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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Updated to 12-4

...The current baseball contract with the players ends after the 2006 season. I wonder how close they will come to strike again?

...I can't wait until December 14th when that King Kong movie comes out. That looks like the best movie for this holiday season.

...One thing going on this week that I'll be paying attention to is the baseball meetings. Here's hoping the Yankees don't do anything stupid.

...Thank you Brian Giles for re-signing with San Diego.

...and also thanks to the Florida Marlins, who are demanding Robinson Cano from the Yankees along with Sean Henn and Scott Proctor for the immortal Juan Pierre. Is there anyone else you want too?

...Going back a bit for anyone on here older than 21, do you remember the Prodigy service? I wonder what happened to this? I used to have that when I had dial up before Windows 95. (Prodigy was a online service similar to AOL, but at the beginning did not have internet access. I had this for DOS)

...Here's hoping the Colts go undefeated this year. I still have a hard time saying "Indy" when I refer to them. In my mind they still are the Baltimore Colts.

...Something tells me that the Cleveland Browns next year will be as good as the Bengals are this year.

...New Smallville episode this week after a two week hiatus. Thank God.

...Three full shopping weeks left until Christmas. Let's get this over with.

Looking forward to Smallville this week. It's their first Christmas themed eppy, titled "LexMas". Looks like an "It's A Wonderful Life" type episode!

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Guest JWClubbie

I hope the colts lose 1 game so my Phins percet season stays intact. But I hope the Colts do win the Super Bowl.

I had alot of fun last night..........

weather sucks today

coffee was good

Can't wait to see Anthrax on Fri. 13 of Jan in ChiTown

I am seeing a chick that has engagement rings dripping form her (Fill in the blank)

What would you do?

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Updated to 12-11

...Us Yankee fans dodged another bullet this week as the Chicago Cubs agreed to take Juan Pierre instead of having him dumped on us. Better them then us, that's all I gotta say.

...Major cudos to the Yankees for getting through the winter meetings without making a stupid move like trading for another 40 year old pitcher or signing a free agent that no one else wants.

...Speaking of 40 year old pitchers, stay away from the Yankees Roger Clemens. You got your hummer, now go to hell.

...I've been a big James Bond movie fan for years. I love the action in those movies and of course, the Bond girls too. My favorite has always been Claudine Auger.

...I hate the snow and cold weather. Anyone that loves this stuff either lives where it doesn't snow or they don't have a job that requires them to be outside.

...I think that kids today have it tougher in school then I ever did when I was in high school.

...Looking for a nice Christmas gift for someone? Try a remote car starter. Rain or shine those things work good. And they are not bad in price. I got one for my wife for $130 last year.

...Horror movies and myself do not get along. I don't watch them. 8O

...I hate it when I'm in a supermarket or a department store or whatever and some kid is running around like crazy and they run right into you. And instead of the mother telling the kid to stop running around, they look at you like you were the one that ran into the kid.

...While I'm on that subject, there is nothing that can make me get up and get away as fast as I can as when I hear a child screaming at the top of his lungs in a restaurant.

...I'm sick of hearing about Jessica Simpson's marriage ending and Britney Spears getting in an arguement with her hired boy toy/husband. I mean, who cares?

...My vacations are all set for 2006. Darn, I won't be going to Texas this time. Awww :D:D:D

...Two more weeks until Christmas. Let's go.

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Since I am bored...

Updated to 12-11

...Us Yankee fans dodged another bullet this week as the Chicago Cubs agreed to take Juan Pierre instead of having him dumped on us. Better them then us, that's all I gotta say.

Not over until Johnny Damon is not in pinstripes.

...Speaking of 40 year old pitchers, stay away from the Yankees Roger Clemens. You got your hummer, now go to hell.

Hopefully Clemens doesn't come back, but Al Leiter was offered arbritration and he'd be insane not to accept it. :(

...I hate the snow and cold weather. Anyone that loves this stuff either lives where it doesn't snow or they don't have a job that requires them to be outside.

I'm at upstate NY right now, I still love cold weather.

...I think that kids today have it tougher in school then I ever did when I was in high school.

From all of my observations at schools, kids are getting dumber and lazier. Yet teachers want to give them more freedom in the classroom. Plus, it doesn't matter that kids take more tests now than they used to, the work only gets much worse later in life.

