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so im playing online.. and out of nowhere..


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this thing comes up when it says youve been

disqualified due to unfair behavior..

i literally did nothiung but pitch the ball........

and then it said my acount has been suspended..



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i am in mvp leagues, and this is not uncommon. you didnt do anything wrong, one of you probably lost sync with the other.

online you are not alowed to pause(to chat, check stats or sub) more than 3 times and inning, and if someone is taking too long(sometimes cuz they lost sync) the cpu thinks they are cheating in some way(pausing too long) and kick them out.

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The only reason I can think of that happening would be typing bad words.

No, that's not it. I play against MarkbtheYankee online a lot and we swear about plays a lot. We don't have this happen to us.

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