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Classic Rosters Group Project - Any Interest ?


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AlexTonyS, Capa & I have decided to "Attempt" to provide Classic Rosters to the MVPMODS community in a much quicker manner than individually creating Classic Roster Sets by coordinating a Group Project for ALL Interested Classic Rosters fans.

Our intent is to solicite help from those of you that are interested in customizing your favorite Team or Teams for inclusion into a specific final released version. This idea was generated by a request from "tks" regarding his desire for a 1980s Classic Roster Set. That era wasn't on my list nor was it directly on either AlexTonyS's nor Capa's. So we decided to join forces and see if we can as a group make this happen.

Our approach will be to develop and provide ground rules for customizing Teams via MVPEdit. These ground rules are meant to keep all Classic Roster Sets uniform and consistent. We will also provide fairly detailed step by step instructions on our methods and resources used to complete customization of a Team.

We will ask for "Volunteers" to customize their favorite Team or Teams and then send them to us for final tweaking and inclusion into that particular Classic Roster Set we will be working on. Then we will publish it on MVPMODS as a Group Project and list credit for all those that participated.

As of now we expect, because of "tks" expressed interest, to first do either an Early '80s (1980-1984) Classic Roster Set or a Late '80s (1985-1989) Classic Roster Set. Our current thoughts are to do these Early & Late Sets for each decade of interest but we are "Open" to other ideas like Complete Individual Seasons (1961) etc. if enough interest exist.

Please let us know if you are:

1st) Interested in these Classic Rosters

2nd) Would be interested in working with us on this Group Project.

3rd) What Team or Teams from either the Early or Late '80s would you be interested in and willing to customize for the group.

4th) Any additional ideas to contribute to this group project.

Please use this Thread for responses so all can see if interest really exist but if you wish to email me directly for any reason please feel free to do so at stecropper@aol.com or dcroppe@us.ibm.com (using both email addresses would be best since I am often on the road).



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What about an all time roster for teams?

I have the Reds done with photos, all that needs done is tweaking batting stances and pitch types.

I have a few others worked out on paper.

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I'm all over it. Let me know what you need and I will help. How are we supposed to rate the players? PM me if you need assistance. I think a 1980s roster set would be great. I'll take the Reds and whoever you need me to do. Just let me know. Are we going to use the same type of rating system that Geforce is using or do you guys have your own system?

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This idea was generated by a request from "tks" regarding his desire for a 1980s Classic Roster Set.

No big deal.....

But just for the record, I don't think that request came from me.

Now I admit my memory ain't what it used to be and I may be getting a bit long in the tooth but I don't recall making that request and I don't think I have gone senile.....yet!

Actually it is fine with me to do a '80s roster but I don't deserve the credit for thinking of this or for even thinking, for that matter. :D

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You're right and I'm wrong. I looked back in the "Completed Mods" thread titiled "1957 Braves Uniforms" where you and I chatted abit about our ages the other day and found out it was "Royal Blues" that mentioned his desire for an 80s Classic Roster Set in that thread not you. My apology ......


An All-Times Roster Set is an excellent idea. It would take a little additional effort but well worth the time in my opinion. We will see how these different ERA Rosters go and keep that thought on the front burner as a viable option.


Thanks for your offer to volunteer. We use the ratings that are generated out of MVPEdit with a few additional global edits we have developed. The ratings out of MVPEdit have been fully tested and they produce amazingly accurate results during SIMs as well as Game Play. Robert Glass has produced an amazing utility with MVPEdit. But there are a few minors gliches that we correct via MVPEdits Global Editing capability.

Thus, your altering of those ratings during your customization efforts will be very very minor, although there will be some we will ask you to adjust. You will mostly customize the personal characteristics of each player such in Batting Stances, Pitchers Delivery, Player Uniform #, Body Style, Faces, Accessories etc.... We will document what is expected by you pretty much step by step while also providing you our cheat notes we have developed to make these alternations less time consuming.

Your personal touch will come with how the players eventually appear in the game more so than how they perform. Then you would send them to us to combine with the other teams made by others for that specific ERA and we would run our Global Edits to correct some of the minor gliches within the MVPEdit program. That would be the only way we know to assemble teams built from several individuals while maintaining overall consistency. Maintaining overall consistency and accuracy is very important. At least we believe so. Once a Roster Set is published for use then anyone can adjust the performance ratings to their liking if they care to.

Thanks again and if you are still interested let us know which Team or Teams you would like to do. The Reds, if I remember correctly, is your probable choice so if you would let us know your favorite Reds team from 1980-1984 as well as your favorite Reds team from 1985-1989 and we will lock them in for you. Until we hear from others we will not make a determination if we will do an Early '80s, Late '80s or Total '80s first.

Hopefully others will join in and let us know if we should undertake this Group Project.

Take Care,


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You're right and I'm wrong. I looked back in the "Completed Mods" thread titiled "1957 Braves Uniforms" where you and I chatted abit about our ages the other day and found out it was "Royal Blues" that mentioned his desire for an 80s Classic Roster Set in that thread not you. My apology ......


No problemo! ;)

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Thanks again and if you are still interested let us know which Team or Teams you would like to do. The Reds, if I remember correctly, is your probable choice so if you would let us know your favorite Reds team from 1980-1984 as well as your favorite Reds team from 1985-1989 and we will lock them in for you. Until we hear from others we will not make a determination if we will do an Early '80s, Late '80s or Total '80s first.

