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Advice and help


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Hi there guys, I have been reading the posts and such in here for a while. I had gotten mvp 2004 a while ago and i need some advice and help.

I am the New York Electrons in my game, i took one of the totalminors rosters ( i think v5 ) and I imported my created team over the NY Yankees.

All well and fine, there were some lineup glitches i fixed, and skin tones a tad off etc, but overall the experience thus far was correct and working.

Then i start my dynasty, picking recommended datafiles and sliders etc from the masses here and am just not satisfied with the play so far.

I have played around 10 games in the dynasty, the w-l record to be means nothing, its about the true experience of baseball.

Walks have been far and few between ( i think 3 in 10 games), but that is something i have to work on myself, and I will..

The CPU hits WAY to many homers, even after turning power down to -50 and contact to -38, they seem tojust drop trow and blast 4 in one inning vs me all the time (i know of the comeback code but jeeze..).. My pitching is all the tie corners, changing speeds and such... My strikeouts for the ptchers are good (between 2-9 a game), although my stud starting pitcher should be getting around 10-14 and i have yet to top 9. But again i can live with that.

I turned off the hitting zone, pitching meter, all of that. Definatley made hitting better... Pitching to me still seems not right. The pitchers have too much precice control. I would like to see my pitchers struggle with control, walk some batters. Im simply too good with the pitching meter (bene playing pc games for 20+ years, so once you perfected the Links series it was all good from there on meters).

So here is my questions:

- What are the files out there that are going to give me the best baseball experience possible. I play every game, Human vs CPU, on All-Star level. (I fear MVP level will be too unrealistic).

- Is there a correct way to change the Tean Name in the game (last i checked that option was greyed out in MVPEdit to a custom team name?

- Which roster set is the best to use to import my team onto, to start a dynasty and play all 162 games. The most current, realistic one out there.

- This one is a favor. I do not know how to edit the uniform files ( i have read about the EA FX editors etc...) If i describe a uniform for someone, can they make it in the game for me, perhaps we can work something out in exchange for it.

Thanks to all readers and repliers.

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I play on mvp difficulty and every game i play with the sliders to get the results i want...so far i'm 4 and 3 on mvp level...i usually score 2 or 3 runs (last game i scored 8) and the computer seems to do the same. every game has been a challenge so far.

As far as things to download...I used kamasutras mod and i liked it. i still wasn't quite getting the results i wanted so i'm actually not using anything right now.

I started my dynasty with the total minors roster. It seems pretty good so far.

Walks are hard to get in the game. I swing at too much also.

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i dunno, i am just looking so forward to playing this game, but everytime i finish a ame i want to start all over in my dynasty again.

I dont care if i win or lose, but 0 walks by my pitchers, 6 homers by the CPU, cpu complete games all over the place....

Oher things that annoy me:

- grounder to an infielder, everytime they throw to firstbase they throw me out by 20 feet... throws are always too fast by the cpu, or the fielders never take enuff time to throw... (or the runners are too slow runnin to 1B)...

- unless you play on artificial turf, a shot down the line will die mid outfield... never had 1 kick around the wall in the corner for a true extra base hit. (then if they fix this, a grounball past the shortstop would wind up reaching the wall)

-No saved replays... Grrrr. All those upper deckers, wasted.

More to come...

Any words of advice?

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