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Damn straight I breathed a sigh of relief that Burnett will be out for 3 months. Thank God. I hate to see anyone hurt, but I'd love to see this enable a stay on the DL for the remainder of his 2 year contract.

Can hardly wait for the spring training games to start. Want to make a trip to Bradenton to see my Bucco's play, and also go to Steinbrenner Field (almost called it Legends Field), and also over to Lakeland to see the Tigers. God, I love this time of year. So glad Baseball is back.

Hines Ward was released by the Steelers today. Hate to see him go, but unfortunatly decisions like this have to be made every year. Gonna miss ya Hines.

Planning on getting a PS Vita. I'd love to get the PS3, but most of the time, my son is watching the TV or playing a game on my tv, so it is easier to have a portable gaming system. Plus from what I have seen, the graphics are similar to the PS3. First game I want to get is MLB 12 the show. Just waiting for my taxes to purchase this. When I get it, I'm giving my son my old PSP go.

I would like to offer my prayers to the families affected by these tornadoes the past couple of days. Also prayers to the families of those affected by the shooter in Ohio. God bless, and have a wonderful week.

I am going to weigh in on the whole. "adding playoff" spots. They are needed. How does a league have 30 teams, and only 6 playoff spots? It's ridiculous, and needs to be overhauled. There are far to few spots. It's the same teams every year...over and over. I love baseball. It's the greatest game on Earth, but MLB's playoff system is flawed. The league needs to figure out a new system. 6 teams weren't enough, and on top of that, it isn't always the 6 best teams. Pisses me off when a team wins the division with 85 wins, but another team in another division has more wins, but is out.

I say that the schedule needs to be reduced by 10-15 games, and the playoffs need to be expanded.

Oh, and I am excited by the addition of two more teams, but the one game playoff format...sucks.

Updated to 3-11

...I never listen to the guy but I think that whatever Rush Limbaugh says is geared towards ratings and trying to upset as many people as possible.

...The only reason why Peyton Manning is not a member of the Colts today is a financial one. You can't tell me that if Manning came back to the team next year Baltimore would not improve on their 2 - 14 record.

...Lenny Dykstra may not be thrilled about going to jail but I bet the prison baseball team is delighted.

...All of a sudden millions of iPad2's are no good anymore and getting the iPad3 is a must.

...Even after all these years the Electric Light Orchestra is one of my favorite bands.

...I just read the other day that Ashley Olsen, one half of the anorexic Olsen twins has decided to quit acting for good because she doesn't want to do it anymore. And I thought she was going to say she quit acting because she finally realized she was lousy at it.

...Who the hell is Adele?

...I heard about a 100 year old man who is blind but still goes bowling and is able to even get strikes and the first thing I asked myself what I was doing wrong? :lol:

...Good move by the Rams as Washington traded its next three first-round picks, plus this year's second-round pick for unproven but talented Robert Griffin III. This could turn around this 2 - 14 team in a hurry.

...East coasters, don't forget to turn your clock ahead before you go to bed tonight because if you don't some of you are going to be an hour late for work on Monday.

...Finally, I wanted to say thank you to Krawhitham who owned first Eamods and then Mlbmods. Mlbmods went down recently and no one knew why or when it was coming back and then we learned that it went down for good. Kraw did a lot for Mvp Baseball and the 2K series and his contributions to this game are only comparable to a handful of people here over the years like Trues, Jim825, Homer, Fuzzone, KC, Spungo and Dennis James, just to name a few. Thank you Kraw for everything and for your website.

Updated to 3-18

...One of the nice things about spring training is seeing Tommy Lasorda at the Dodgers camp. Love the Dodgers or not, this guy's love of the game is genuine and it shows.

...I had mixed feelings about Encyclopaedia Britannica announcing that they will not print any more versions of their product. It's been such a tradition for years and I was kind of sad to see it go. Then I looked up the price of the thirty-two volume set and when I saw the cost ($1,395 -no kidding) I wished them well.

...And FYI, for anyone wondering what the DVD version costs, it is a very reasonable $39.95 and takes a very unreasonable 4.7 gig of hard drive space.

...So let me get this straight. There's a 41 year old balded ex-teacher shacking up with a hot looking 18 year old? Who needs to go to the movies when this stuff happens in real life?

...Japan is an amazing country. After the destruction from the tsunami last year, the lengths that they have gone to rebuild their country is impressive.

...Kim Kardashian can't sleep, so she takes a sexy photo of herself and posts it on Twitter. When I can't sleep I make a sandwich.

...My wife watches The Voice every week and when I told her it was just an obvious clone of American Idol she tells me it isn't because on this show the judges don't see the singers. I let her win this one because sometimes the logic of a woman has you beat even before you say one word.

...One more thing about her. Gas prices rose on the eighth straight day in our area today. So what does she do? Drives forty miles out of town to buy a purse.

