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Shea Stadium Night and Day(edited)


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Hey Guys sorry for making you guys wait..I just released both day and night right now..Check it out and just PM me if you have any comments or suggestion or just reply in this board. Again I dont seem to have the apple showing in stadium hopefully it's only my game and if it does please contact me because maybe you can help me have the Apple too =) Thanks and ENJOY!!! =)

---Sawnd G

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It seems like the apple was a big issue for Renegade last year. I know he was trying to edit it so that it didnt go so high, but all he could manage was getting rid of the pole...Pirate did the same in his recent night version. Must be a real issue if those guys couldnt fix it so good luck. Thanks a lot, Sawndg for the Shea mods....I was really worried it would be overlooked this year!

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Here are some screenshots..sorry if it's not as clear..btw boricua do you have the apple for your stadium??cuz i might have something missing in my animation.big or something because i don't have it..Also wat transparency problem do you have in the dugout and see if i can fix it cuz I havent touched the bench..Thanks =)






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No problem ming..Hope you enjoy it..Boricua i went to the game and checked if i can see the players in the dugout and I see them..I haven't had any problem..anyone else has had this transparency problem??Boricua any way you can send me your miscmod.big bcoz maybe having that will finally show me the apple at shea..and the apple.o and apple.fish they are located at your misc folders..email me at qbkilla57@aol.com just put MVP baseball at the header so i know it's you..Thanks..

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No problem ming..Hope you enjoy it..Boricua i went to the game and checked if i can see the players in the dugout and I see them..I haven't had any problem..anyone else has had this transparency problem??Boricua any way you can send me your miscmod.big bcoz maybe having that will finally show me the apple at shea..and the apple.o and apple.fish they are located at your misc folders..email me at qbkilla57@aol.com just put MVP baseball at the header so i know it's you..Thanks..
Tried to send but the file is just too big. The transperency problem is at night not in the day. In the day its Fine But at night its where all i see is black and not the players
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hhmm how big is your miscmod.big??cuz mine is only 112KB..I have a feelin that it could be that file that's making my apple missing or iono wat it is..I've been trying to reinstall it and still not there..well i'm glad it's there for everyone..I'll probably update and remove that pole as well..

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oh yea i did check the nite version and the players are still there..I dont have that transparency problem..Again has anyone else has had this problem other than boricua??Let us know..Thanks

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hhmm how big is your miscmod.big??cuz mine is only 112KB..I have a feelin that it could be that file that's making my apple missing or iono wat it is..I've been trying to reinstall it and still not there..well i'm glad it's there for everyone..I'll probably update and remove that pole as well..

Here it is, I don't know if this will help you or not though.

You do know the .fsh file goes in a subfolder called "textures".

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hey big schmooz thanks for the file, but seem it still didn't work..I don't know what's wrong with it and I thought those files are the one that can help but guess not..any one else got ideas??Thanks =)

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Ok. I fixed the problem. It happened when i hi res some stuff like the grass but its good. May i have permission to upload it. Of course you will get most of the credit as all i dit was make it hi res for the grass and dirt

If he doesn't get back to you soon, maybe try & PM him.

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