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Here goes:

I got a new cordless optical mouse yesterday, and I'm pretty impressed. It's a little red thing and after the charging was done, it's been on since. Very nice, and a good step up from the 2-button Microsoft mouse I've been using for the last few months.

Another new piece of kit is my MP3 player. 1GB Medion with an SD Card slot, good features and a decent price. Excellent for work!

No matter what you think of Mike Tyson as a person, it's impossible to deny he's one of the greatest boxers ever. I found a website last night with a large selection of his fights on it and I've been downloading them and watching them for the best part of today. I might even dig out the old "Tyson" film that I have on VHS and watch that later. I wish that would be released on DVD.

3-day weekends rule. :D Sure, it means working longer shifts during the week, but when you're off work from 7.45am on Friday morning until 10pm on Monday night, it seems like a lot more time, and it's much easier to relax.

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You know what i hate most about the snow? The fact that I have to haul my butt out to scrape ice and snow off the car. I mean the snow is beautiful and all but i have to scrape it all off which wastes time

Meanwhile Yankees4Life I believe it was you who said you enjoyed college basketball? As a sports enthusiast who enjoys a wide variety of sports from football to hockey I along with JoeRudi would like to see an "Official College Basketball Thread" , since it is that time of year. How about it?

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You know what i hate most about the snow? The fact that I have to haul my butt out to scrape ice and snow off the car. I mean the snow is beautiful and all but i have to scrape it all off which wastes time

Meanwhile Yankees4Life I believe it was you who said you enjoyed college basketball? As a sports enthusiast who enjoys a wide variety of sports from football to hockey I along with JoeRudi would like to see an "Official College Basketball Thread" , since it is that time of year. How about it?

Heck yeah, if you guys want to make a College Basketball thread, go right ahead. :)

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Updated to 12-18

...Yeah, I got to go see that King Kong movie, but not until after the Holidays. I just don't have time.

...So Nomar is a Dodger? Yawn.

...I don't know what a lot of you think about it, but I think this World Baseball Classic in March is going to be one big pain in the ***.

...One more full shopping week until Christmas and then next week it will be different, I promise! Next week we'll be at the malls returning the crap we got instead of the other way around.

...Who's got Total Classics Phase 4? That is one fantastic mod. Go get it and you won't be sorry.

...I hear the Red Sox dropped their lawsuit against Doug Menkielinkwhateverhisnameis. What does that tell you? It tells me that they realized that had no case and now they are going to try and appeal to Menkdinkdo's sense of fair play. This ought to be interesting.

...That tuck play that cost the Raiders that playoff game a few years ago still bugs the hell out of me.

...Speaking of the Raiders, I've never seen them be so bad for such a long period of time. It's depressing.

...Everyone have a good week. Because next week at this time you won't be logged on here to read this or anything else. It'll be Christmas and you'll be celebrating it in your own way. This thread will be updated in two weeks.

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...So Nomar is a Dodger? Yawn.

Well, that means that Choi will be non-tendered, how exciting is that? :?

...I don't know what a lot of you think about it, but I think this World Baseball Classic in March is going to be one big pain in the ***.

It's good for the game, it will get people interested in baseball sooner. That and it will tire a couple of patriotic pitchers who shouldn't be trying in mid-March, just getting their pitches in.

...I hear the Red Sox dropped their lawsuit against Doug Menkielinkwhateverhisnameis. What does that tell you? It tells me that they realized that had no case and now they are going to try and appeal to Menkdinkdo's sense of fair play. This ought to be interesting.

Mientkiewicz got the ball first, it's his ball. I'm suprised he ever gave it back to them for a year, I would have held the ball hostage and threaten to blow it up like the Bartman-ball. So many Red Sox fans are so mad at Mientkiewicz, you'd think they owned the stupid thing.

My random thoughts:

- Giants are 10-4, but I still cannot forget that time they choked against the niners, and the fact that no one remembers that they were in the 2000 Superbowl.

- I think I may have an ***-kicking GPA this semester, but I have two more finals (for education) classes so it is not over yet.

- My friends suck lately, I don't really see them anymore. My roster is like my best friend now... Stupid thing occupies me for hours.

