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New: MVP Baseball 2005 Online League for PC


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Hi to all MVP Baseball 2005 Online Players,

If you are looking for Online Competition via Direct-IP take a look at this new site: www.mvp-baseball-online.com

Here is what to expect from Season 1 if you join us:

- 3 games a week against the other league players depending on schedule

- Start of the Regular season will be the first week of September

- Schedule and Division Set Up will be released after the number of Players is confirmed

- Playoffs to crown THE BEST

- Season 2 with some adjustments if necessary


- Complete Stats Database for all Teams (every Team Manager takes care of his own stats)

- League Leader Stats in every category

- League Forum


You should have a Broadband Connection of at least 1024 kb/s Downstream.

We are only looking for EUROPEAN PLAYERS!!! This is no discrimination to everyone else, but the experiences show, that the lag makes the game not really playable in the way it should be with players from other continents.

However, if you are sitting outside of Europe and still wanna give it a try because you feel you have a pretty good internet connection, visit our site, register in the forum and we can arrange a test match to see if it's playable or not!!!

Hope to hear from you soon,


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Hey BigT42, great site, I'm from Italy and I would like to play in an online league. I hope that many europeans people will join you, but I think you need also people from Usa with a good connection.


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Hi Buffa,

Glad you joined. Looks like we are in good shape right now, as we already have 14 registered users now. I know that not all of them are confirmed players yet, but I'm pretty positive that some more european guys will show up and join, so it looks like Season 1 can start in September!!!

Stay tuned,


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Hi Tesh,

I'm glad you visited my site and signed up in the forum!!! Thank you for that!!!

I have put you down on the Twins, but your status will stay unconfirmed until we talked about a couple of things on MSN. I added you to my contact list, so if you show up we'll find out if my league is something for you!!!

Talk to you soon,


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  • 1 month later...

After six weeks into the Regular Season, www.mvp-baseball-online.com is developing into something great. However, there has been a number of manager changes due to different issues, and again, there is a team available.

If you are from Europe, if you like Direct IP Games, and if you're looking for the Ultimate Online Challenge visit my site and have a look!!!


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