...St. Patrick's day fell on the perfect day this year because everyone who needed the excuse to tie one one because the calendar fell on March 17th now have a full day to recover.

...The first thing I thought of when I heard Andy Pettitte signed a minor league contract was that it had to be a joke. Then I thought if Pettitte could do it maybe Jorge Posada could change his mind too. :cray:

...I've always heard that every time there is a computer error or problem that it is always caused by a human mistake, which I accept totally. The trouble is, the computer doesn't tell you how to fix it. And referring to help files that don't help do not count. :sorry:

Updated to 3-25

...Even though Peyton Manning and the Broncos said all the right things during his introductory press conference, Denver still has to be very concerned with the health of Manning and if he can make it through an entire season.

...By the way Tim Tebow, thanks for everything. Are you bags packed yet? Good. See ya.

...Just because Manning is with Denver now doesn't make the Broncos the favorites in the division. Big name quarterbacks who left their team that they were most identified with really don't fare well in the NFL. Look up Joe Namath going from the Jets to the Los Angeles Rams, Joe Montana from the 49ers to the Chiefs, Kenny Stabler from the Raiders to the Houston Oilers and to go way back, Johnny Unitas from the Colts to the Chargers. Not one produced a championship for their new team.

...Cheers for Lance Berkman of the Cardinals for saying that Bum Selig extorted the new owner of the Astros to move to the American League. Finally someone came out and said exactly what many people were thinking all along.

...In Hong Kong, China a ten year old kid got arrested for kicking another boy in the head during a soccer game. In Philadelphia he would have been cheered for what he did.

...Chipper Jones plans on retiring at the completion of the 2012 season, which is just as well since his batting average retired a few years ago.

...I still do not feel I am missing anything if I don't have the latest edition of 2k baseball.

...I feel bad for Joba Chamberlain because he was working really hard to return to the mound from his Tommy John surgery but what is just as bad is all the bad press he's been getting because of his ankle injury. The New York tabloids, always looking for an excuse to slam someone, have really done a number on him since this happened.

...For what it's worth, I don't think Joba was being irresponsible. He was just a dad trying to play with his kid and it went terribly wrong. And the report I read today about him being back on the mound by June is encouraging. I don't care if he comes back to the team by September. As long as he's fine he is going to help the Yankees.

...One of the many things I like about this website is coming on here and noticing the subtle changes that are made. For example, the Recommended Sites area was put back up a few weeks back. And now just the other day the latest topic lists for the three parts of the forum grew from five to nine. Little changes, but they all make this place look better.

...By the way, if you got the time give Homer a congratulations on being named a new administrator on this site. He kept up Mlbmods by himself until they went down and he'll be nothing but a positive addition around here. Good luck Homer!

...This year the Texas Rangers are going to be serving a two foot long hot dog that weighs one pound that anyone can buy if they don't mind parting with $26. I bet Bartolo Colon can't wait until the Athletics visit Texas.

Updated to 4-1

...What the hell is Angry Birds ?

...There's an 83 year old New York woman who is suing Apple because she walked into the glass door at one of their Long Island stores. I don't care how old you are, these doors are not invisible and if you walk into them it is your own fault.

...It's safe to say that Matt Bush, the now former Rays pitcher, will never play for Tampa or any other professional team again after getting drunk, driving with a suspended license, hitting a motorcycle, running over the motorcyclist's head and leaving the scene of the accident. Now I want to see some lawyer defend this guy.

...This guy was a former number one draft pick who could throw the ball 97 to 99 miles an hour. He had a right arm that every team would love to have on their side. He had everything waiting for him. A major league career and all the fame that goes with it along with millions of dollars. There was no limit to what this guy could have done on the field. But he could not get past what the bottle had to offer him. There is no heavier burden than great potential.

...Did anyone notice how little press coverage this got? Had Matt Bush been a Yankee farmhand this story would have never left the front page of ESPN for at least a week.

...And somehow they would have found a way to blame Alex Rodriguez.

...Two billion dollars for the Los Angeles Dodgers?

...Jamie Moyer making the opening day roster for the Colorado Rockies is a great story. He deserved it with the way he pitched for them this spring. It is accounts like these that can only happen in baseball that make this game better than every sport out there.

...I read online the other day that the best tax friendly state for retirees is Alaska. Of course it is. Who the hell wants to live there? The people already in Alaska don't even want to be there. That state will do anything to get people to come there.

...If throwing touchdowns and winning games was as easy for Ryan Leaf as getting into trouble is that guy would be in the Hall of Fame by now.

...I don't know where I heard it but someone called Lady Gaga Lady Gag-Gag. Very appropriate.

...No way did I watch the two regular season games in Tokyo last week. My pillow would not let me go at that early hour.

...But I'll be wide awake this week when the rest of baseball begins again and I wish the Boston Red Sox nothing but success this year!

...By the way, April Fools.