- Can't wait for MVP 06.

- Yankees put their tickets on sale and I totally forgot. I guess I'll wait for the Phillies, Nationals, and Mets to put their tickets on sale and see the Yankees via Interleague play.

- If the Marlins win more than 50 games this year it'll be a miracle.

- Kids upstate here still believe in Santa though they are in sixth grade/

- 2 months and two days until Spring Training I think, that means like 60 or so more days until Frank Robinson kicks Soriano's ***/puts him in his 'dog house'. Watch him get traded to Milwaukee for Russell Branyan.

- For some reason I know that both of Jose Guillen's sons are named Jose, and that Ivan Rodriguez named a son and daughter after himself.

- Can't wait for Christmas Eve! I'll be cooking all day but it's worth it.

- Can't wait to leave here on Wednesday, college sucks. Especially when your friends are 'busy' being sick, procrastinating, or staring at their computer screens while completing an 'impossible' 10 page paper without sources. I wrote two 15+ page History papers, it isn't like I was too busy for my friends, and my mod.

- South Park is one of few shows that didn't suck after 6 years, though the newest crop of new episodes was a bit crappy.

- Got the first two seasons of Ren and Stimpy on DVD for 30 bucks, also got MVP 2005. (9 months late :lol:) I guess I won't be spending money on myself for another year.

- O'Doyle rules.

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okay, why do so may people go to the bums (dodgers) nowadays? they sucked last year, and sound like a superstar assembled team that won't get along together.

there are so many biases that rear it's head during christmas season, like the biggest one, "it has to snow alot for a great christmas season", ugh, that annoys me. they act like it has to be really cold for it to be really christmas, which it doesn't, and puts on the falsetto that florida is not a good place to be during the christmas season or the rest of the winter. also, in febuary, many of the same people making the cold biases are whining about the snow and wanting florida weather. some of these people really need to make up their mind...but that's just me.

and metenoing it, i'm not into the spirit this year, it seems like the true meaning of christmas has been covered up in the name of coprate greed. i'm sick of the christmas overload and on christmas morning, everyone is too tired to enjoy the day.

the colts won't go 16-0. they just won't.

i'm defintley leaving florida in a year or so, it sucks big time and given me nothing but heartache the last 6 months. it's for old people, and with scripps and the marlins threating to leave, there is no reason for me to stick around in boringland.

my college grades are problay sucky compared to my usual work...stupid hurricanes mess everyone up. just another reason why to leave.

i will be cheering on for my favriote players in the wbc, so don't be shocked if i cheer on pete orr if he's facing an american player i don't like.

mentioning that, i think arod made the right choice. if you can't choose one, choose the yankees, after all they are paying him money.

i'm going to have so much fun in march when spring training is going on, and i'll be in orlando visiting sean walker alot. i think this will be one of the best marches on record.

here's some things from back in october:

i think the bad ratings of the world series was partly becuase of south florida being in the dark, losing about 4 million potental viewers.

and yes, i'm done with florida, i'm moving out after i finish school next year, i hate it here. there's never anything to do, you have to be a long distance traveler in order to do anything around here...becuase i live in the boonies. ick. going back to san diego by new years day 2007 (mabye a couple of months after that)

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My random thoughts:

--The Jets are probably not going to win today, but I'll still be watching the game.

--I couldn't care less about Nomar being signed by the Dodgers. They better get another first baseman, because Nomar will get injured the first week of the season (that is if he makes it out of spring training of course)

--If the Yankees don't do well next year, I will get so pissed. It's so strange to see them not win the World Series in 5 years, after they won 4 World Series in 5 years.

--The Colts said that they're goal isn't to go undefeated. I kind of have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, it would be cool to see a team go 16-0. On the other, to me, a Superbowl means more than an undefeated season.

--I'm glad Winter's here. There are some things about summer that I love like baseball, but I just can't stand the hot weather. I love doing all of the Winter things like making fires, watching my kids go sledding, and going skiing.

--Speaking of skiing, I am in the process of planning a trip to Steamboat in Colorado in February to go skiing. I can't wait. I just love the sport.

--I'm glad that the holidays are comming up. It's going to give me a much needed break from work. I teach 6th grade math, and there are some 6th graders who really give me a hard time. But I still love the job.

