cujomatty Posted June 15, 2014 Share Posted June 15, 2014 can someone send me the config file. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sask3m Posted September 8, 2014 Share Posted September 8, 2014 Hey all I have a 360 controller and am wondering if someone could post the config. for this controller. The links early on in this thread are dead. Thanks. PS: Found a really good one. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InterCityFirmWh Posted September 13, 2014 Share Posted September 13, 2014 Need the xbox 360 config my self. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jim825 Posted September 13, 2014 Share Posted September 13, 2014 Add the following to your controller.cfg file, which is in your My DocumentsMVP Baseball 2005 folder and you will be able to use the XBox 360 Controller. These are the settings in my controller.cfg file. I got them when this thread was new and the posted link still worked. profile= Controller_(XBOX_360_For_Windows) device= Controller_(XBOX_360_For_Windows) player= 0 number_of_buttons= 10 number_of_povs= 1 number_of_axis= 5 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_START= button 8 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_SELECT= button 7 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_CROSS= button 1 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_CIRCLE= button 2 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_SQUARE= button 3 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_TRIANGLE= button 4 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_L1= button 5 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_R1= button 6 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_L2= axis- 3 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_R2= axis+ 3 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_L3= button 9 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_R3= button 10 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_DPAD_UP= pov0 1 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN= pov180 1 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT= pov270 1 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT= pov90 1 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_L_STICK_RIGHT= axis- 1 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_L_STICK_LEFT= axis+ 1 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_L_STICK_UP= axis+ 2 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_L_STICK_DOWN= axis- 2 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_R_STICK_RIGHT= axis- 4 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_R_STICK_LEFT= axis+ 4 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_R_STICK_UP= axis+ 5 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_R_STICK_DOWN= axis- 5 VPAD_PITCH_1= button 1 VPAD_PITCH_2= button 2 VPAD_PITCH_3= button 3 VPAD_PITCH_4= button 4 VPAD_PITCH_5= button 6 VPAD_FIELD_PICK_OFF_THROW_FIRST= button 2 VPAD_FIELD_PICK_OFF_THROW_SECOND= button 4 VPAD_FIELD_PICK_OFF_THROW_THIRD= button 3 VPAD_PITCH_OUT= button 1 VPAD_THROW_BALL= not_assigned -1 VPAD_INTENTIONAL_WALK= button 10 VPAD_INTENTIONAL_HITBATTER= not_assigned -1 VPAD_PITCH_HISTORY_OPEN= button 9 VPAD_SWING_NORMAL= button 1 VPAD_SWING_BUNT= button 10 VPAD_CHARGE_MOUND= not_assigned -1 VPAD_FIELD_THROW_FIRST= button 2 VPAD_FIELD_THROW_SECOND= button 4 VPAD_FIELD_THROW_THIRD= button 3 VPAD_FIELD_THROW_HOME= button 1 VPAD_FIELD_SWITCH= button 7 VPAD_FIELD_RELAY_THROW= button 5 VPAD_FIELD_CUTOFF_THROW= button 5 VPAD_FIELD_FAKE_RUNDOWN_THROW= not_assigned -1 VPAD_RUNNER_FIRST_SELECT= button 2 VPAD_RUNNER_SECOND_SELECT= button 4 VPAD_RUNNER_THIRD_SELECT= button 3 VPAD_RUNNER_RUNFIRST= pov90 1 VPAD_RUNNER_RUNSECOND= pov0 1 VPAD_RUNNER_RUNTHIRD= pov270 1 VPAD_RUNNER_RUNHOME2SCORE= pov180 1 VPAD_BASERUNNER_ADVANCEALL= button 7 VPAD_BASERUNNER_RETREATALL= button 8 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GoRedSox34 Posted September 13, 2014 Share Posted September 13, 2014 thanks a ton Jim, this will come in handy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InterCityFirmWh Posted September 13, 2014 Share Posted September 13, 2014 Thanks. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MetsFan826 Posted September 14, 2014 Share Posted September 14, 2014 For those of you that have an xbox one. The controller can easily be hooked up via USB. I have it hooked up to my TV via HDMI and it works perfectly. The best part is that you can set the controls just like the old MVP 05 for xbox. Just no white and black buttons but you have rb and lb to replace those so its all good. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LouisvilleLipp Posted September 23, 2014 Share Posted September 23, 2014 It's not with the game files. It's in your My DocumentsMVP Baseball 2005 folder. I'm new to this and trying to get my wired x-box controller to work, however the only file in that folder is PROF_1-Profile.sav. Don't see a .CFG file. