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I did a search yesterday and found the offical mvpedit thread that i got some good info from.

I did the same search today and cannot find it!

Is it possible for you to find the OFFICAL MVPEDIT thread and sticky it in the support section?

The reason I ask this is, any thread that has the word mvpedit in it gets locked.

I can see the reason for locking them but some kind of a sticky thread needs to be made.

Thank's and Gooo Mariners

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No, not every thread that says mvpedit gets locked. If people are asking where to find MVPEdit, it gets locked because the answer has aleady been posted at least 100 times, and I have even addressed this question in my FAQ.

The search engine looks like it's still a little off after the transfer, so I'm having a hard time finding the thread you mean. If you look through your history logs, you should be able to find the thread again. Post it here and we'll see.

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