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Help with Inistatz.big repacking


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Alright, this is for the XBOX version, but it is the same principle. I created the All-Star game ball for the XBOX version by unpacking the initstay and initstaz files (you know what I mean) using spitoons gfxpack program. Everything opened fine and I using the new unswizzle/swizzle program, I was able to successfully edit the image file.

Now, here is where I must have had the problem. I recompiled ball.xsh. Then I opened EAGraph and imported ball.xsh into initstay.big. Then I opened initstaz.big and imported initstay.big into it. Then I took it and uploaded it to my game and went to play.

It froze.

Can anyone find in there where I might have made a mistake?

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I don't know anything about XBOX files, but can't you just use my exact ball mod, and just replace the ball.fsh with ball.xsh (and change 'ball.fsh' to 'ball.xsh' in the batch file)?

I never figured out why EA 'double packed' the initstaz file...it makes uncompressing and recompressing a real pain because you have to generate those folders first...

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Why the hell did EA pack it like that, took me hours to get a good install.bat for it

I have no idea, but I've tried about 3 different methods and it still locks up.

I tried using BIG and compressing it at every stage. This gave me a file close to the original (which is should be identical).

I tried the above EAGraph method, and I got a file that ballooned out to about 1.75 times the original and still didn't work.

Finally, I tried using Spitoon's installer bat file for his bat selector (with mods to it of course) and still got a file now a whopping double the size of the original.

I've hit a dead end at this point.

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send me the ball.xsh and initstaz.big from the xbox, I think I can do it but I do not have my xbox with me





what size did you make the ball?

pull the BIG file out of the big file

uncompress using eazip

use gxfpak to replace the ball.xsh

recompress the big file using eazip

use fifafs to create a big file containing the BIG file you put the ball in

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I meant .bat file. I didn't try to install his bats. I meant I tried modifying his installer to use so it would be 1-click and bam.the baseball was installed. That didn't work.

Did you try using my ball mod? HERE

Again, I have no clue about how the XBOX files work, but it might help.

Here it is with the changes I'd imagine:




ECHO ========================================

ECHO I									  I

ECHO I									  I

ECHO I		  MVP 2005 MLB BALL		   I

ECHO I									  I 

ECHO I				 by:				  I

ECHO I									  I

ECHO I									  I

ECHO I			   Spitoon				I

ECHO I									  I

ECHO I			  March '05			   I

ECHO I									  I

ECHO I									  I

ECHO ========================================



echo off

gfxpak -u initstaz.big

mkdir models

mkdir misc

cd models

mkdir textures

cd ..

cd misc

mkdir textures

cd ..

gfxpak -u initstay.big


move ball.xsh models/texturesball.xsh

gfxpak -d initstay.big models/textures/ball.xsh

gfxpak -p initstay.big models/textures/ball.xsh

gfxpak -p initstaz.big initstay.big

rd /S /Q models

rd /S /Q misc

del initstay.big




ECHO -------------------------------------

ECHO -------------------------------------

ECHO Enjoy the MLB Ball, and Thank-you!!!!

ECHO -------------------------------------

ECHO -------------------------------------



Make a new folder and put everything in it; initstaz.big, ball.bat, ball.xsh, gfxpak.exe...and run it all from that folder. I changed the directories so it won't look elsewhere and I changed the ball.fsh to ball.xsh...there is one tricky spot in the gfxpak where you have to delete the old ball.xsh before you put the new one in, for some reason it won't overwrite it...that caused me a number of headaches when I first started this mod....

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ECHO ========================================

ECHO I									  I

ECHO I									  I

ECHO I		  MVP 2005 MLB BALL		   I

ECHO I									  I 

ECHO I				 by:				  I

ECHO I									  I

ECHO I									  I

ECHO I			   Spitoon				I

ECHO I									  I

ECHO I			  March '05			   I

ECHO I									  I

ECHO I									  I

ECHO ========================================



echo off

gfxpak -u initstaz.big

mkdir models

mkdir misc

cd models

mkdir textures

cd ..

cd misc

mkdir textures

cd ..

gfxpak -u initstay.big


move ball.xsh models/texturesball.xsh

gfxpak -d initstay.big models/textures/ball.xsh

gfxpak -p initstay.big models/textures/ball.xsh

eazip -c initstay.big

gfxpak -p initstaz.big initstay.big

rd /S /Q models

rd /S /Q misc

del initstay.big






ECHO ******************************************************************************

ECHO ******************************************************************************



ECHO ******************************************************************************

ECHO ******************************************************************************





ECHO -------------------------------------

ECHO -------------------------------------

ECHO Enjoy the MLB Ball, and Thank-you!!!!

ECHO -------------------------------------

ECHO -------------------------------------



This is the code I've been using, a modified version of yours. I tried it to see if it could help. I was beginning to think there was a problem with the ball.xsh file, but I started the game and went to edit players, something that wouldn't need to load the ball.xsh, maybe bats to the most and it still locked up.

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Hmmm, the only difference I see is that you are using the -c command to recompress the initstay before you put it back in the initstaz...have you tried it without that? I realize the size will be different and that may cause problems with the XBOX, but I've had nothing but problems trying to use the -c command for the PC version...I just go without eventhough the file sizes are significantly bigger.

Also, are you able to watch the progression of it to see that it's working? Sometimes the commands flash by so fast you can't be sure they are working...adding a few more 'pause' commands will allow you to see everything and ensure that it's working.

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Yeah, I can see the commands all go through and it all seems to be working. I've also tried it with both the compressed and uncompressed. It may just be a case of something that can't be messed with.

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Well, I tried simply taking the original ball.xsh file and replacing it with itself using a clean initstaz.big using the methods we talked about above. Still froze. So it's not the baseball image that I created that is causing the problem. The file just won't repack to a working version.

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