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MetsFan826 Posted September 23, 2014 Share Posted September 23, 2014 The documents folder is where your saved files go such as saved rosters, seasons, controls, profiles, etc. The .CFG is the savefile for your button configuration. If you haven't saved any controls yet, it probably won't show up. Your profile is there because I'm assuming you created one when you first started up MVP. Try starting up the game and change some of the controls with your laptop or PC keyboard and then save changes. Then go back to the documents/MVP 05 folder to check if it's there. Hope that helps man. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LouisvilleLipp Posted September 25, 2014 Share Posted September 25, 2014 The documents folder is where your saved files go such as saved rosters, seasons, controls, profiles, etc. The .CFG is the savefile for your button configuration. If you haven't saved any controls yet, it probably won't show up. Your profile is there because I'm assuming you created one when you first started up MVP. Try starting up the game and change some of the controls with your laptop or PC keyboard and then save changes. Then go back to the documents/MVP 05 folder to check if it's there. Hope that helps man. Thx man, appreciate the help. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MetsFan826 Posted September 25, 2014 Share Posted September 25, 2014 No problem. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trev Posted October 4, 2014 Share Posted October 4, 2014 Im having problems with the pausing on this. I am using the 360 controller and when im fielding and push the analog stick down it pauses. I looked back in the thread and they had a lot of issues so I don't know which one fixed it. Thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fuzzone Posted January 28, 2015 Share Posted January 28, 2015 skimmed, how about xbox one controller wireless works with some games? will it work with this one if connected usb wise? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cujomatty Posted February 4, 2015 Share Posted February 4, 2015 I just wanted to say that this configuration file is the most efficient and most accurate file i've found in this thread. Like some of you, I stumbled around for a while wondering if I'd need to get XBCD or needed to tweak the file myself. Then I noticed I had missed this layout here. Here's a description of your control layout(it a wired xbox 360 controller):Apart from having ALL the fundamentals mapped correctly, it closely mimics the old xbox layout. -The START button brings up the PAUSE menu, while the BACK button brings up your SWING ANALYSIS. -Clicking in and holding the LEFT THUMBSTICK bring up your PITCH HISTORY, and you can use the bumpers to cycle through at-bats. -The RIGHT TRIGGER brings up what I've always called the MANAGER MENU, hold it and then use either the bumpers to cycle or the d-padThe only thing That took me a while to figure out was how to lead-off. Pushing RIGHT THUMBSTICK UP, DOWN, or LEFT would cause SELECTED RUNNER TO LEAD, ALL RUNNERS RETREAT, and ALL RUNNERS ADVANCE respectively.If i didn't spill apple juice on my controller it would be nearly perfect.Oh and lastly, despite the fact that the game tells you that BUTTON 8 is cutoff/relay, its actually located on the RIGHT TRIGGER.Hope this is helpful to someone who just picked up the game recently.try this.1st: Copy the above config.Then Goto: My Documents/MVP BASEBALL 2005. Delete you Config file.3rd: Start MVP BASEBALL 2005, goto My MVP>MVP OPTIONS>CONTROLLER CONFIG. Highlight "SWING" and hit A. Now Save. (this makes a brand new config file for you)4th: Exit MVP BASEBALL 2005, Goto: My Documents/MVP BASEBALL 2005. Open your Config file. Highlight everything below this and replace it with the config you copied from this very thread.profile= XBOX_360_For_Windows_(Controller)device= XBOX_360_For_Windows_(Controller)player= 1number_of_buttons= 10number_of_povs= 1number_of_axis= 5(PLEASE NOTE: it will not read profile= XBOX_360_For_Windows_(Controller) in your file, I think you should leave it as is and just make sure that yours has the same number of players,buttons,povs, and axis.)Lastly, SAVE the file and go test it out.The only reasons i can think this wouldn't work is because i've made a mistake in my instructions or your controller isn't compatable with the config.I just wanted to say that this configuration file is the most efficient and most accurate file i've found in this thread. Like some of you, I stumbled around for a while wondering if I'd need to get XBCD or needed to tweak the file myself. Then I noticed I had missed this layout here. Here's a description of your control layout(it a wired xbox 360 controller):Apart from having ALL the fundamentals mapped correctly, it closely mimics the old xbox layout. -The START button brings up the PAUSE menu, while the BACK button brings up your SWING ANALYSIS. -Clicking in and holding the LEFT THUMBSTICK bring up your PITCH HISTORY, and you can use the bumpers