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datafile suggestion


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I really like roddata files, but was wondering about a couple of things. It would be great if the no swing replay could be incorporated in the file. After playing without it, I never ever want to play with it again. I've tried to edit the datafile myself a few times, with little or no luck. I tried to increase the homerun sounds volume, followed the instructions, but it never worked. Anyways, if someone could post the lines to remove the swing replay it would be greatly appreciated. Does anyone really like having these replays in the datafile? Thanks in advance for any help.

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First of all, I like your user name. Graig Nettles was my favorite player growing up.

Replace the current batterreplayright1, batterreplayright2, batterreplayleft1 and batterreplayleft2 lines in your datafile with the following:

0xb0a7f103 12<batterreplayright1>;0 0.0;1 0.0;2 0.0;3 0.0;4 0;10 0;11 0;5 0.0;6 0.0;7 0.0;8 0.0;9 0;

0xb0a7f104 12<batterreplayright2>;0 0.0;1 0.0;2 0.0;3 0.0;4 0;10 0;11 0;5 0.0;6 0.0;7 0.0;8 0.0;9 0;

0x2bb55710 12<batterreplayleft1>;0 0.0;1 0.0;2 0.0;3 0.0;4 0;10 0;11 0;5 0.0;6 0.0;7 0.0;8 0.0;9 0;

0x2bb55711 12<batterreplayleft2>;0 0.0;1 0.0;2 0.0;3 0.0;4 0;10 0;11 0;5 0.0;6 0.0;7 0.0;8 0.0;9 0;

I enjoy the game much more with the replays removed. It's bad enough when I strike out. It's worse when I have to watch it again -- in slow motion! :o

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Jim, I was going to put your "no replay" changes into my datafile (I'm using one of chuk's old ESPN camera view datafiles) but when I went to open it by double-clicking it came up all garbled. Is there a program I need to open chuk's datafile? After the initial garble (it tried to open in notepad or wordpad - I can't remember which) I also tried it in Word with no luck. Any suggestions? I can email it to you if you want to take a look.

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Jim, I was going to put your "no replay" changes into my datafile (I'm using one of chuk's old ESPN camera view datafiles) but when I went to open it by double-clicking it came up all garbled. Is there a program I need to open chuk's datafile? After the initial garble (it tried to open in notepad or wordpad - I can't remember which) I also tried it in Word with no luck. Any suggestions? I can email it to you if you want to take a look.

I just had the same problem. :) Refer to this thread for help on how to do this....and thanks Jim, just removed my swinig replay too. :D

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