u models.big

Which results in many many files...

Use NFSHtool to unpack the appropriate .fsh

Edit the resulting .bmp

Rebuild the .fsh using NFSHtool again

Reinsert the .fsh back into the models.big using the command I listed above.

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Well I meant is repacking the BMP back into the FSH file..i've tried FSHEd, EA Graphics, Batch file..nothing works. When i edit the BMP file and if i try and find it thru the FSHEd, the file is there but shows nothing in there, so it won't let me import it..

I hardly touch it, i just resized it to a default size instead of the 2x (using moser's uniform updates)

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I've been using NFSHtool...

When you unpack models.big you get a bunch of .fsh's, with NFSHtool, you just double click on the .fsh and it unpacks it into a new folder as a bunch of .bmps and a file called index.fsh...edit the .bmp and then double click the index.fsh file and it zips them all back up into the .fsh file...you have to go in and edit the index.fsh (right click, select edit) and change the dimensions of the pics that it expects to see if you are changing the dimensions of the .bmps, you might also need to increase the amount of memory allocated (BUFSZ) if you are using a bunch of bigger images.

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yeah, i've tried the NFSHTool, and i have to do something to let them let me reduce the size, 'casue when i did, it's like they won't let me reduce the size. so i would assume, reduce the memory or something eh

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Also i don't see edit anywhere on the index.fsh's right click menu

Edit: nevermind, i just opened it with notepad, so now i'm just gonna figure out to let them reduce the size

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Also i don't see edit anywhere on the index.fsh's right click menu

Sorry, use "Open With" and select Notepad

Here is the one from the bats index.fsh

NFSHTool generated file -- be very careful when editing

F:MVP 2004Moddingat.fsh


SHPI 8 objects, tag G357

BUFSZ 1226240


8bat 0000.BMP

BMP 78 +2 512 128 {0 0 0 0}

ETXT 69 64 16 {0 0 0 0}


ETXT 70 8bat%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00

7bat 0001.BMP

BMP 78 +2 512 128 {0 0 0 0}

ETXT 69 64 16 {0 0 0 0}


ETXT 70 7bat%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00

6bat 0002.BMP

BMP 78 +2 512 128 {0 0 0 0}

ETXT 69 64 16 {0 0 0 0}


ETXT 70 6bat%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00

5bat 0003.BMP

BMP 78 +2 512 128 {0 0 0 0}

ETXT 69 64 16 {0 0 0 0}


ETXT 70 5bat%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00

4bat 0004.BMP

BMP 78 +2 512 128 {0 0 0 0}

ETXT 69 64 16 {0 0 0 0}


ETXT 70 4bat%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00

3bat 0005.BMP

BMP 78 +2 512 128 {0 0 0 0}

ETXT 69 64 16 {0 0 0 0}


ETXT 70 3bat%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00

2bat 0006.BMP

BMP 78 +2 512 128 {0 0 0 0}

ETXT 69 64 16 {0 0 0 0}


ETXT 70 2bat%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00

1bat 0007.BMP

BMP 78 +2 512 128 {0 0 0 0}

ETXT 69 64 16 {0 0 0 0}


ETXT 70 1bat%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00

I'll extract the info for one bat:
8bat 0000.BMP

BMP 78 +2 512 128 {0 0 0 0}

ETXT 69 64 16 {0 0 0 0}


ETXT 70 8bat%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00

The image for bat #8 is 0000.bmp which is 512X128 (second line) in size.

If you change the size of the bmp you have to make the change in the index.fsh as well.

Run it and it will tell you if it runs out of memory, if it does then increase the number after BUFSZ until it works. You shouldn't need to decrease it because allocating too much memory shouldn't be a problem.

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