to cycle through at-bats. -The RIGHT TRIGGER brings up what I've always called the MANAGER MENU, hold it and then use either the bumpers to cycle or the d-padThe only thing That took me a while to figure out was how to lead-off. Pushing RIGHT THUMBSTICK UP, DOWN, or LEFT would cause SELECTED RUNNER TO LEAD, ALL RUNNERS RETREAT, and ALL RUNNERS ADVANCE respectively.If i didn't spill apple juice on my controller it would be nearly perfect.Oh and lastly, despite the fact that the game tells you that BUTTON 8 is cutoff/relay, its actually located on the RIGHT TRIGGER.Hope this is helpful to someone who just picked up the game recently.try this.1st: Copy the above config.Then Goto: My Documents/MVP BASEBALL 2005. Delete you Config file.3rd: Start MVP BASEBALL 2005, goto My MVP>MVP OPTIONS>CONTROLLER CONFIG. Highlight "SWING" and hit A. Now Save. (this makes a brand new config file for you)4th: Exit MVP BASEBALL 2005, Goto: My Documents/MVP BASEBALL 2005. Open your Config file. Highlight everything below this and replace it with the config you copied from this very thread.profile= XBOX_360_For_Windows_(Controller)device= XBOX_360_For_Windows_(Controller)player= 1number_of_buttons= 10number_of_povs= 1number_of_axis= 5(PLEASE NOTE: it will not read profile= XBOX_360_For_Windows_(Controller) in your file, I think you should leave it as is and just make sure that yours has the same number of players,buttons,povs, and axis.)Lastly, SAVE the file and go test it out.The only reasons i can think this wouldn't work is because i've made a mistake in my instructions or your controller isn't compatable with the config. I know this is an old thread but I had to reply in case there are people trying to get this figured out. I also had the problem with left stick pause and 3rd pitch button (x) bringing up the substitute menu. I tried for a good couple hours to figure it out with no luck. I then found this thread. Particularly this post helped me. I followed it step by step and used the config quoted in it (on page 13) and it worked perfectly. Side note: I use a ps4 controller and a program called ds4windows just incase someone was in a similar boat. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trev Posted August 23, 2015 Share Posted August 23, 2015 I know this is an old thread but I had to reply in case there are people trying to get this figured out. I also had the problem with left stick pause and 3rd pitch button (x) bringing up the substitute menu. I tried for a good couple hours to figure it out with no luck. I then found this thread. Particularly this post helped me. I followed it step by step and used the config quoted in it (on page 13) and it worked perfectly. Side note: I use a ps4 controller and a program called ds4windows just incase someone was in a similar boat.Sorry to bump again, but I still can't get the pause button to work it's quite annoying while playing and I try to dive and it pauses my game. I use Xbox 360 Controller Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tinpanalley Posted November 3, 2015 Share Posted November 3, 2015 I know this is an old thread but I had to reply in case there are people trying to get this figured out. I also had the problem with left stick pause and 3rd pitch button (x) bringing up the substitute menu. I tried for a good couple hours to figure it out with no luck. I then found this thread. Particularly this post helped me. I followed it step by step and used the config quoted in it (on page 13) and it worked perfectly. Side note: I use a ps4 controller and a program called ds4windows just incase someone was in a similar boat.I've tried this over and over 3 times, it simply doesn't work with my X360 controller. Can anyone else with a 360 controller confirm that this works? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StAhL Posted November 4, 2015 Share Posted November 4, 2015 I use a X360 controller ,too.It works perfectly.I use the config posted abouve,but in my config it´s "player= 1".Try this. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jim825 Posted November 4, 2015 Share Posted November 4, 2015 Same here. It works fine for me with my wired XBox 360 controller. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tinpanalley Posted November 4, 2015 Share Posted November 4, 2015 (edited) Same here. It works fine for me with my wired XBox 360 controller.Ok, but does it work wireless with the wireless receiver?UPDATE: No dice, even with player=1 I use the 'x' button and it pulls up the pause menu. That .cfg edit isn't working for me at all. Edited November 12, 2015 by tinpanalley Update Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tinpanalley Posted November 12, 2015 Share Posted November 12, 2015 Just a question... is this config only capable of making the 360 controller work when it's plugged in or does it also allow the 360 controller to work wirelessly. Because I can't get the controls to stick with my controller being used wireless. