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the new nike batting gloves


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That's why you back up the file first, in the case of a mistake, you have the correct file if you need it. Not every download is going to have a batch file.

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you have to assign each uniform a batting glove...he would have to know which glove you want for each team, on each uniform. trial and error is the way to go (to learn)! we've all been there at one time bro!

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Someone PM'd me about this, heres the reply I made:

1. Download nfshtool from this site

2. Extract the uniform(s) fsh (using ea graphics or biggui) that you want to install the gloves to.

3. Copy the uniform .fsh files onto nfshtool.exe, a folder should be created called uxxxx.fsh (xxxx being the uniform number)

4. In the folder you should see files 0000.bmp - 0027.bmp and index.fsh. You can see in the folders what .BMPs are for the batting gloves.

5. Rename "gloveblue.bmp" (or whatever colour you chose) and "glovepalm.bmp appropriately so they overrite the correct .BMPs in the folder.

6. Copy the index.fsh from the uxxxx.fsh folder onto nfshtool.exe. A screen should come up telling you it's successful.

7. Then import the uxxxx.fsh files back into the models.big using either biggui, eagraphics editor or a .bat file

Just back up the models.big before doing this the first time.

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Thank you :)

i can wait until someone makes an install file for it.Im too scared to edit the game files

Like bigbully said the batting gloves are specific for each uniform, so for me to create a .bat file I would need to know what colour glove and what uniform you wanted it installed to.

Anyhow, you just need to backup one file before making the changes, but if you don't want to mess with the game files then it's your choice.

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