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MvpMods Complaint System


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This thread has really turned into something that I never expected to become.

My reason for creating this thread was that when we first started the complaint system, we recieved e-mails to that account that were not really complaints. We were getting support type questions. As I stated in the first post in this thread, we got a "complaint" because one person wanted to get the latest roster set but wanted to know what one to download. No big deal, the guy didn't know. And since I made this thread we haven't had those types of questions.

Now it seems that some people are using this thread as the complaint thread. That's not what this is about.

When you post a PM or a complaint, don't expect an answer within minutes. We all don't live in the same time zone. The moderators in here live all over. Our top guy's in Texas. Three of us are on the East Coast of the country. One is in Scotland. The moderators also have outside responsibilities too. Like going to work or going to school. Some of the mods can't come on here daily. Again, have patience.

Again, this thread is only to explain the complaint system and what it is to be used for. Do not post your complaints in here any more. Thank you.

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  • 1 year later...

I have a complaint about the complaint system..... I can't find the complaint system when I ctrl+F the front page. There's nothing on the left side. Ironic, because my actual complaint is about the search function itself on the site. It just doesn't seem to pick some things up. I searched for "stutter", "stutter fix" and "test02" for the stutter fix mod and came up with zero results. How can that be? I don't understand web sites so maybe I'm missing something? I just wanted to point a guy to a link, but I've found searching in the DL's section to be really sketchy.

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I had this problem too. You see, its not labeled as complaint system on the homepage. Its contact us. Look under main menu on the left, then under home, and choose contact us.

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It's not that the search function doesn't work, it's that you have to set it up right for it to work. I did the same search for "stutter fix" and got countless results. Make sure you're searching for "Posts", not "Topics". You can always find what you're looking for in the Search page; you just have to know how to do it.

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It's not that the search function doesn't work, it's that you have to set it up right for it to work. I did the same search for "stutter fix" and got countless results. Make sure you're searching for "Posts", not "Topics". You can always find what you're looking for in the Search page; you just have to know how to do it.

Well, this what I'm getting...... you can see why it's confusing. It looks to me like I'm asking the search to occur throughout the DL section.


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Ya, bro...that probably is the case. Clearly by the images, I'm looking in the DL section..... trying to get someone to the correct link. So any accounting for why I'm not getting any results?

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