Hey Y4L this thread has become required reading for me at lunch on Mondays at work. You've inspired me to do a version on my blog. I'm a Philly guy, but this proves that even occassionally we can get along.

Hey Y4L this thread has become required reading for me at lunch on Mondays at work. You've inspired me to do a version on my blog. I'm a Philly guy, but this proves that even occassionally we can get along.

Thank you jaxen, that was really a nice thing to say. I'm glad you like it. And just between you and I and everyone else that reads this, everything I say about Philadelphia in this thread is completely tongue-in-cheek. Any city that can produce a man like John Facenda is not bad.

Can you give me a link to your blog? I'd love to read it.

Have a good rest of the week!

Updated to 4-8

...Cleveland's Ubaldo Jimenez is appealing his five game suspension for hitting former teammate Troy Tulowitzki with a pitch. Personally I think it's a good move on his part because with all the yelling that the Rockies caused because of this incident Jimenez was guilty even before he went off the mound to defend himself.

...This was the first week of baseball but already ESPN was talking about October predictions. I know every year they do the same thing but it really is annoying. I want to enjoy the return of baseball right now and not think about the end of the season. That comes fast enough all by itself.

...With David Robertson injuring his foot going down stairs, Joba Chamberlain hurting his ankle on a trampoline of all things, Michael Pineda starting the season on the DL because of tendinitis in his right shoulder and many other various injuries that the Yankees had this spring, it leaves me very little room for sympathy for the Red Sox for losing Andrew Bailey for three months.

...On the other hand even if none of this stuff would have happened to the Yankees, Andrew Bailey still would be the last thing on my mind. I liked him when he was in Oakland but now? No.

...Levi Johnston is going to be a father again at the age of 21. You can say one thing about this guy, he knows how to get around.

...I recently re-installed an old soccer game I have called Pro Evolution Soccer 4 and I am still blown away by the graphics and gameplay that Konami put into it and all the time I was playing this I could not help thinking what this company could do if they were allowed to make a baseball game.

...The more I mess around with my XP laptop that I have the more I realize I how much I miss Windows XP because that operating system was much more stable than Vista or Windows 7.

...Amazon must love me since I bought eight games in a span of three days.

...I had to laugh when I read about the dog who ate his owner's tickets to the Masters Golf Tournament. The poor guy had to induce vomiting to get the tickets back and then take photos of them to prove he did have them. Fortunately the people that run the Masters were very understanding and everything turned out well for him. I just hope the dog doesn't get it into her head to eat the guy's refund check next.

...The Cubs may be the Cubs but they know how to get the right guy to throw out the first pitch for their home opener when they picked Bill Murray.

...Somehow I think the New York Mets are going to survive very well without Jose Reyes.

...When I first read that Ozzie Guillen "loves Castro" I thought he meant Starlin Castro of the Cubs and not Fidel. And typical of anyone these days who says something and immediately regrets saying it, Guillen called a quick press conference to explain to all concerned that he didn't mean what he said and he's sorry. Ok, but why say it in the first place?

...Meanwhile, up at the Southside of Chicago they're all smiles because they know Guillen's not their problem anymore.

...If you ever wondered how you can get yourself into 6.7 million dollars of debt, ask Warren Sapp. He knows.

...The next movie I plan on seeing is American Reunion which could be the last installment of the American Pie movies. I saw a few previews of it and it looks pretty good. The first thing I'm going to look for when I go and see this is how much makeup they had to plaster on Tara Reid to make her look good for this. Stifler's Mom looks better than her.

...Amanda Bynes is the latest no talent actress to be arrested for DUI. She must have been tired of Lindsay Lohan getting all that attention.

...Charles Manson said that next week he may not even attend his latest parole hearing, probably because he's been denied so many times in the past. Makes sense. That guy has as much chance making parole as Bin Laden has getting a posthumous pardon from the United States.

...There's a kid in China who last year sold his kidney to buy an iPad2 and an iPhone and because of that, is now suffering from renal deficiency, which, according to that article is a very serious medical condition. How someone can willingly do this is beyond any understanding that I have and it isn't my objective here to make light of this, but if anyone ever tells you from now on that something that you have done is really stupid all you got to do is tell them is wait a second..I got a story to tell you about some Chinese kid. :sad:

...This week on April 12th marks the 100th anniversary of the Titanic sinking. It's such a fascinating and tragic story. All those lives lost and all those lives that could have been saved. But leave it up to someone with an eye to his wallet to come up with this gimmick as they plan on setting sail and following the exact course of the doomed ship exactly 100 years later. If it were me, because I like to play it safe, I'd triple check if they had enough life jackets and rescue boats just in case there's some icebergs in the neighborhood looking for a fight.

...I don't know how true this is but I read last week that Russia is developing a gun that turns people into zombies by attacking the target's central nervous system. These guys will do anything to win at the Olympics, won't they?

