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East coast residents: Turn your clocks back one hour today


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Believe me man, I'd rather live in the warmer weather. I don't look forward to the winter.
I know, same here. I HATE the cold, snowy,windy weather. Have to stay indoors, Cant play or watch baseball, can't hang out with my friends due to the icy roads....ITS TERRIBLE.
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Yeah, we turned ours back at 2am this morning, too. Well, I use "we" loosely, because if it hasn't updated automatically (PC and mobile phone), any device in my room that has a clock is currently one hour behind because I haven't adjusted them yet. :D

ixcuincle, you actually gain an hour of sleep. You lose it when the clocks go forward. :)

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Believe me man, I'd rather live in the warmer weather. I don't look forward to the winter.

Y4L, if your knees really bother you that much, why don't you try what I tried. I got acupuncture. It worked quite nicely. I had tons of knee problems, and when it rained, became cold, or became damp, every time I bent my knees or sat down, the pain almost killed me. Then I found out about Acupunture, tried it, and the results were magical. My knees never hurt again. Now, every time I have a problem with my neck, elbows, etc., I get Acupunture, and I'm as good as new. The best part is that the Acupuncture needles don't even hurt.

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I've never thought of that. Although I don't like needles, I would try anything to help ease this or eliminate this knee pain.

I hate needles, too. I still remember the first time I was old enough to remember a shot. I didn't know what hit me. It surprised me that the Acupuncture needles didn't hurt me much. I guess part of it is that they're so thin. But after I was treated, it felt so good. I could finally run, and play basketball, football, and baseball with my kids.

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Is accupuncture a good substitute for a really delayed physical therapy? I broke my wrist and had nerve damage and just didn't go to physical therapy. I still want to because my wrist locks up and my finger tips drift into numbess at times.

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Here on the west coast, we also participate in your little east coast tradition of "daylight savings time," and "turning our clocks back."

And soon, through the tireless work of politicians and petitions, the central and mountain time zones hope to participate in "daylight savings time," as well. One day my friends, one day ...


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