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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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My Random thoughts:

-The Yankees are winning the AL East this year and will return to bthe glory they so rightfully deserve.

-The Blue Jays are a third place team if lucky.

-The Orioles are no better.

-The damn Steelers won

-Next year is the Jets year(hopefully)

-The Yankees lineup will score a ridiculous amount of runs next year.

- If healthy, the Yankees have one of the best rotations and bullpens in baseball

-Signing Johnny Damon was a terrific move for the Yankees.

-The Braves will win the NL East.

-Thats about it.

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Qwest Field is JACKED UP, last week it was measured at 104 decimals, the loudest stadium in the league. My dad told me that the Kingdome use to get up to 120 :o

Finals Monday and Tuesday suck, but the Hawks are more important right now :wink:

Y4L: what did the mariners ever do to you? We won in the playoffs in '95, but you guys beat us in '01, '00, and maybe '97. The Yankees own the Mariners. :(

Harrison Ford needs to get the memo that he can't be in any action movies anymore, I love his movies as most males do, but he is beyond "past his prime"

I heard that Glory Road plays Rupp fairly, anyone disagree?

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-The Yankees are winning the AL East this year and will return to bthe glory they so rightfully deserve.


Yankees or not, I'd rather see a bunch of guys who deserve it win than some hyped-up, overpaid, so-called "superstars" who really couldn't care less whether they win or lose. They still get paid either way.

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- For some reason I started like Seinfeld. Laziness does payoff. If I had found the remote, I would not have watched that episode. Now I'm hooked.

Yeah! Seinfeld rocks! :)

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Seinfeld is the best sitcom on tv. With few exceptions the other sitcoms on tv are sub-par compared to seinfeld. Some of them aren't even funny. How is "That 70's show" funny?

There is only one show better than Seinfeld , South Park , or Simpsons (and all 3 of those shows are outstanding). That show is 24.

And I have no problem with the steelers winning the afc championship. The only thing I'm concerned about is how many steeler sweatshirts I will see tommorow...there are A LOT of steelers fans at virginia tech. I however was shocked to watch seattle administer a spanking to carolina...thought the score would be in carolina's favour and much closer than that. Both of today's games were horrible since they weren't close at all and were basically over at halftime. I can only hope the Super Bowl is not as bad as these championship games were.

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...It amazes me how many Yankees fans are calling the Jays a third or fourth place team....especially if ayone gets injured...same could be said about the Yanks or Red Sox...and hate to point it out, but the Jays are better then the Orioles...one more random thought, and this isn't meant to start a flame war...me thinks some Yankees fans are afraid of the Jays potential this year...

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...It amazes me how many Yankees fans are calling the Jays a third or fourth place team....especially if ayone gets injured...same could be said about the Yanks or Red Sox...and hate to point it out, but the Jays are better then the Orioles...one more random thought, and this isn't meant to start a flame war...me thinks some Yankees fans are afraid of the Jays potential this year...

The Jays even own the Red Sox.

My projected AL East Standings and their fate:

1st- Yankees- They will win the division, but pitching will kill them in the playoffs. 95+ wins

2nd- Blue Jays- Great signings over the offseason, have the talent, as long as no one gets hurt for an extended amount of time. 90- 95 wins

3rd- Red Sox- Simple, build the team around Ortiz and Manny. They finish with 85 wins.

4th- Devil Rays- They can definitly be contenders, but lack of crowd and dominating teams just dont give them a chance. How can you compete with a team that is going to score 1000 runs.Otherwise great overall talent. They win around 60-70 games.

5th- Orioles. I'll give them about 60 games. They dont have anyone. Maybe Sosa can lead them into debt.

5th- Orioles- They just suck. Maybe

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- The Simpsons sucked since 1997, that's like 9 years ago.

- The Blue Jays spent a ton of money but I just don't think Glaus, and overpaying for Ryan and Burnett is going to cut it. But of course everyone on the Yanks is pushing 40 and they can get hurt. Boston looks good, Baltimore has Mazzone so they are already at least a decent team.

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- The Simpsons sucked since 1997, that's like 9 years ago.

- The Blue Jays spent a ton of money but I just don't think Glaus, and overpaying for Ryan and Burnett is going to cut it. But of course everyone on the Yanks is pushing 40 and they can get hurt. Boston looks good, Baltimore has Mazzone so they are already at least a decent team.

True...the new simpsons episodes have lacked the humor and wit of the classics. For some reason they don't even show the classic simpsons here anymore (they only show simpsons at 7:30 and it's always a new episode. They repeat from the same batch of "new" episodes so the same episode with marge getting drunk off long island iced tea gets played every 2 weeks). :(

And I still don't think the Jays are better than the Red Sox yet. Maybe in a couple of years , but this year will end up like last year did. Yankees 1st , Red Sox 2nd , Jays 3rd and so on. It's just that Schilling has had so much time to rest off his injury... him and Clement (if he pitches like he did the first half) are better than the Jays rotation regardless of the talent of Chacin etc. If Glaus can stay healthy the Jays might give it a run but Manny and Ortiz (barring a manny trade) remain one of the best hitter duos in the game.

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Are you a Yankees fan?

You know damn well I am. However, I'm also a realist and I'd rather see a team of guys win because they played well as a team than because their names are more important than their stats.

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While I don't agree with some of the Jays off season moves, I think they are much stronger than last year. It's unfair to discount them because they spent a lot of money. They Yanks and BoSox have a larger payroll and anyone could equally argue that they have overpaid for players as well.