...Tim Tebow will be giving a speech today in celebration of Easter Sunday at a church in central Texas. I don't know exactly what he's going to be talking about but it's sure to be long and half the people will be nodding off before he's through.

...By the way, Happy Easter Sunday to everyone here at Mvpmods!

Updated to 4-15

...Lou Piniella's doing a great job as commentator up in the YES broadcast booth. Now if they can just think of a way to get Michael Kay out of there.

...Thank you for Meredith Marakovits. She's much nicer to look at then Kim Jones ever was.

...Melissa Etheridge’s ex-partner is requesting a hike in the child custody payments she gets because she is "only" receiving $23,000 a month from her.. Personally if my wife ever had to give me $23,000 a month to live on I'd shut up about it and keep cashing the checks.

...Cheers for Terry Francona for telling the Red Sox to shove it when they invited him to take place in their centennial celebration of Fenway Park next week. This was nothing but a request by the Red Sox to make them look good in the papers and Francona, to his credit, saw right through it. He knows the Red Sox want him there that day as much as they want Bucky Dent to be there.

...Since I've never been a fan of Apple and how they operate, it was nice to see them being sued by the U.S. Department of Justice because they along with other major book publishers conspired to drive up e-book prices. You can always count on companies like Apple to delve into every opportunity that presents itself to screw the customer.

...The guy that stole the "Paternoville" sign at Penn State University back in February was caught last week at his home in Fairport, New York. That's about a ten minute drive from where I live. I had to laugh at this idiot. How was he going to explain it if people saw this sign, that he bought it on E-bay?

,,,And how about that guy who traveled to Nashville, Tennessee on a Greyhound bus and committed ten felonies in nine hours? From burning a business to the ground to tasering someone, carjacking a taxi driver at gunpoint, using stolen credit cards and robbing hotel guests at gun point, just to name some of his offenses. I guess he had just about enough country music as he could take and he was not about to take anymore.

...Last week during the Orioles home opener one of their fans ran out on the field for about a minute dressed up as Batman. After he was finally caught by Baltimore's finest he spent thirteen hours in jail and when he was released he found out he was banned for life from Oriole Park at Camden Yards. With the way they have been playing in recent years maybe the Orioles did this guy a favor.

...I've always wondered, is there a difference between jam and jelly?

...When I was a kid I thought the only clothes Dean Martin owned was a tuxedo.

...Phil Hughes is just the latest in a long line of over rated Yankee prospects.

...The organizers of the 2012 London Olympic ceremonies recently contacted the manager of The Who, one of England's legendary rock bands to see if drummer Keith Moon would like to perform at the London Games. Great idea, but too late. Moon's been dead since 1978. Maybe they should check their invite list and be sure they didn't ask Michael Jackson to come and sing.

...Pamela Anderson owes over $500,000 in personal income taxes. I don't see this being a problem for her. All she's got to do is pose for Hugh Hefner again and just like that she'll be all square with Uncle Sam.

...Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are finally getting married after all these years. I suppose they just didn't have the time before because of all the kids they've been adopting.

...Today marks the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Titanic. You don't think there are some nervous people on that Memorial Cruise that they are having right now?

Updated to 4-22

...A Florida couple bid an astonishing sum of $100,000 to spend the day with Tim Tebow. Where I live, if I wanted to spend the whole day in a church, it's free.

...Even though Bobby Valentine may have as big of a mouth as Curt Schilling that still doesn't mean that everything he says is wrong. When he questioned Kevin Youkilis' "emotional commitment" to the game he was right on the money. Any way you want to describe him, saying that he's a self-centered me-first ballplayer, that's what Youkilis is and that's all he's ever going to be.

...Valentine of course apologized for what he said because God forbid you have an opinion.

...The only thing good about MLB2k12 is the commercials with Kate Upton.

...Good move by the cops down in Georgia for handcuffing that little six year old terror last week. All this kid did before she was subdued was tear items off the school principal's office walls, throw furniture, knock over a shelf that injured the principal and then tried to break a glass frame while jumping on top of a paper shredder. She had a lot of fun, didn't she? Who says that letting your kids eat candy bars for breakfast won't make them hyper?

...Kim Kardashian said she wants to be the mayor of Glendale, California "in five years." Funny as this may be this does not sound inconceivable to me. Wasn't there some bimbo from Alaska that started the same way too?

...Some guy at an Oregon airport stripped completely naked in a form of protest because he felt that airport screeners were "harassing" him. Who knows, maybe they were. But why did it have to be someone who looked like Grizzly Adams and not some hot looking girl?

...Tremendous job by the Red Sox with their get-together celebrating the 100th anniversary of Fenway Park. Everything was done with class and good taste except for the fans there that could not resist reciting "Yankees suck" while it was going on.

...The people that were screaming this out were the same idiots who had to run to the Red Sox souvenier stands to buy the white hat the Sox were wearing for Friday's game. You know, the all white one with nothing on it? It only cost them $34.99 and I bet half of them are going to be kicking themselves for wasting that much money a week from now.

