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Sean O's Fantasy Ballparks

Sean O

What park would you most like to see?  

62 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • Single-A Urban Ballpark
    • Fantasy Major League Classic Ballpark
    • Tampa Bay Devil Rays Replacement (seaside)
    • Minnesota Twins Urban Ballpark
    • Washington Nationals Urban DC Ballpark
    • Other (specify)

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wow, this is looking like it is going to be great. ive been hoping someone would make a New yankee stadium edit

(im new here so if u dont recognise me)

im not trying to hassle you, but any idea of when it might be ready?

good luck with the project

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Well this is just a Vectorworks render, I haven't even begun on a proper MVP creation for this park yet. It's one of those future projects, and hopefully I'll release it at some point.

There are a few other things I'm alternating between at the moment.

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So the ballfield is going to be symetrical?

Yeah, 342 / 390 / 420 / 461 for corners, power alleys, points left and right of center, and dead center. Then there will be 3 decks, in the style of Kauffman Stadium.

I'm also looking ahead to possible projects on a new Ebbets for the Mets, and I have an idea for a major renovation to Fenway, all of which I can hopefully get to. But now, back to the upper deck.

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I think that your dimensions will be good. There's far too many home runs being hit in my games, even when the I put the power slider in the negative numbers. Looks like you'll really have to crank the ball to hit it out of the park.

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I know i've been posting a lot of pictures, but I like to catalog progress as I add more to the park. Here's one concept, one I rather like, for the outfield buildings:


Right now I'm attempting to get the Upper Deck perfect.

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It looks really cool with those buildings! The Yankee Stadium Hotel! If the buildings aren't too tall, you could have bleachers on the rooftops, overlooking the field just like at Wrigley. I think that would be a cool concept.

Where do you plan on putting the bullpens and Monument Park?

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Here are the last images of the night, with most of the inside of the park finished. There's still a lot more to go, but that shows both upper decks complete, as well as the glassy enclosure for the luxury suites that tapers with the middle deck. The middle and top are reversed, so one is flat along the top, while the other is flat along the bottom. This, combined with the lines of the center field area, creates a nice unified design area.

I'll post a clearer picture tomorrow.

As for the bleachers, they are going directly to the sides of the center field divot, to keep the symmetry. Monument Park will be removed from the field proper and placed within the dead-center building, on the first floor. This will allow it to be visible the entire year round, while also keeping it enclosed from the elements.

I'm just so happy that I figured out all the difficult lines, now all that's left is to add the stuff I know I can do. When I'm done I'll post a link to the Vectorworks viewer so everyone can view the wireframe version of the product.

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I'm using Vectorworks 11 with Spotlight and Renderworks. Unfortunately, it's screwing up whenever I try to make modifications to this project, so the rendering part of it may be done for now. I'll either move onto an mvp edit of something or another vectorworks project next. I'm thinking a renovation of Fenway Park, or the creation of a neoclassical park for the Mets in the style of Ebbets Field.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey all-

I'm working on a fantasy renovation to Fenway Park, in honor of the old girl's 100th anniversary in April, 2012. I'll give more information later, but you should know that the main point is to add a second deck, not yet created.

Here are a few pictures:




Comments welcome.

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Well, as it is, it's not that different from current Fenway. All I did was smooth out the right and center field fences, and move the 420' divot right up against the wall instead of in the middle of the bleachers. The Upper Deck is going to add a whole lot of flavor, since it will wrap all the way around and cover the center field divot. I'm hoping it'll really all work together.

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I use Vectorworks 11 right now with Renderworks and Spotlight. I'm a theatre designer, so it's great for that.

I'm still working on the upper deck, but hopefully will be able to post pictures tomorrow.


LF: 310

CF Divot: 420'

CF: 397'

Right Center: 400'6"

RF Center 2: 382'

RF: 302'

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Hey all-

So, after finishing up my version of Fenway, I'm starting work on a new fantasy Marlins ballpark in downtown Miami. The site (as I've determined using Google Earth) is as follows:


Closeup of the site, and here's a shot of the park in relation to the American Airlines Arena:


The outside of the stadium is going to mimic the Art Deco feel of Miami Beach, with bright colors and neon lights at night. If you look at the top image, the park will live in the lower-right corner, with home the outfield walls roughly following that corner, so home plate is pretty much near the "New Marlins Park" marker. The left-field foul line will run right into that 3-sided divot about half-way in the middle of it, and I'd like the field walls to follow along the water's edge.

So, I would love some thoughts about what Marlins fans, or really anyone, would like to see in a new Florida ballpark. If you're wondering what kind of work I'm doing, look up my fantasy fenway thread in Left Field, so you can see what Vectorworks looks like.

Any thoughts on dimensions, concepts, or just cool stuff you've always wanted to see in a park, I'd love to hear about it.

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Are you going to have the outfield walls face the water like in SBC? I kinda like the odd shape of the Marlins field as it is. Maybe have a flag pole in play somewhere. But I could see a much more symectrical field as well. looking forward to this as your Fenway design looks great

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I'm planning on having one of the walls directly against the bay, probably the right field one, without any real walkway between it and the water. The left field and center field area have a walkway between the wall and the water, with a raised pavilion area directly in center field. One of the things I'm unsure of is the dimensions, since I'm not sure if I should go big or small. I guess this is sort of a neoclassical stadium, but only in the way that it will have open concourses and the other amenities, and it's based on the past.

I think the Art Deco feel could really work, and immediately separate it from the rest of the recent parks. I just need to figure out a way to make the retractable roof not seem forced.

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Hmm, a retractable roof. It's late and I have yet to go to bed so this is going to sound a bit crazy.

I'd use Minute Maid Park as sorta an example. But instead, I'd put the seats that are in Right Field in Minute Maid, and switch them so they are in left field. I'd then make a raised right field pavilion/deck area. Shape it like a pier since it's near the water. I'd have that pier pavilion/deck thing over hang right field sorta like old Tiger Stadium with it's overhang. I guess under the pier I'd put the bullpens. Ok so I didn't think it all the way through but let me get some sleep and I'll have something better later today in the afternoon so feel free to ignore me now :doh:

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