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Peter Bernard "SAVE THE FORGOTTEN FACES" Foundation


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To the other person who never read "Animal Farm," why not read "Animal Farm" by George Orwell? Or you can rent the cartoon version, it's worth knowing about, an excellent book.You'll get what I'm saying then, and you'll get ALOT of things then, about the world in general.A highly recommended classic!

I concur! This book is 95 pages of genius. I highly recommend it as well.

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Hi, I don't have time to respond to everyone tll tomorrow but thank you for writing. JG, I am using those pix as well as I can, thanks for them. Here is the new Pete Rose in progress. I can't find which picture I used last time-- anyone have any good shots of Rose from the front? This one is taken from the Face of Baseball book and it looks okay but it looks alot angrier than the last one. Please let me know if you think this looks like him yet or what, thanks.


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Hello Peter, after going through your list.

May I request these following players

Tim Raines, Dwight Gooden, Wade Boggs, & Paul Molitor.

My skill are limit to copy/paste and clone stamp in photoshop.

Most faces I done have trouble with skin after the pasting is applied.

When I load it in the game, the orl & ord file will make the player have double nose. So I am really having trouble, any help from peterbernard would be appreciated.

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Hi all,

re: Animal Farm: It's a very unique book in that although it's written for adults and is pretty heavy in terms of it's content, kids have been reading it for generations and getting something out of it too. It's like "Lord of the Flies" in that way. The same can be said for the animated "Animal Farm" movie-- better to have an adult with the younger kids who watch it, this is not Saturday morning fare, but very worth watching if you're not going to read the book. It was written to comment on Soviet Communism, but you'll find the story applies to so many different aspects of how humans treat each other as you get older, and you'll realize it's a universal story. It can apply to whatever government you dislike, whatever group of people at your office or school you don't like, and sometimes even your own behavior if you don't watch yourself. You can probably read it in twice the time it takes to watch the movie!

re: 11215: I don't know, doesn't their leader think my faces are "monkey-infested?" You'd have to ask them but if I were you, I'd make sure they were in a good mood first before asking them about ME...


Didn't someone do Boggs with the handlebar? Did I dream that? I could have sworn I downloaded someone's Boggs face before the computer crash. I realize now alot of my memory was in my computer's memory. Dwight Gooden I THINK I can do because there are 2 shots of him in this book plus that one that was posted in a thread recently where he looks angry. One of them should work I think. I should do Raines so that I've at least done one Expo. I WISH I could do Rusty Staub, speaking of Expos, but I haven't found the right pix yet. He had a unique look that should be back in the game. He was actually a star when he played, a charismatic fellow with a strong female following similar in some ways to Liberace's female following IMO. The Paul Molitor in the book is okay, I think I can do him. I should try to do Ryne Sandburg too. There are so many faces that deserve to be in the game that it's hard to prioritize.

I would like to try to see if there's a way for me to edit face meshes without causing the head to roll around on the floor by the player's feet. Maybe I'll figure it out on this new computer where I couldn't on the last one. I'd like to make a new nose for guys like Uecker and DiMaggio (actually both DiMaggios and alot of other 20's through 50's players that had longer noses in the pre-plastic surgery days). I'd like to see if I can pull Maris' ears back and see what people think of that face then. Stuff like that. So I'd rather take a break from the photoshop side to see if I can learn the other side for a little while.

