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official yankee stadium update thread


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if y2k and hyman let i think i will update their yankee stadiums adds.

if i am to do this i need a list of changes that need to be made and pictures of how the new add looks now.

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ford... (this is from their yankee stadium thread and ad done by NYYKing:


then there's the adidas ad in right with the chineese newspaper ad ( :huh: ), Dunkin' Donuts has a blue background now in left-center, the ads behind the plate changed either to a green screen or a bright ad (because it is showed by the TV and does not have stadium lighting like the rest).

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Before countless people post how those links don't work, you need to copy and paste them into your browser for them to work.

As for oedit / park modding, look at pirate's tutorial and start slogging through the files. It's the only way you're ever going to learn, no one else will be able to guide you by the hand through it.

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My rendition of the radargun scoreboard.


the bottom half is where the normal black and yellow scoreboard goes. I'm still trying to find a good picture of that portion.

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