Take Care,


talk about dark days for reds fans the 80's were as bad as it gets

now that I just looked at the record they were only 2 games under .500 (781-783)

but then again they average 12.889 games behind the 1st place team in the 80's

what ever you do do not pick 1982 they lost 101 games

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Thanks for your offer to volunteer. We use the ratings that are generated out of MVPEdit with a few additional global edits we have developed.

I assume most they that editing is for pitchers, MVPedit does a great job on hitters (I have noticed a few time it will give a rating higher than 100, MVP 2004 seems to take values up to 127)

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Hi Krawhitham,

I am interested in where you have seen ratings > 100 in MVPEdit? I have used MVPEdit extensively over the past several months and have never come across a rating of > 100. Although, I have mainly been using the Lahman Data Base for importing teams from '50s, '60s & earl '70s so perhaps that is the reason I haven't seen this.

What field(s) were these > 100's in and do you remember which team what year? Are You using MVPEdit V18? The reason I am so curious is not only because I have used this program extensively but I also am the one that developed every formula for Robert Glass to use in MVPEdit to convert baseball statistics from the Lahman Data Base to MVP 2004 ratings.

You also mention MVP 2004 accepts values up to 127. I never saw this in MVP 2004 prior to the Patch as I checked the variance/range of every rating that I knew of used in the created player functions. So if you can lead me to where this is allowed then perhaps I can work once again with Robert and have this corrected.

Thanks so much for your insight. It is very valuable info for me.

Take Care,


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when looking at a player in MVPedit (lets use George Foster)

Foster was imported from Lahman Data Base I selected his best season as a red to import


notice it only says 100 for power

now load the same player in the game


now it says 101 for power, I did not change a thing

so I looked at the roster


yep it says 101 but only shows up as 100 in mvpedit

other players from the All time reds team that are similar

All I did was import these players choosing their best season as a Red (I did NO manual editing to the hitters on the team)







After all of this I played around with manual editing a player, JR

I set POW, CON, SPD all to 199. and here is what MVP did with it


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You also mention MVP 2004 accepts values up to 127. I never saw this in MVP 2004 prior to the Patch as I checked the variance/range of every rating that I knew of used in the created player functions. So if you can lead me to where this is allowed then perhaps I can work once again with Robert and have this corrected.

I do not know how much of a problem it is, whatever the highest amount of HR vs a lefty for a season is make that value 127, same for righties, and highest average VS either a righty or lefty should also be 127

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Thanks for the detailed supporting information on your findings. I will investigate this upon my return from being out of town tomorrow and let you know what I think can be done about it.

Truly Appreciate you shaing this with me,


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Thanks for your interest. Are you also interested in customizing any teams for this project? If so please let me know which team or teams you would be interested in doing.

We haven't received an overwhelming response to this Classic Roster Group Project yet but we will keep trying a couple more days to see if there is real interest in providing assistance with it. I am willing to interrupt my existing Classic Roster Project of an Early '60s Set to do 4 or 5 teams for such a project but not interested delaying my project much more than that.

Take Care,


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i'd be, but i'm sure what it would invole. if i know that, then i can give you an idea of if i can do it. iif i know the information and can understand all of that, sure, if you end up doing it. i'll be gone a week starting friday the 11, but before or after that, the 19, i'll be around.

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Thanks for your offer to join in this venture. In this thread above I responded to jpup (also in the same message was a response to tks & krawhiham) where I kinda answered his question of what is expected. Really not a whole lot other than putting personal touches to what a player will look like in the game. The ratings are fairly standard and you will not have to do much at all with them.

Please read that answer above and if you have any additional questions just let me know. I think it would take around 2 hours or so to do a team and if there is enough interest in doing this I will provide a fairly detailed step by step instruction email.



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i read the post,right and now i don't a problem with it, just let me know, if its decided to do the project and what you wnat me doing and i see what i can do.

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Thanks mcoll86,

What is your favorite team or the team(s) that you are most familiar with from the '80s? I will keep in touch.


yeah, i'm still in too. i'll probably go with the '87 reds, let you know in a minute.

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yeah give me the 1987 Cincinnati Reds

I'd rather have the 1990 Reds, but if you are only going to 89 then give me 1987.

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i'll take what ever tream would need be done! i know more the nl, simply becase my home is in the surounded by the nl. there only two al clubs even close in distance compared to 5 nl.

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1987 reds pitchers as listed in

The Neyer / James Guide to Pitchers

SP Ted Power

Fastball, Slider, Sinker

SP *Tom Browning

screwball, fastball, curve, slider, change

SP Bill Gullickson

Fasball, Sinker, Curve

SP *Guy Hoffman

not listed sorry

CL *John Franco

Sinking fastball, sliders, screwball, change

RP *Rob Murphy

fastball, slider

RP Frank Williams

fastball curve

RP Bill Landrum

fastball (mid 90's), change, curve

RP Ron Robinson

fastball, curve, change, slider

*Dennis Rasmussen

fastball, slow curve, change

Pat Pacillo

not listed sorry

*Jerry Reuss

fastball, slow curve, change

*Bill Scherrer

Curve, fastball, slider

Mario Soto

fastball, chance, palm

Jeff Montgomery

fastball, slider, curve, change

*Pat Perry

not listed sorry

Tom Hume

fastball, slider, sinker

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