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controller.cfg for XBOX controllers (for MVP on the PC)


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I don't know how they cannot be. Its an executable file that I ran and installed itself. There is an XBCD folder in my program files. When I open that setup program it doesn't show anything to select from under Device.

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Stupid question. I haven't played MVP in a while, and am now on a new pc (running Vista, but I got the drivers installed fine). Back when I last played, you needed a controller.cfg file to have all the mappings in it, and the most current instructions say that isn't necessary. If that's the case, which controller profile should I be picking in-game?

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Turns out it was a Vista issue, and that there were a bunch of "unknown devices" that I needed to install drivers for, and then it worked. I did have to edit my controller.cfg anyway though, the buttons weren't correct in my case.

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Question does anyone have the cfg. file that is set up like it is for logitech?

I have been messing with this thing for 2 hours and can't get it?

If someone could post the cfg. that is similiar to logitech without using this

as a mouse as well I would appreciate it! Thank you for your help!!

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Hey guys,

Would anyone pleasebe willing to create a controller.cfg

file that would mirror the logitech settings as much as possible for the

360 controller? I just bought this. It is the windows version, with the new

drivers etc. Except everything is backwards and I keep screwing it up.

I would deeply appreciate this. Thanks alot.

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Not exactly sure what the logitech settings are, but what I did to set my controller up is open the controller settings option while I was setting up the controller.cfg so I could see which buttons were which. When I opened MVP again, it changed some settings, so I edited them in game, and then went back to the controller.cfg file, edited it to how I liked it, and made it read-only.

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I finally got it to work! I looked at how my logitech rumblepad(s) were mapped out in the .cfg file and just tried copying them to my 360 controller

it is so much nicer using the 360 controller, it holds better and the L2 and R2 triggers are sweet!! Thank you for your help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so is there no way to get it to work without using XBCD drivers? It doesnt seem to accept any changes I make. So must I use the other drivers to make changes for the 360 controller work? I am worried about them screwing up madden.

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Wassup folks? I've just recently started playing MVP 05 once again after being thoroughly dissappointed by the MLB series on the 360 yet again. My question to anyone who cares to reply is simply how to get a reasonbly similar layout with the 360 controller to the old xbox controller. I've spent a couple of hours fishing through the the forums and downloads, possibly I've just overlooked the solution. As far as opening the .config file and reading it or changing I have no idea how to do that, only replace it with something else. The linked files I checked were no longer up. Also I've tried in-game and menu settings and theyre still pretty whacked out and dont seem to match at all, not even what I've set them to. Pitch #2 pulls out the linup and pitcher info. If anyone could help enlighten me I would greatly apprecite the help.

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The way I have it is still a little screwy (L1 is Pitch #5, LThmb pauses the game, I can't move in the batter's box, and I can't intentionally hit or walk or check pitch history. BUT.... It's livable. The way I have it is fair enough. Here's what I'd say to do:

1) Look for my other posts on the last few pages. Follow my conversation with the guy whose avatar was the ChiSox symbol. Download the link he tells me to and install that file before plugging in the controller. Also follow the step by step instruction he linked me to while you install.

2) Here's something no one else warned me about. After that driver was done installing, I had another pop up tell me to install another driver, so I went along with that. So it seemed like I installed two things at once.

3) Restart the computer. That usually helps to make sure newly installed programs work.

4) In-game, go adjust 'cause some will start out of whack, like throwing to 2nd/3rd. These buttons are clearly wrong. Set the buttons as close to the XBox controls as you can. Obviously, you can't set it to L2+RThmb for an intentional walk, so you'll just click RThmb when you edit the controls.

5) Go to where you set the 5th pitch. You probably put R1. This won't work. Don't know why, but it doesn't. Set it to L1. Now it should work, but it'll feel strange when you pitch.

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Thanks for replying "Darkslide" but it appears those links from ToiletofSadness or whatever arent working anymore. Also I'm not sure how much good that would do anyways, I still havent read or heard any definitive answers throughout this forum. If the best I can hope for is being able to only partially control the game then I'll just stop wasting my time trying to figure it out. By the way I tried this supposedly 'awesome" program called Pinnacle for PC controllers to be remapped as one sees fit, but I had a hard time matching anything up.

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Alright, maybe I aqueised to defeat a lil soon, just as I was about to totally give up I noticed a mention of something on EAMods.com and low and behold everything is now exactly the same as the original Xbox version. Well, I didnt figure out how to pitch out or hit the batter, but all pitches, pick-offs, hitting, baserunning, rumble-effect, start button all seem to match up. Crazy how I did all this searching then accidentally came across this, I'll repost the link for anyone who's interested, just follow the instructions he gives. Super-jawsome

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Yeah, isn't that the step by step that someone linked for me?

I think you're right, it was ToiletofSadness. He told me that his link was more updated than what kraw put in the EAmods.com thread. Did you actually try this out yet? How is it?

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Yeah Darkslide, like I said followed I followed the link in your conversation but it wouldnt connect, I just found this one by accident. Its still working like a charm, only things I havent figured out pitch-out & hitbypitch. Basically everything else is already mapped to the 360 controller flawlessly, even pauses the game and vibration feedback correctly. Maybe that link timed out or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That one has been working great for me, except that now the XBox 360 software keeps trying to update itself. I did once and it screwed the controls up so I had to reinstall the controller/drivers. As previously mentioned in this thread, the Intentional walk/hit batter controls aren't mapped, neither is the quick pick off throw (which desperately needs to be mapped).

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