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Ethernet modem and direct IP


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Hi guys, can someone help me?

I have an ethernet modem, so when i try hosting it gives me a wrong IP, as local network IP. i tried to give to the opponent real IP from whatsmyip or something like it. No result!

Help me!

Thanks in advance

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Hi, I forgot to say that I have an ethernet modem not router, an adsl2mue Linksys, I have not option about forwarding port, I configured Norton 2005 to open ports that mvp requires, and I tried to host with real IP as you suggest. Nothing but I will try again!

Thanks for your help.

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Try turning your firewalls off completely.

I read the manual for that particular model and it seems that port forwarding is not an option. That really sucks for you. The only possible way to set it up would to have it in bridge mode and have a router behind it.

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does this modem have a built in firewall? and have you tried to disable any windows/norton firewalls as well? as five mentioned try truning off all firewalls and seeing what happens.

2 other possibilities- 1) it may be with your dsl connection and the dynamic ip 2) your isp may not provide customers with a public ip address (this may be the problem). try contacting your isp and see what they offer in the way of either a static or public ip address. a public or static ip may cost a little money though. so i would recommend trying to disable any firewalls completely first.

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I opened all the ports in Norton2005 to program MVP.exe, not only those ones manual said.

And I played hosting a game!

Thnaks you guys for your tips :wtg: .

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