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MVP2006 or some facsimile? Some hints..read this...


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Got this from the Bill Abner blog site: http://sportsgamer.blogspot.com/

I think it was a pull from Ops Sports. All credit goes to original author.

MVP Baseball -- Back to School?

From OS:

Hello Everyone - It's Ben Brinkman, producer of MVP Baseball. Wanted to let you all know that we've got an announcement coming out next week about what the MVP team is doing for 2006. I can't say any more right now, but I think you all will be very happy about it...

Not to get all sappy but I want to say thanks again to all the MVP fans for supporting us and feeding back on previous versions of MVP. We made MVP for the fans and nothing makes us happier than when you like what we've done, and on the flip side nothing makes us work harder when you don't.


Probably not brand new news, but promising nonetheless...

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  \ said:
Hope it's college baseball! That would be cool

(But of course, let's keep this site to keep our rosters and stadiums and stuff updated)

Yeah, but i would rather have Major League Baseball then College Baseball. I'm sure a lot of people would agree and also disagree. :)
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  \ said:
Yeah, but i would rather have Major League Baseball then College Baseball. I'm sure a lot of people would agree and also disagree. :)

Oh definately, I'd take MLB over College any day, it's just that a change would be nice for once. I just hope it comes out on PC, cause I'm not buying a PS2, or XBOX just for this.

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  \ said:
I think it was a pull from Ops Sports. All credit goes to original author.

Ben Brinkman (MVP Producer) is in fact posting over at the OS boards. Looks like we should finally get some real news next week.

He did have this to say in one of his posts...

All I can say is we'll be releasing a few roster updates for MVP05 going foward, including one very soon. I can't comment on anything else at this time.

Going forward I want to say i'll be making appearances every now and again on OS to chat as my alter ego "mickfleetwood". If you ask me a question and I don't reply, or I don't appear for weeks at a time, don't take it personally, I have a game to make.

Talk to you soon...

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''Oh definately, I'd take MLB over College any day, it's just that a change would be nice for once. I just hope it comes out on PC, cause I'm not buying a PS2, or XBOX just for this.''

Excactly what i would say. :)

Btw, Where would B.Brinkman make this announcement? Only on OP Boards?

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I dont know what they can do either, but I am sure glad they are doing something! If they do go the college route, I hope its available on pc...that way the community can do a lot to customize and mod it into the best baseball game yet. Im sure some of the guys on this site could make it into a great mlb game as well as a great college game. That would make the game the definitive baseball game on the market (screw the big money exclusive contract)!!!

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  \ said:
You guys are forgetting, it may actually be a full MLB game. If it is released before jan. 1st. (I am hoping that's what it is)

That's right. Because what is to prevent them from doing roster updates after January 1st, 2006?

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I say EA should work with ESPN games to give us a blowout game, with an authentic ESPN presentation and announcers. Has anybody played Major League Baseball 2K5? THAT'S how the broadcast presentation should be. Cause if it's a really great, authentic game, the roster updates will keep people playing a lot longer, even without a new game.

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  \ said:
That's right. Because what is to prevent them from doing roster updates after January 1st, 2006?

I am not sure how that would work as far as from a legal standpoint. But who cares? I don't use their roster updates anyway. I do my own. I just want an updated game that works correctly out of the box. Where I can play with manual pickoffs & on all star mode when I play IP to IP games. (both are things that they took out of the game when they "patched" it.)

I also want to be able to play a season against human opponents. (like you can do in the NHL games.)

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i would love to play a college baseball player....if they have the "heisman" mode like in football, that would be awesome...i would play...and also i hope they don't change the rosters and mods too much, first thing we'll do is change the rosters to put real names in and etc.

mabye it's a strech, but i hope d-2 makes it...kinda personal reasons to it...too bad sean walker's eligbity is up..he won't be on college baseball...but depending how long it takes him to get to high a ball, he will be on ur for mvp 05...trust me, i think many of us will be playing mvp 05 for years....

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Really, as long as it is something that can be modded to atleast mimmick the Major League games, I'm happy.

I mean, are the stadiums rights exclusive as well?

If not, what are the chances of getting a Cooperstown style game, with old, torn down parks. The Retired players rights are seperate from that than the MLBPA. The only hitch would be team names and logos.

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