...Those same plain white hats can be found in any golf shop in the country for under $20. But I wouldn't wear those either.

...What's next from MLB? Trying to sell white Fruit-of-the-Loom undershirts for $69.95 and trying to pass them off as 1912 Boston Red Sox practice jerseys?

...Tom Brady was seen at the Fenway celebration wearing a pair of thick black glasses. He probably wanted to take a good look at Kevin Youkilis, who is engaged to his sister. I'm sure after he got a good look at that mug of his he would have wished he left his glasses home.

...Just a few days ago Britney Spears dropped $20,000 on one bra for herself. You would think that she'd have some friends that would tell her she could get these things at Walmart for much less.

...The Disney company announced that it lost 200 million dollars on John Carter, the movie that was released last month that no one went to see. They'll be ok though. Losing that amount of money to them is like losing a dollar to you and I. We know its gone but it is not going to keep us up at night.

I think we entered the Twilight Zone. A.J. Burnett actually had a good game for his Pirates debut. I am glad that he had a good game, but I still am not optimistic about how he will do for the rest of the year.

Updated to 4-29

...I read an article the other day where the city of Philadelphia was ranked tenth in the ten most polluted cities in the United States. That must be a source of shame for those folks in the city of Brotherly Love knowing that nine other cities are ahead of them.

...Bald-headed Irish singer Sinead O'Connor has cancelled the remainder of her U.S. tour citing bipolar disorder as the reason for doing so. She had to think of something to say because the truth was no one was buying any tickets.

...A guy from Florida shot his girlfriend in leg by accident last weekend when the two of them went on a camping trip. Both of them went hog hunting and he mistook her for one of the hogs. It is unclear if the woman looked like one of the hogs or just sounded like one.

...German high-jumper Ariane Friedrich posted the name and e-mail address of a cyber stalker who had been sending her pornographic photos of himself with the intent of making him stop but incredibly some people are complaining about what she did, pointing out that she violated the privacy laws of the person who sent her the photos. I'm sorry, but once you start sending inappropriate material to someone who doesn't want it and has no desire to see it, you get what is coming to you.

...These people would have no trouble at all fitting in with the quacks we have in this country, wouldn't they?

...When someone tells me that they went to the movies and the movie was terrible I tell them to turn the Lifetime channel on and watch one that they have on. And of a sudden the movie they just saw wasn't so bad after all.

...The surest sign for me that it's time to turn the computer off and head to bed is when I'm playing Slingo and I get Slingo Vision and I still can't see the numbers.

...For the second time in a matter of months a customer at Las Vegas' Heart Attack Grill collapsed while stuffing a "double bypass burger" down her throat. First she ate one and now she's having one.

...Whatever happened to just having a sensible sized meal and leaving it at that?

...I'm no fan of Michael Kay but there is no way I think he should have to apologize to that Texas couple who were seen on TV not giving a ball that they caught to a little kid sitting next to them. Kay chastised them for it and their excuse was they didn't know the kid was upset. I don't know about any of you but when a three year old is screaming and crying near me I am going to notice it.

...No one will ever convince me that the Mariners had no knowledge of Michael Pineda's shoulder condition.

...The worst singer I have ever heard in my life is Janis Joplin and that is no contest. She sounds like she just got done gargling with Drano.

Updated to 5-6

...The most surprising thing about watching the Oriole - Yankee three game series in the Bronx last week was that Nick Johnson managed to get through all three games without injuring himself.

...Give him a few more weeks.

...Andy Pettitte looked as comfortable in the witness chair at Roger Clemens' trial as I do in a dentist's chair.

...You all hear about that two year old Canadian boy that was invited to join Mensa, that high-IQ society? Pretty impressive. I wanted to join Mensa too but two things stopped me. First they didn't ask me and secondly there was no way they would have.

...Speaking of Canada, even their money is cool up there. Just a few weeks back they released a glow in the dark coin but this particular currency will not be used for circulation. I believe only 25,000 are going to be made and if you want one you're going to have to pay $29.95. Oh well, so much for wanting one.

...Someone actually took the time to write an article to tell the world that Demi Moore will no longer be using her Twitter handle of @mrskutcher. I'm sure this piece of news was the number one topic of dinner conversations all across America.

...I'm sure by now you've all seen that Kate Upton Cat Daddy video when she's dancing around in her bikini. I got to tell you it looks great but once you watch it 70 or 80 times like I did you'll get tired of it too. :lol:

...If you'd like to see it and save it, please go right here and it's yours. Don't say I didn't do anything for you. Minors, people with heart problems and members of the 700 club should avoid clicking on this link.

...Ryan Braun hit three home runs in one game last week and no reporter brought up the fact that he was caught using performance enhancing drugs over the previous off season. Don't ever try to tell me that playing for a small market team doesn't benefit a player.