re:Photoshop: the best advice is either experiment with all the things on every drop down menu, or else go through whatever help or tutorials or manual comes with your version of the program. For these faces, learning the CLONING TOOL and practicing at that is very useful. Images can be lightened or darkened or have their colors altered through various tools you can play with under Images>Adjust. You just need to go in and experiment with those on a practice picture until you understand what they do and how they work. Do one thing, see how it looks in the preview, and so on. Especially esperiment with Brightness/Contrast and Hue/Saturation until you have an understanding in your belly (not your head) of what they do. In the beginning I was using the finger smudge tool to fill holes in the bmps but that leads to what some call "plastic surgery scars." I try to clone in parts of the skin from different areas that have similar coloring. Another option is to put skin from a finished fsh bmp under the layer with your additions on it and fill in the blanks that way. Then you have to try to get the skin tones to match as much as possible. I think it's okay for white characters to have a face slightly more sunburnt or flushed or tanned than their arms, but other skin tones look better if the face skin is matched to the arm skin tone. That last bit I learned AFTER my big facepack. i'm not joking though when I say most of what you can learn from Photoshop would be learned by actually just DOING lots of experimentation.

I heard from someone I know who has met Pete Rose a number of times over the years, from when he was a player through his retirement, at autograph signings and after ball games and so forth. She used to go to autograph signings with the late Johnny Ramone (who of course was a huge Yankee fan) and they would make a list and split up-- each of them getting 2 autographs of each player they wanted, then meeting up at the end and trading half their autographs to the other so that both had complete sets. Johnny used to do EVERYTHING with military-like precision and pre-planning.

Anyway, about Pete Rose-- I remember one story of Pete riding the #7 train back to Manhattan after a game at Shea. He was alot more approachable than most ballplayers, even back then before they were all millionaires. My friend told me that the problem with my Rose face is that he's too handsome. She said he needs a bigger bulbous nose ending and his right eye needs to squint more like Popeye. She says she loves Pete Rose, but he's a really really ugly guy!! Haha. My version looks like the movie star version of Pete Rose. If 69 Yanks wants to give me a bigger nose ending-- more like a Bill Clinton nose ending, or WC Fields but not that big, I'd use it for sure. if not, I guess I'll just release "Movie Star Rose." Do I need to alter the mesh or the bmp to make the squint more pronounced? I actually do have the squint in the face, but I'll try to make it bigger and see what happens.

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  • 1 month later...

Wow I love the ability to add flash and movies, that's great! Haven't been here for over a month. Really busy, sick cat and other things. I said I'd get faces out by World Series time so now I'm in a rush about it. I did this DiMaggio attempt today while waiting for a client to get back to me.


DiMaggio is really hard to do, I don't know if anyone else got him in the last month while I was gone. His nostrils and eyes are different on each side and it's hard to get it looking like him in the game. Also the space between his nose and upper lip is longer than in these cyberfaces in the game. But whatever, this is the closest I've gotten to him so far. It looks too much like a Ken doll around the eyes.


More pix:


David Cone at Yankee Stadium


Another new Scooter to replace the one I lost when my hard drive crashed.


I meant to make Casey Stengel the manager but accidentally typed in Sparky Lyle's face number. Sparky is sure a hot-headed manager!

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Hey how come next to my name it says "Contributor" and next to everyone else's it says, "Modder?"

I saw the baseballfans version of Maris, I don't get it. I don't see Maris in that face at all. I think baseballfans is a nice person and a good face modder, but I don't see it, plain and simple. Also I can't find the Ted Williams face I was working on that bbfans started, that one I remember as being very promising. Someone wrote that Mickey Mantle in EA's version is an old man but he's got blonde hair, not white. I like EA's version of Mantle. I don't think I'm seeing the same thing as the rest of you re: cyberfaces. Maybe I'll just finish my facepackk and keep it for myself and never release it? My taste seems to be vastly different from the kids who come to this web site.

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Hey how come next to my name it says "Contributor" and next to everyone else's it says, "Modder?"

You've given donations to the site, that's why you have the contributor tag, would you rather have the modder tag?

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You've given donations to the site, that's why you have the contributor tag, would you rather have the modder tag?

I dunno! Which is swankier? I gues it doesn't matter, I was just wondering how it was decided. It's fine, please don't worry about it. Thanks for responding though.

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kids? :huh:

Having just turned 44 in August, I wish I was a kid again. I'm also sure that I'm not the only one here who is approaching middle age.....