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- Also, Catalanotto and Piazza are a-holes for playing for Italy in the WBC. At least A-Rod isn't playing for anybody. :mad:

Why is that? They are perfectly entitled to play for Italy, are they not?

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They are American, they should play for America. It's a joke that they get to play for Italy because they are 'Italian'. (Which probably means they have sauce vs. gravy debates and watch mob movies despite the fact the mob always loses in the end.)

Their ancestors are Italian, though, making them half-Italian and half-American. Surely, just because you are born somewhere doesn't mean you have to be proud of it and represent it.

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They are probably playing for them because if you haven't noticed there aren't many Italians in the ML. Oh and what's gonna happen with Andruw Jones-him and his 1 man country-Curacao of the Netherlands?

Jones could play for team Italy, they are lacking true Italian players!

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Can't wait to leave here on Wednesday, college sucks. Especially when your friends are 'busy' being sick, procrastinating, or staring at their computer screens while completing an 'impossible' 10 page paper without sources. I wrote two 15+ page History papers, it isn't like I was too busy for my friends, and my mod.

I've been stuck at college since Tuesday. Despite the fact that finals ended Tuesday and that I could go home now I must stay here until final grades are determined. This being said , it has now been 6 days and I still have not gotten the results of one final. What is taking them so long?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updated to January 1st

...The first thing I thought of when I woke up this morning? That next month is February and that means pitchers and catchers report.

...The best part about the holidays is when they are over.

...Thank you Oakland Raiders for another season to be proud of. :mad:

...I can't wait until TC 5 by TeamFuzz. That's when the Forum Fanatics and Mod Squads will be featured in Total Classics and I'm planning on playing a series between the FF and MS teams. Starting game one for the Forum Fanatics, YankeeXDev!

...Oh, if any of you people are worried now that the Yankees have Johnny Damon and you think they'll have an even better lineup, don't worry so much. They plan on playing Bernie Williams every day along with Posada. Those two slugs will kill every rally the Yankees have.

...We had a nice New Year's here last night. It just goes to show when you get rid of the right people, things calm down. By the way, how you doing Moose?

...I saw King Kong last night and I loved it. I love movies like this and this will be a definite DVD purchase when it comes out. The funniest part for me was at the end of the movie when Kong died. When the credits came up, my wife was crying because of that. :hmph:

...Who saw D ick Clark on ABC's New Year's special when the ball dropped? Man, he sounds bad after his stroke. His words were really slurred. But he did come back a long way after that stroke he had last year and that's good.

...I'd like to start the New Year fresh by having an understanding with the New England area of the country. I still feel the same about you as before. :wave: Have a safe 2006 you folks in that heavy snow region.

...I don't like Walmart much at all, but when they are selling Sony CDR's 50 pack for $12.97, I had to get it. Ok, so I bought three.

...I see D ick Vermiel is retiring, again. Who gives a :soap: ? He did this same song and dance with the Eagles and Rams. Just leave already and take Parcells with you.

...Here's to another good year on this site!!!

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...So now's the time that Cingular jumped on the walkie-talkie bandwagon. I've been using Cingular Wireless for a couple years now, and I'm kinda mad at how I upgraded my phone. Instead of getting a basic phone that can make calls, I made the dumbest decision ever, I forked $210 bucks over and bought the Sony Ericsson S710a, thus locking me up with Cingular for two more years. I am considering terminating my service because Cingular damn near overcharges for everything. My plan is 39.99, along with two features I have: Insurance, and a wireless internet package, thus bringing my wireless service up to $52 and change. How the hell does my bill end up skyrocketing to 66 dollars! On top of that, my service is half-assed. If only someone would buy this phone off me so I can just kill my cingular service. *sigh*.

...I don't like Johnny Damon in pinstripes. It's hard to see someone getting more at bats than at least 5 guys that are better than him hitting down the lineup. The only reason people say Damon is fast is because he was on a slow team.

...I chose to continue my Total MLB project for personal usage, but eventually I'll release something soon. Maybe later, maybe next month, whatever.

...My New Year's sucked.

...I want a car.

...Being 18 sucks, and I've let my beard grow for the winter. It's not really a beard but more like a dark 5 o'clock shadow.

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