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Voice Broadcasters gotta die!


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i must say, mvp baseball's audio commentary is sorely lacking. compared to espn 2k5's (jon miller, i believe) commentary which includes relevant comments and stories, mvp is plain repetitive. so, just to throw it out there, is there any way to mod this somehow? probalby not..

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John Madden isn't much better

NHL guy isn't much better

The FIFA guy(the new american one) absolutely SUCKS

EA can't do colour commentary :wall:

If I hear "It can't be Christmas everyday" one more time when my Crosby when 0-4. I am donating the cd to public library.

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Just played a game where Melky Cabrera went 3-4 and as soon as he made his first out, in the bottom of the 8th inning, one of the announcers said something like "Well, he's not had a great day today, but hopefully he can bounce back tomorrow". :lol:

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I've thrown three pitches, 1-2, and he says, "They better get somebody up in the bullpen - he's all over the place today." same with my 8th inning no-hitter (ONE walk).


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I think they should have used the Commentors for the White Sox, i don't know who the guy is, but everytime someone K's he is like "He GOOONE", that's a great commentary catch phrase.

You should listen to the douchebag call the whole game. He's a freakin homer. He calls the Sox "The Good Guys" and any other team "the bad guys".

He has diarrhea of the mouth.


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Favorite Comment: "Oh, that's crushed!"

Least Favorite Comment: *SS does dramatic dive, throws on his knees to 1B but runner is safe* "Oh, that was a bad throw, no doubt about it."

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"If I hear "It can't be Christmas everyday" one more time when my Crosby when 0-4."

Yeh, you gotta get a hit every day in your first 3 at bats with your good players to keep those guys satisfied and content.

Once in MVP '04, I hit the foul pole for a home run, and one of them says something really weird about "look in the other pocket, and you'll find a gold watch", or something like that. Very odd, only heard it once, so its possible I made it up though...


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I've turned them off-I enjoy just listening to the PA guy announce players and the vendors and fans-more realistic anyway from a fan at the park experience

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I would think it could be done by altering what the broadcaster say by useing whats in the game and mixing all the commets up. Kind like the anouncement of Bonds. Could be interest what you could get out of the Broadcaters file and making it make sense. Wonder if anyone has been tinkering with the file trying to do something with it. If anyone trys it I wish them the best of luck! :wtg:

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You should listen to the douchebag call the whole game. He's a freakin homer. He calls the Sox "The Good Guys" and any other team "the bad guys".

He has diarrhea of the mouth.


You hit the nail on the head with this one. Hawk and Wimpy, CWS announcers. Professional announcers are supposed to be somewhat impartial when calling a game. Not these two. Maybe it's an unwritten rule, but it's very annoying to listen to.


Geesh :roll:

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You hit the nail on the head with this one. Hawk and Wimpy, CWS announcers. Professional announcers are supposed to be somewhat impartial when calling a game. Not these two. Maybe it's an unwritten rule, but it's very annoying to listen to.


Geesh :roll:

Yea that's another one of my favorite calls. My all time favorite announcer is the original voice of the Marlins, Joe Angel, who currently broadcasts for the Orioles, damn he was good.

But why do so many people hate the CWS announcers?

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Yea that's another one of my favorite calls. My all time favorite announcer is the original voice of the Marlins, Joe Angel, who currently broadcasts for the Orioles, damn he was good.

But why do so many people hate the CWS announcers?

I don't know, maybe for ME it's because I get them on Channel 9 WGN almost everyday, and their enthusiasm for their own team gets annoying when simply calling the game is so much easier on the ears.

The enthusiasm is fine for any fan, but to be in a professional position like they are, and scream about the Good Guys and Bad Guys is taking it way too far.

I personaly like Joe Morgan and John Miller.

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I don't know, maybe for ME it's because I get them on Channel 9 WGN almost everyday, and their enthusiasm for their own team gets annoying when simply calling the game is so much easier on the ears.

The enthusiasm is fine for any fan, but to be in a professional position like they are, and scream about the Good Guys and Bad Guys is taking it way too far.

I personaly like Joe Morgan and John Miller.

I borrowed this from heavethehawk.com


Pronunciation: ho'kiz'um

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle Hillbilly & Late White Trashian; from Middle Hillbilly howgism, from Late White Trashian trailer vernacular, from Spanish trasho del blanco, from French trasche blanche

1. A catch phrase commonly used by "Ken."

2. Standard parlance of an incompetent hillbilly; staple of stylized speech patterns associated with South Carolinian trailer communities; used to "describe" an event (or even a sequence of events) without uttering more than 8 or 9 syllables; in essence, a substitute for original thought.

· He gone

· Gaaaas

· Duck snort

· Grab some bench

· Chopper, two hopper

· Cinch it up and hunker down

· Sit back, relax, and strap it down

· I Luuuuuuuv cotton candy

· I Luuuuuuuv e-mail

· I Luuuuuuuv America

· I Luuuuuuuv when you analyze

· I Luuuuuuuv hats

· I Luuuuuuuv that duck

· Catbird seat

· Hang whiff 'em

· Roll him up right here

· You can cancel the post game show

· C'mon, you gotta do some chunkin' right here

· Zone him in, reel him in, and light him up

· Gotta bristle up right here

· Big hack, no contack

· C'mon, be a two strike hitter

· We got a whooole lotta work to do

· He's on the bump tomorrow

· That ball hit deep

· Dadgum right

· He needs to bow his neck

· Right size, wrong shape

· He just missed that one

· Thank you very much

· Rack ‘em up

· Stay fair

· Get foul

· Ball 4 base hit

· Should be…it is

· Mercy!


· Can-o-corn

· Pick-to-click

· Sucks it up

· Watch out

· He got a cookie there D.J.

· Way back, he looks up, you can put it on the board….YES!

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"If I hear "It can't be Christmas everyday" one more time when my Crosby when 0-4."

Yeh, you gotta get a hit every day in your first 3 at bats with your good players to keep those guys satisfied and content.

In one game, they say my cleanup hitter "is an average hitter at best", then the next game, "this guy is a pretty good hitter".

"This guy needs more time in the batting cage" ...the guy is hitting over .300.

"If there was ever a time to drop down a bunt, now is the time." ...bases are empty.

"I think he should throw over to first to see if he gives away the bunt." ...bases are empty.

"I know it's early, but he's got a pretty good breaking ball." ...it's the 8th inning.

Ball One... "That was a purpose pitch, trying to get the batter to chase one." Ball Two... "That was a purpose pitch, trying to get the batter to chase one." Ball Three... "Sometimes you try and make your pitch. That's exactly what he was trying to do there." Ball Four... "Oh man, he just loses him in that at bat."

The hitter breaks his bat... "He just loves to break bats. Hyuh, huh, hyuh" (the stupidest sounding laugh you would ever hear!)

"Strike 3 sends him back to the dugout with nothing to show for that AB." Uh, what else do you have to show for a strikeout?

"Oh man, that was fat! Tha-tha-tha-that batter has got to be upset with himself." Didn't they bother to re-record the stuttering?

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I was pitching and the guy was 0-2 and fouled off the 3rd pitch and it said "what a battle this is"

another instance that made no sense was when the announcer was like "this team really has a lot of work to do if they want to get out of the basement" and at the time my team was 32 games over .500 and running away with the division

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