...An airline that I am unfamiliar with by the name of Spirit Airlines will begin to charge $100 for carry on luggage beginning later this year. That's really going to make people line up to travel with them.

...I can't believe how many different kinds of Solitaire games there are out there. I've been doing a lot of bargain PC game buying recently and if I wanted these kind of games and actually knew how to play this game I'd have over 100 different versions of this game to buy and download. There's probably more but this is just the amount of the games I've come across in the past few weeks.

...Solitaire to me is a waste of time just like those match 3 games.

...When I first heard the news that Mariano Rivera would be missing the remainder of the season due to an ACL injury I tried to look at it the way the Yankees are trying to but I couldn't. The Yankees can't come out and say that they are screwed. But I can. That's because I don't have reporters writing about every word I say. I give the Yankees credit for saying the right things but with their terrible starting pitching this year I see them having a hard time making the playoffs even with the extra wildcard.

...Just look at what they have done so far this weekend in Kansas City against a team that has looked bad all season long. No way around it, but the Royals are a lousy team but all this group of minor leaguers have done so far is win two of three against New York. The Yankees have always made awful teams look good. If they keep on playing like this they won't be able to find Tampa Bay in the standings.

...I like to try to add a little bit of humor in these weekly musings of mine but in this particular one I can't. I was saddened to hear about the death of Junior Seau and even felt a sense of loss about it even though I never met him. But what really got to me was watching his grieving mother addressing the media. The poor woman was inconsolable and hysterical as she tried to explain her feelings to a group of strangers that you could not help feeling as bad as she was for the loss of her son.

...Don't forget, one week from today is Mother's day so make sure you get your greeting cards out on time.

Updated to 5-13

...Cheers to Phillie pitcher Cole Hamels for drilling that smart *** Bryce Harper of the Nationals. That was worth getting a five game suspension from Bud's boys. The only thing I would have done differently is keep quiet about it so I could do it again.

...That's what you get for being honest in Bud Selig's world.

...The ironic thing is that Hamels didn't even have to hit him because a few days later Harper took care of it himself when he threw a temper tantrum in the dugout tunnel after he went 0 for 5 with three strikeouts and proceeded to cut his eye when he was slamming his bat against the wall. Hopefully the next time he has a game like this this he'll have better aim and he'll hit himself in the head.

...I know I'm no prize myself but I can't even look at that New Jersey tanning mom without quickly turning away.

...Reason #1,000 for why I don't join Facebook: My wife gets a request every day -every day!!- from an idiot cousin of hers requesting her to "join Farmville." In return I told her to send her a request to go and get a date.

...Josh Beckett said he had a sore back and could not pitch his next start but still he was well enough to go out and play a round of golf. Hey, I get it. They took away his fried chicken, his beer and his video games. The guy's got to have something to do.

...Blood clots are nothing to mess with and if Mariano Rivera did not hurt his knee like he did they would not have known about the one he had. I'd rather have him miss the season like he is instead of having something life-threatening happen.

...Last week I brought up Canada and their new Canadian currency and I figured that was that. Well, I was wrong. It was announced last week that Canada is coming out with a new twenty dollar bill which will be released near the end of this year. No big deal, right? Well it seems as if some people up there are complaining about it because a part of it "looks pornographic." They must have had to get a magnifying glass and had to look really hard to see if they could come up with something to disapprove of. Why not? They see their American neighbors to the south making fools of themselves everyday fussing about things that no one cares about. Why can't they do the same thing?

...The same people that find this bill offensive to them will be the same people who will have no problem spending it.

...Can you imagine if this happened in this country? Religious groups would have a field day.

...Our Lady of Sorrows Academy forfeited their opportunity to play for the Arizona state baseball championship because the other team had a girl playing second base for them, explaining that they believe in the separation of the sexes in all aspects of life especially when a double play is being turned.

...The one thing I don't like about the Firefox browser is that when they want you to update it, they won't stop bothering you until you do.

...Those fun loving people at the TSA are at it again. This time they kicked off an 18 month old little girl from a flight in Florida after the baby girl's name popped up on their "no-fly" list. Only the little girl's name was on the no-fly list and not her parents which just goes to show you that you never know what your kids are up to.

...I would not want to be that kid in ten years who was on Time Magazine this week that's breast feeding from his mother when some wise *** in his school brings in a copy and asks him to autograph it.

...A man by the name of Cary Eskridge has come up with the concept of a Bikini Hockey League. It's starting out with the formation of two teams which will be the basis for a reality show and the expansion into a full-blown league are in the preliminary stages. Imagine! Bikinis and Hockey. It's wonderful ideas like this that make this country great.

...Finally, a Happy Mother's Day to all your mothers out there wherever they may be.

Updated to 5-13

...Reason #1,000 for why I don't join Facebook: My wife gets a request every day -every day!!- from an idiot cousin of hers requesting her to "join Farmville." In return I told her to send her a request to go and get a date.