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StAhL Posted November 12, 2015 Share Posted November 12, 2015 I use a wired controller,so i have no experience with a wireless one.Sorry Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kusaywa Posted November 18, 2015 Share Posted November 18, 2015 Here's what I did to get it to work with my XBOX 360 Wireless Controller. As previously mentioned, go to Controller Config. within the game and change one of the Keyboard options (Swing = A for example) This will create the controller.cfg in Documents/MVP Baseball 2004 I then entered this below. Note the name change to the controller. If this still doesn't work, rename profile= and device= to what it says in your "Setup USB game controller" profile= XBOX_360_Wireless_Receiver_For_Windows device= XBOX_360_Wireless_Receiver_For_Windows player= 1 number_of_buttons= 10 number_of_povs= 1 number_of_axis= 5 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_START= button 7 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_SELECT= button 8 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_CROSS= button 1 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_CRICLE= button 2 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_SQUARE= button 3 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_TRIANGLE= button 4 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_L1= button 5 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_R1= button 6 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_L2= button 7 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_R2= button 8 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_L3= not_assigned -1 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_R3= not_assigned -1 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_DPAD_UP= pov0 1 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN= pov180 1 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT= pov270 1 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT= pov90 1 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_L_STICK_RIGHT= axis- 1 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_L_STICK_LEFT= axis+ 1 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_L_STICK_UP= axis+ 2 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_L_STICK_DOWN= axis- 2 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_R_STICK_RIGHT= axis- 3 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_R_STICK_LEFT= axis+ 3 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_R_STICK_UP= axis+ 4 VPAD_VIRTUAL_BUTTON_R_STICK_DOWN= axis- 4 VPAD_PITCH_1= button 1 VPAD_PITCH_2= button 2 VPAD_PITCH_3= button 3 VPAD_PITCH_4= button 4 VPAD_PITCH_5= button 6 VPAD_FIELD_PICK_OFF_THROW_FIRST= button 2 VPAD_FIELD_PICK_OFF_THROW_SECOND= button 4 VPAD_FIELD_PICK_OFF_THROW_THIRD= button 3 VPAD_PITCH_OUT= button 1 VPAD_DEFENSIVE_ALIGNMENT_OPEN= button 8 VPAD_THROW_BALL= not_assigned -1 VPAD_INTENTIONAL_WALK= not_assigned -1 VPAD_INTENTIONAL_HITBATTER= not_assigned -1 VPAD_PITCH_HISTORY_OPEN= not_assigned -1 VPAD_SWING_NORMAL= button 1 VPAD_SWING_BUNT= button 2 VPAD_CHARGE_MOUND= button 4 VPAD_FIELD_THROW_FIRST= button 2 VPAD_FIELD_THROW_SECOND= button 4 VPAD_FIELD_THROW_THIRD= button 3 VPAD_FIELD_THROW_HOME= button 1 VPAD_FIELD_SWITCH= button 5 VPAD_FIELD_CUTOFF_THROW= button 6 VPAD_FIELD_FAKE_RUNDOWN_THROW= button 6 VPAD_RUNNER_FIRST_SELECT= button 3 VPAD_RUNNER_SECOND_SELECT= button 4 VPAD_RUNNER_THIRD_SELECT= button 1 VPAD_RUNNER_RUNFIRST= pov90 1 VPAD_RUNNER_RUNSECOND= pov0 1 VPAD_RUNNER_RUNTHIRD= pov270 1 VPAD_RUNNER_RUNHOME2SCORE= pov180 1 VPAD_BASERUNNER_ADVANCEALL= button 5 VPAD_BASERUNNER_RETREATALL= button 6 VPAD_RUNNER_STOP_SELECTED= button 7 VPAD_RUNNER_STOP_ALL= button 8 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tarheelphenom Posted March 28, 2016 Share Posted March 28, 2016 So glad this thread is still available. Im currently trying to set up my config for my xbox one controllers. Ive looked at the configs in this thread and have one question...does it make a difference that my controller is showing 11 buttons and 6 axis? All the configs that are showing to work are 10 and 5 respectively...and per instructions we are told not to change those numbers because thats how our pc/laptop reads our particular controllers. Just wonder where the extra button/axis is coming from seeing how the xbox one and xbox 360 controller is basically the same layout. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
homersheineken Posted April 2, 2016 Share Posted April 2, 2016 360 controller worked for me. Thanks! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CField17 Posted April 4, 2016 Share Posted April 4, 2016 I can't control the sliding with my controller. Seems like you could slide head first when I originally played this for PS2? I'm playing on PC with a 360 controller now, and I think I've got most things working besides the sliding. Any suggestions? Thnx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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