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Editing for more walks, more "missed" icons?


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I was also planning to post this at EA to suggest it for next year, but what I need is a way to further edit something to have more pitches show up with the yellow "x" indicating a "missed" pitch as a ball. I am using the walk mod and everything, which helps, but still I only get about 1-2 walks per game at most. I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction to edit this for more "ball" indicators.

I also think the for 2005, it would be nice if the yellow x frequency had more to do with the batter. You would see more "x" marks for batters that are known to have a better eye and draw more walks. For instance, if Barry were in the game, he would get a lot of yellow x's because he has such a good eye. Someone like Sosa would get almost none because of his tendancy to WIFF. :lol:

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what lines in the data file would i need to change for more walks?

i tried a couple of totally new data files but they werent really my thing... and on mvp mode there are a lot of balls which i love, but the gameplay is too hard for me there batting wise at the moment...

im getting good at drawing full counts but then i just prepare to whack a fastball because i know it isnt going to be a ball...

so if anyone knows what lines i should change for just a few more balls i would be grateful :)

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