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OK i have a quick, stupid question when i play on the second resolution option 800*1600*32 or something the screen is not fully used is this suppose to be like this? If not what am i doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for anwsering my stupid question

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second resolution option 800*1600*32 or something the screen is not fully used is this suppose to be like this?

I guess you mean 800x600? That is a small size, why not try 1024x768, what kind of video card do you have?

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I'm sorry 1024x768x16 is what im using using. I have a nvidia mx 400. There are black spots when i try playing at 1024x768x16. when i do 1024x768x32 its too slow and the frame rate is screwy. So i started playing at 800x600x32 and the 1.5 inch of my monitor is not used is it suppose to be like this? I can play at 1024x768x16 but there are black spots and i was wondering if there was better video quality without losing gameplay.

Thanks in advance

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When it's 800x600 is there a way on the monitor to adjust the width and highth to make it fill up the whole screen.

I remember when I first set up my monitor I had to do that.

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Thanks a lot man...now i can use my whole monitor have great gameplay and decent graphics all at the same time

Glad I was able to help.

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