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Least Effective Pitch in game


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I play this on GCN, and I have to say my worst favorite pitch to use is the Change. I've tried thrown it on every count, after Fastballs, after my previous Change, etc. and the ball is either fouled off or hit a mile.

For some reason I'm able to get the Change (circle change) down with Keith Foulke if and only if there's a man on (so that he switches to the other release windup). I've tried the change with Johan Santana (who has a high rated Circle Change), P-Mart (also high rated Change... or is is Circle, can't remember which) & I tried modding Scott Proctor's pitches to include a 99 rated Change (that didn't work very well). Rosters are the default ones, the ones with the fake names.

Could you guys give me some tips on throwing the change, like when to throw it or who to throw it with?

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I find it best to throw it away from batters, on the edge of the strike zone, or just slightly off, and after a 4seam, or 2seam fastball. If you're gonna go inside with it. Make sure it's way off the plate, like not even close. It's a way to show the batter something, and then go back outside with something harder. But don't hit the batter, what a waste it would be to plunk a guy with a change up.

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I'm running a dynasty where I just pitch as a single minor leaguer, and I'm taking him up to the majors. I have an 85 mph 4-seamer, an 82 mph cutter (he's a lefty; cutter goes 10-4), a 78 mph splitter, and a 67 mph a screwball (1-7). I find they're all useful, even the 85 mph 4-seamer, provided it's in the right situation. The cutter is wonderful, either backdoor or pounded inside to righties, and the screwball gets a surprising number of k's in the upper-left corner, since the batter never expects it. I recently replaced a 2-seamer with the splitter, since 2-seamers are impossible for me to use with the keyboard.

I get about a k an inning in AAA with CPU swing frequency at -40, on MVP. It's pretty challenging, but I like it.

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I play this on GCN, and I have to say my worst favorite pitch to use is the Change. I've tried thrown it on every count, after Fastballs, after my previous Change, etc. and the ball is either fouled off or hit a mile.

For some reason I'm able to get the Change (circle change) down with Keith Foulke if and only if there's a man on (so that he switches to the other release windup). I've tried the change with Johan Santana (who has a high rated Circle Change), P-Mart (also high rated Change... or is is Circle, can't remember which) & I tried modding Scott Proctor's pitches to include a 99 rated Change (that didn't work very well). Rosters are the default ones, the ones with the fake names.

Could you guys give me some tips on throwing the change, like when to throw it or who to throw it with?

I can't stand a change either. Its not as usefull in this game, since its much easier to detect. I always throw it low, or borderline low, and hope that it either falls a ball, or is fouled/missed

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You know, I've been reading all these posts in here and while a lot of them make a lot of sense, I think something is being missed here. The least effective pitch for you can vary from game to game. It depends on the pitcher that is being used. For example, in one game you pitch Barry Zito and he has a great curveball. And let's say for the sake of this arguement that he doesn't have that good of let's say a fastball. You got a better chance of having success with that curve of his in that game then the other pitch. The next game you pitch a fastball pitcher like Roger Clemens. Here's a pitcher that has made a career out of the fastball and strikeouts. That's your out pitch in this game. Now say that Clemens throws a curve ball too. It's not going to be as good as Zito's. That means in this game compared to the first one that the curveball is not the best pitch.

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Guest JWClubbie

Th emost effective for me is the change and curveball. Least effective is a 4seamer. Sometimes If i can get one by low and in, I do it again and again, eventually I get punished. I don;t do this naymore. I throw lots of breaking balls.

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The key to a pitch's effectiveness boils down to location. Even the pitch's with the best stuff lose their effectiveness when not located to maximize their break.

Pitch's that break down need to be below the knees. Read a hitter for pitch's that have a side break. A two seamer works great as a backdoor pitch or on the hands. Change ups should be thrown inside corner or more in. If they are hit, they are pulled foul then. If a batter is off the plate a ways and lacks plate coverage then I will locate a change on the outside corner..

Of course, count leverage is the key for pitch's out of the strikezone and getting a batter to chase.

I like to play quite a few games against the same team. That way I get to know the opposition's batters and how to pitch them.

One of the keys to having a pitch be successful, is to at some point in the trajectory have it appear to cross the strikezone. A batter, whether human or CPU, will be more likey to chase it then.

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