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Pitcher Cyberface Glitch


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Curious if anyone else is seeing this..

After a foul ball, on some cyberface mods, the pitchers face will flicker to some sort of low detail model or something similar. Then when he sets at the mound again, it goes back to normal.

Is this a compression issue or ???

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It may or may not be because the face is an 04 face, but the game thinks it's an 05 face. Double check that your roster recognizes that any 04 cyberface is listed as such in your roster. (you can do this by setting it properly in mvpedit in the appearance tab & then exporting the .mbe file to your roster)

(this may not be the reason you are having this problem, but it is a possibility)

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It's just an LOD(level of detail) glitch. It's freaky, but it happens all the time for pitchers. Suddenly they have unlit flat faces and then go back to the mound and they're okay again.

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