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Good datafile?


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i use kamasutra's right now with mixed opinions. It seems (thru maybe 10 games) I either win like 12 to 2, or I lose 15-5. Some games i get 20 hits, others i get maybe 5 if i'm lucky. I started off my season 4-0, now i'm 6-4. My team batting average is still really high, but it is harder to win games i think

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I'm using the RRod5 file and it works pretty good I think. I'm using the suggested sliders and my scores are pretty realistic. 5-4, 7-2, 1-0, win some, lose some.

Aside from not being able to throw out a stealing CPU or being able to steal a base myself, I'm pretty happy with it.

I might add that I play on pro...on All Star I get beat all the time 8-0, 11-0, etc.

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