I can't remember it off the top of my head, but I know that there is a Facebook setting to block those requests and also the updates that get sent out ("So and so has unlocked the Giant Turnip in Farmville!") because I blocked it on my account.

If you do a Google search, you can find out how to do it (that's what I did).

Updated to 5-20

...Some people know how to leave this world in style, as in the case of this old gent as he spent his last day on earth enjoying some lap dances at his favorite strip club and then checked out before he had to pay his bill. At least he was in a happy place when it was time to meet his maker.

...Brett Lawrie may not be Bryce Harper's older brother but he sure acts like it.

...The most annoying Kardashian has to be the mother, who keeps thinking she is still 21 years old.

...Tell me why again it was a great idea to go out and get Hiroki Kuroda?

...I should have been a juror on the Roger Clemens case because I could use the sleep too.

...It happens every year when TV shows get cancelled. I just don't understand why some of them are done away with (Unforgettable) and some others get to go on like Two Broke Girls - which is nothing but this generation's version of Laverne and Shirley minus the laughs.

...Cheers to Cub pitcher Kerry Wood who left the game on his own terms on Friday. It would have been something to see what this guy could have done had he stayed healthy.

...Wood has been on the disabled list 16 times in over 13-plus seasons. That's a record only Nick Johnson can approach.

...The least I say about interleague play the better off I will be. I just don't like it.

...A 73-year-old Japanese woman became the oldest woman to climb Mount Everest yesterday in a feat I think is nothing short of amazing since I can't go from my basement to the second floor in my house without having some part of my knee object to the strain.

...Would you believe that there's a book out in Great Britian called Poetry of the Taliban ? I'm not kidding, I can't make up stuff like this. How did those guys find the time to write prose ? I can just imagine what they wrote about:

I look at building with all that room

I place my bomb and it go boom

People RUN and people CRY! People SCREAM and people HALLA!!

But not me, I pray to ALLAH!

...Personally any way to try and humanize the Taliban by the publishing of this book is a waste of time because no matter what no one is ever going to forget what happened back in September of 2001.

...Someone should inform Lady Gaga that her languid attempts for attention are not working anymore. Recently she wore a brand new meat dress at one of her concerts that could have been used to feed a group of homeless people. This woman will do anything on stage to hide her lack of talent.

...Why is it that the things you really enjoy (soda) is the same thing you are supposed to refrain from at all costs? It's always something you like, you know what I mean? Why can't you hear just once that you are supposed to avoid something like cabbage for example? Hey, no problem. I got that covered.

Updated to 5-27

...It's only been a week but for Brett Lawrie it must have seemed like forever because he couldn't help himself from going after another umpire. This guy's poor sportsmanship, selfishness and cantankerous personality are only going to make him wind up in one place. Boston.

...He'd be the perfect teammate of David Ortiz, who complained long and loud last week about a "lack of respect" for anything that he has done in his ten seasons in Boston. Oh really? Pay me 14.5 million dollars a year just to swing the bat and play out in the field three times a season. This guy really has a tough life.

...Some of the contestants on America's Got Talent actually have talent. Who would have thought?

...I had to laugh when the media did a follow up story on that guy who has 30 kids because now they are reporting that he only has 24 of them. The guy had so many that he lost count. He says he needs help to pay child support for all these kids but what he really needs is a vasectomy.

...For about ten days I didn't watch any Yankee games because I couldn't take looking at all the runners they've been leaving on base.

...Sixty-four year old Gregg Allman announced that he is getting engaged to a twenty-four year old woman and said this time he is really in love and that he cares for her very much but probably not as much as the girl does about his bank account.

...Poor Facebook. Their stock price slipped again on Friday, down 15% from the price of its initial public offering and that's partly because they required anyone who bought their stock to "like" them.

...I'm not upset one bit that 2K Sports won't be coming out with a PC baseball game next year. They've hardly improved it since the first game was released in 2009 and from what I heard from other members here in this forum is that the patches and newer versions of the game did little to elevate this series, which is why I had no problem staying away from this game. I've played just about every baseball game on the PC that there is like Hardball, Larussa, Triple Play, High Heat, MVP, etc and not one of those games had as much bugs and complaints as 2K's contribution to PC baseball. This game is always going to come up short compared to these other games and that's because of the careless effort 2k put into making this game.

...By the way, just watch when next March rolls around someone is going to come in here and ask when 2k13 is coming out. You read it here first.

...Two days after Curt Schilling praised his employees’ "breathtaking resilience" through his company's financial struggles, he fired his entire staff because his company, 38 Studios was late on a $1.1 million payment to the state of Rhode Island and since nothing that this guy does is wrong there was no choice but for him to lay everyone off. It seems he is not as good a businessman as he is a talker.

...Willie Nelson admitted in an interview this week that he rolled a joint at the White House years ago when Jimmy Carter was in office. Well why not? He's done it everywhere else he's been.

