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Editing batting stances


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..I know we used to do this with 2004 but I cant remember what to look for in the datafile. It really doesnt edit the stance but I know you can slow or speed up the 'waggle'. Can anyone out there tell me what lines to edit?

Also Im not sure if its possible but can you move individual players around in the batters box? E.g, Adrian Beltre's stance has him right on top of the plate and in real life, he stands quite a ways off the plate.

Thanks in advance.

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The answer to part 2 of your question is, hold down the 5 button & while holding it down, use the left analog stick to move him right or left.

Please understand that when I say the 5 button, this follows the configuration on my gamepad which is the Saitek p2500. On yours it may be configured to a different button, but it will still be the left analog stick with whatever button you need to hold down while moving the stick.

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