Ha! I'm catching up to you also, I'm 40 now, going on death.

So do you hate the new DiMag? Like him? Don't feel either way? I've been trying to get DiMag forever, and A-Rod reminded me of him lately by passing him in HRs. But when DiMag hit over 40 HRs, left-centerfield was 460 feet!!! Not taking anything away from A-Rod but there'll never be another Joe DiMaggio.

Age is all in the mind, unfortunately the mind is in the body which doesn't know that age is all in the mind.

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PB is back! Excellent! I'm looking forward to some quality reading. ;)

Release your faces, don't keep em for yourself. I love the monster faces too. How's the Halloween Pack coming?

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U been gone so long peterbernard. I was looking forward to see your work when TC3 came out . But U disappeared and I was rushed to release Maris after only having 1 day for the deadline. TC4 is on the work, so this time I hope u can contribute in someway.

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Peter Bernard and face modders:

Any faces are welcome if you add to them to the DL

section. Surprises are good but the only drawback

is when 1-2 others are doing/or did

the same face(s) and then someone put in alot of

work and it may not end up as part of the mod.

A good representation of Dimaggio is in the TCP3

mod. (yours looks fine by the way)



The goal is too have a good representation of Classic Baseball with:

Uni's, logo's, faces, audio, stadiums, pics, etc.

We plan to release one more version by mid

to end of this month

TCP4 looks like there will be a 'bit' more of what TCP3

has: pics, audios, faces,... and much more realism

to the players and rosters without going 'overboard' Keeping

in mind the mod can be tweaked with MVP edit

for those who 'wish' to do so

There has been an excellent response to this mod

and with a little more work/additions it is going to be that

much better! Again a 'Thank You' to all modders

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Yeah that one has a beter nose than mine but mine has better eyes and mouth. I was thinking his nose is too petite, then I thought maybe I'll try the bmp out on Andy Pettite!

I have downloaded tc3 but it doesnt make sense to install it till I'm done with the next batch of faces, I'd have to reinstall too much, i'd get lost. I just spent two days totally frustrated with a client that was talking gibberish and making no sense. Then we discovered we both were talking about different things but we thought we were talking about the same thing. Like we were living inside Abbott and Costello's "Whose on First" routine for 2 days. By the end I was Lou screaming, "I don't give a darn!" and the client was like Abbott saying, "I don't give a darn? He's our shortstop."

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Peter Bernard and face modders:

etc etc

Yeah umm, I wasn't asking you what you thought as an audition, I was asking for constructive criticism. I had a chance to play a game with him, he looks good from the front but from the sides you can see that the nose is too small.

I did a Nettles from a fairly recent photo of him and a fan. It looks like him but washed out. There's an old baseball card of him looking straight forward but I've yet to find a good copy of that. I really want to get Nettles back in the game.

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U been gone so long peterbernard. I was looking forward to see your work when TC3 came out . But U disappeared and I was rushed to release Maris after only having 1 day for the deadline. TC4 is on the work, so this time I hope u can contribute in someway.

Well they'll use what they want, that's not up to me so I don't think about it. I wasn't criticizing you, I was just saying I don't see that one. It doesn't have rings under his eyes! it looks like Superman and I see Maris as a fragile guy with great power, persevering against overwhelming oddities.

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PB is back! Excellent! I'm looking forward to some quality reading. ;)

Release your faces, don't keep em for yourself. I love the monster faces too. How's the Halloween Pack coming?

Well most of the monster pack is not famous movie monsters but rather mistakes from when I was trying to make human-looking faces. I'm trying to get that done and also a Halloween special for my local tv show. It's called "Spooky Robot Halloween Show." I wrote and recorded a theme song for it too. Then I figured I should try to make the other 29 minutes of it to go along with the theme song. I was going to show a monster baseball game but my new video card limits fraps to recording in slow motion for some reason.

But the answer is yes, I'm trying to get that done ASAP. As well as a 2006 calendar! or two.

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