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UPDATE: Hank Aaron Cyberface


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I had made several Hank's cyberface but for some reason it turn out to look like Julio Franco. Anyone can post some good HR King photo I could use?

Keep in mind black and white photo don't work for me.

Update: In game Cyberface couple of post down

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heh, i don't know. i kind of like the little smirk he's got goin. :lol:

BBFans' Ted Williams is better than this one, although it's a half face... I've done some aarons around this good, he's a harder one to do than you'd think. He never seems to have posed for a picture with his mouth closed, but you need to do the face with a closed mouth. It never really ends up looking like him.

Also, he needs puffier eyes. The face they're using in TC2 is actually pretty close for starters.

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