Injuries to Koskie, Halladay and Hudson played a large roll in the Jays' finish in 2005. Assuming everyone is healthy in 2006 I see them finishing with a much better record. They have upgraded themselves in starting pitching, closer, first base and third base. Wells will be better in '06 with Glaus hitting behind him and Halladay's leg is healed and he's ready to go. It's going to be an exciting year in Toronto.

The Red Sox are chaotic at best and haven't really made any positive moves aside from trading Mirabelli for Loretta. The trade for Beckett, Lowell and Mota lost them a major league ready minor league short stop in Hanley Ramirez along with other top prospects. They then traded their starting SS for a 3B prospect who now looks like he's headed to Cleveland with Mota for CF Coco Crisp. So, is Snow better than Millar? Is Lowell better than Mueller? Will Crisp be better than Damon? Only time will tell. They got some big names, but they also got several injury prone players on their roster. They are an old team and most likely an unhappy team. Wells and Ramirez want out and Damon is no longer around to keep everyone loose. I think it will be a long season in Boston.

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Sucks that the Yankees keep getting the hungerless stat guys. But hey, Mark, you gotta admit you were wrong about Chacon. That guy lifted the Yanks big time.

Wrong about what? I never had anything against the guy in the first place, it was just that I didn't, and still don't, generally support the idea of trading minor leaguers who could help for 5 years in future for major league guys right now.

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You know damn well I am. However, I'm also a realist and I'd rather see a team of guys win because they played well as a team than because their names are more important than their stats.

Again, after a comment like that, I'd have trouble believing you are a Yankee fan. Just the same as I would be about Sean O if he said he'd rather someone other then the Red Sox win. A fan is someone who supports a team, how could you be a fan if you don't want your team to win? It just doesn't make sense. There is not a team I would ever rather win over the Yankees, reguardless of whether they deserve it or not, you have to want them to win.

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Mark thinks the Yanks will win more if they maintain their minor league talent. IMHO throwing away guys like Sierra and Ramirez isn't a crime, but using Navarro and Halsey as freakin' throw-ins is inexcusable.

Navarro and Halsey are nothing special. Halsey was not brilliant in the minors and pitched awfully last year in the NL. Navarro hit .290 or better twice in his professional career. Navarro also averaged 39 Rbis per season in the minor leagues. I'm sorry that you have some kind of weird obsession with shitty AAA players.

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Halsey was an average pitcher, who was healthy. Yanks could have used that, they got lucky with Small and Chacon.

Navarro is an OBP machine. He doesn't hit bombs, he doesn't have a huge average, he isn't fast, but he holds his own offensively as a catcher. And as Posada is getting more expensive and no better replacements are available, Navarro would look pretty damn good right now.

And guess what, it may take more than one season for a young player to reach his prime. Navarro and Halsey were perfectly productive last year, the Yankees could have used these guys. (But hey, there's always free agency, right?)

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Halsey was an average pitcher, who was healthy. Yanks could have used that, they got lucky with Small and Chacon.

Navarro is an OBP machine. He doesn't hit bombs, he doesn't have a huge average, he isn't fast, but he holds his own offensively as a catcher. And as Posada is getting more expensive and no better replacements are available, Navarro would look pretty damn good right now.

And guess what, it may take more than one season for a young player to reach his prime. Navarro and Halsey were perfectly productive last year, the Yankees could have used these guys. (But hey, there's always free agency, right?)

I would take any free agent over Navarro. And how much better do you think Halsey of the 4.61 in the NL West would have done in the AL East? Randy Johnson was a major contributing factor to us in getting to the playoffs. No Randy Johnson=No playoffs. No dioner Navarro/Brad Halsey=Playoffs. Neither of them would help us now or ever and no, Navarro would not look pretty good now. And as for navarro being an OBP machine, .352 OBP in minors, not bad but not a machine.

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You'd take Javy Lopez next year? It only gets worse after him, and in 2008, Jason Kendall (a 32 or 33 year old version) is the premiere catcher on the market. The Yankees NEEDED Navarro, and threw him away.

- RJ did 'help' (and hurt :lol:) our chances of making the postseason. So would have been Vazquez and Halsey. Their ERA could have not been 3.8, but remember the Yankees had Brown starting when he was hurt, Tim Redding, May, Sturtze, Leiter, etc. The Yankees ran out of choices, if Halsey was here, that would have never been a problem. Yankees got lucky with Chacon finding himself, Small turning into a good pitcher magically, and even Scott Proctor having one good start somehow...

You have those two guys, (they were healthy last season), there would have been less games thrown away due to a lack of usable SPs.

- Navarro has a good OBP for a catcher and it will only get better. He'll never be like Posada with the bat, possibly he'll be like Kendall without speed. That isn't great, but he's a catcher. Most catchers suck.

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You'd take Javy Lopez next year? It only gets worse after him, and in 2008, Jason Kendall (a 32 or 33 year old version) is the premiere catcher on the market. The Yankees NEEDED Navarro, and threw him away.

- RJ did 'help' (and hurt :lol:) our chances of making the postseason. So would have been Vazquez and Halsey. Their ERA could have not been 3.8, but remember the Yankees had Brown starting when he was hurt, Tim Redding, May, Sturtze, Leiter, etc. The Yankees ran out of choices, if Halsey was here, that would have never been a problem. Yankees got lucky with Chacon finding himself, Small turning into a good pitcher magically, and even Scott Proctor having one good start somehow...

You have those two guys, (they were healthy last season), there would have been less games thrown away due to a lack of usable SPs.

- Navarro has a good OBP for a catcher and it will only get better. He'll never be like Posada with the bat, possibly he'll be like Kendall without speed. That isn't great, but he's a catcher. Most catchers suck.

Vazquez would not help at all. He would have allowed 3460543756 home runs and Halsey has shown nothing, neither has Navarro.

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