...I know there are some people that enjoy reading about this stuff but I think it is a complete waste of time when the media comes out with articles telling the world that this woman or this man is gay. Who cares? I want to know this news as much as I want to know what those people had for dinner.

...To save money, the city of Detroit is initiating a plan to eliminate half of their streetlights. There's quite a few people that don't like this but the majority of Detroit's residents (the muggers, thieves, pickpockets, etc) are deliriously happy. For them it's going to be like Christmas every day of the year.

...Enjoy your holiday weekend and if you plan on going to a movie, try to catch The Avengers in 3D. You won't be sorry.

Updated to 6-3

...I had to check out the video of Cleveland's Chris Perez doing his mound antics last week and the first thing I said was that was it ? I am not saying he did anything wrong because what he did was unnecessary but for the Royals and fans around the game to be upset about this more than what Jose Valverde does is preposterous. That guy acts like someone dropped ice cubes down his back once he starts getting into his little routine.

...Makes you appreciate Mariano Rivera even more, doesn't it?

...It happened again, this time in Seattle when a three year old little brat refused to use his seatbelt on a plane ride he was on. The kid raised such a ruckus that the pilot turned the plane around and had the kid and his family kicked off. Dad objected of course, saying that the flight crew overreacted because his kid is an angel. Airlines may overcharge you for baggage and the TSA will screw you seven ways to Sunday but this is something that they do right.

...Jonathan Lucroy's wife received hateful messages on Facebook all because she accidentally dropped a suitcase on his hand in their hotel room, breaking his right hand. A lot of the insults, rude comments and threats to his wife came from Philadelphia fans who felt the need to rip her apart just because they felt they had to have something to do because the Phillies were on the road.

...If Major League Baseball gave an award for the worst umpire, Laz Diaz would win in a landslide.

...What the hell ever happened to Neve Campbell?

...Has Terrell Owens fallen hard or what? Not even his Indoor Football League team want him around after they dumped him and gave him a severence check of fifty dollars to send him on his way. Owens was just being himself by not attending road games with the team and not showing up at a team function at a local hospital. Hey, if it's good enough for the NFL then it it is good enough for an Indoor League, which is why Owens is not part of either one.

...In all fairness if Phil Garner is allowed to get on the witness stand and tell glowing baseball stories about the greatness of Roger Clemens then they should allow Mike Piazza equal time.

...Amy Winehouse's home in London is up for sale for 4.2 million dollars but if you get rid of all the liquor bottles and drug paraphernalia yourself they will knock off a million.

...Overheard when I was in the pet store the other day stocking up on dog food: The lady in line ahead of me had two little dogs with her and the cashier commented on how cute they looked and asked the owner the names of the dogs. After the owner told her both the names she added that that dogs were life partners. When it finally got to be my turn the cashier looked at me and said she finally heard it all. I told her that maybe they are but I bet every time it's time to eat or a new toy comes in the house the partnership dissolves and it's every dog for themselves.

...What is this world coming to when the San Antonio Spurs won't let an important person like Lil Wayne in their arena to watch a game? So what if the game was a sellout and he didn't have a ticket? He's better than everybody else. Serves the Spurs right if he writes a rap song about them with enough F bombs to make a sailor blush.

...I only have one thing to say to that mother who choked her daughter's tormenter when she saw him. After you got done choking him you should have kicked him in the you-know-what. Don't come here and tell me that she's an adult and she shouldn't do it. Some of the insults that these kids are more than hurtful. They're so bad that they make some of their targets do harm to themselves. And by using cyberspace to post their malicious comments makes more people see them and gets more of them involved. Being a kid is tough enough.

...Toronto is a beautiful city. It's clean and friendly and they got a nice ballpark to watch a game in. As a visitor that's all I really look for and when I read about some crazy person who was at the Eaton Centre shopping mall that just starting shooting people ( one person was killed and seven others injured ) it really grabbed my attention because this not the way Toronto makes the news. I hope they catch the person that did it and he never sees a free day again for killing an unlucky person who happened to be shopping. I also hope that the other injured people recover quickly and I also hope that all our Canadian members who live in Toronto like Dylan Bradbury and all the rest were no where near the Eaton Centre on Saturday.

...Not a nice way to end this week's Random Thoughts is it?

...Ok, let's end it like this. Did anyone watch the Saturday night FOX game when the Tigers hosted the Yankees? The Yankees lost that game because they choke up with runners on base. They left twelve on the base paths, which tells you almost everything that is wrong with them this year. And if you saw the ninth inning when they had Jose Valverde on the ropes, all they managed was two easy popups and a groudout. Valverde couldn't find the plate, he loaded the bases without the Yankees getting a hit, he walks in the tying run and the Yankees still couldn't do anything. And the worst part is that Valverde was the winning pitcher. It's too early to think about the playoffs but it is not early to realize that this team doesn't have it to get there.

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