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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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...Away we go...

...Been playing MVP '06 Beta Release. Great Work!!!!! It's like a whole new game! Been goofing around with a Blue Jays Dynasty....Hallady was injured 3 Innings into the season, gone for 45 days, and Burnett, and Chacin has been lit up in their starts....hope it's not a sign of things to come!

...This is the week for pitchers and catchers...can't believe I am typing that, as I look out the window at the first major snow storm of the year...

...I second the whole "Valentine's Day" sucks! My wife keeps telling me not to buy her anything, but I know if I don't...I am screwed....

...How about the whole NHL/Gambling fiasco. Just what the league needs...

...Smallville was a bore this week, but The Shield rocked as usual...

...I wish Sammy Sosa would just hang it up. I am not saying he used steriods, but he was horible last season, and I don't see him doing any better this season...

...I hope Barry Bonds blows this year! Don't want to see him break the homerun record, or pass Ruth...although the latter is likely going to happen...

...Ouch this site has been slow lately...still worth the wait though...

...See you next Sunday...

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I'm a lil late but here goes...

-I just realized that I don't follow baseball much. I knew pitchers and catchers were reporting around last week... :oops:

-My teacher got a letter today...apparantly, a few judges at the middle school computer fair questioned whether that site was indeed my work. :roll: I mean, I'm only in 6th grade, and this is for 6-8 graders. I'll even sit down in front of them and show them how my BBHD Productions site is coming.

-I agree with Y4L - where did those holding calls come from?

-I have an off week since monday at 9 after basketball practice. I'm probably going to sleep or work on some new phtotohop techniques such as this:


-That's all for now, be back sunday...


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...Well guess I will start it off...

...The Candian Men's Hockey team looks like crap so far this olympic season. Don't get me wrong, I am a die-hard canadian, but I support amatuers in the olympics, not overpayed professionals...

...Smallville was very good this week, nice mid-season cliff-hanger with Lionel Luthor knowing Clark's secret...

...NBA All-Star game is tonight...will I watch it...NO....

...Spring Training is slowly beginning....YEAH....wish the season began tomorrow...

...frigging spyware, I am sick of it...

...still lovin' he MVP '06 Mod, what an amazing piece off work! Can't wait until the final release...

...KUDOS to Trues for switching servers, everyything seems much quicker now...

...See You next week...

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Updated to 2-19

...There's nothing like kicking back on a Sunday morning listening to Mp3's while surfing the web while it is freezing outside.

...I'm off tomorrow because of President's Day. Yeah, ok. Big deal. Just as long as I'm paid for it, have fun. While you are at it, have "First Ladies Day".

...So far, nothing but good news in the Yankee spring camp this year. I'm just holding my breath about this World Baseball stuff.

...I'm someone who burns data to CD right away. I never liked letting it build up on the hard drive. Thank God for me that CDR's are pretty cheap now.

...Sleeper game to get if you ever see it in a bargain bin: Australian Rules Football 2004.

...Chicago's Ozzie Smith should just shut up. But that won't happen.

...Who else feels that a major trade is going to be made before opening day?

...Man, I love this server move and the reasons behind why our man Trues decided to do this. Put it this way: our old server was as slow as Bengie Molina trying to leg out a triple.

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- Great to have the new server up and the forum back!

- For some reason, I happen to play MVP before the season, do **** during the season, and mod in the off-season.

- It's under 20 degrees here upstate, it was under 15 yesterday. The bank's thermometer announced it was "-52 o". I laughed out loud.

- Tons of Yankee fans are praising Damon for showing up a day early to camp. Woo-freakin' hoo, Pedro Martinez showed up early for camp as well. Showing up early for ST is not a measure of your character.

- For some reason Yankee fans hate Vazquez more than the guy who hit the grand slam off of him...

- Talking about Vazquez, one more below average season and he's out of excuses.

- I got my Nationals dynasty up to late May, my team ERA is an impressive 1.6. Sadly I suck at hitting and pretty much score 2 or 3 runs a game if that. Chad Cordero is enjoying his 16 saves, and Soriano just got off the DL.

- I wonder who is this year's biggest gainers and biggest losers are... I wonder how much weight Gagne and Bonds lost.

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it's 85 degrees down here in florida...feels like july.

met jimmy edmonds yesterday...too bad the stupid batteries died. but seeing the players was fun.

school is ultra hard, i feel like i lost my stuff for a while...time to hit the books.

i'm probaly going to wait till a later release to try out mvp 06....still don't know how to install diffrent paths for the same game.

grapes are awesome and in season...this is great.

that is all.

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- Got two sets of Yankees @ Mets tickets. The prices were unbelievably high of course. I guess they can charge what they want if they sell out anyway.

- The Nats lost Lawrence for the season, any chance Bowden would be stupid enough to take Wright or Pavano of our hands?

- Lawrence was very very durable... Odd that he'd suddenly tear his labrum, possibly his rotator cuff too

- Is Pedro still bitching about his shoe?

- January was warm, February was cold.

- Spring Break is in two weeks for me. The last two years I went down to Florida to watch Spring Training, this time I'll sit on my lazy *** and save the money. Possibly I can catch some of the ST games on YES, but for an all-Yankees channel they don't televise a lot of ST games from what I remember.

- I am going to have to borrow a friend's MST3K tapes and make copies of them during SB

- It's funny to see Marlins fans on marlinsbaseball.com predict their crappy team of having a shot of winning wildcard, hell winning 70 games. So, did they remember that their team went nowhere with Delgado, Pierre, Castillo, Jones, and LoDuca on it? Homerism pisses me off.

- Not a lot of people mention that Oswalt will be a free-agent in 2006-07, McLane better be prepared to break the bank again.

- I really don't miss football season.

- I wonder when the new photos and weights will come out on mlb.com

- This ends an almost entirely all-baseball edition of RTOASM, it's a baseball forum right?

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--Finally! I can see some baseball this week. The World Baseball Classic has its first game this Friday. Actually, since I'm on EST, it'll start Thursday night, at 9:30. I believe it's Korea vs. Chinese Taipei. By the way, what's the difference between China and Chinese Taipei?

--I used to be pretty against the WBC, but now that it's comming up, I'm actually getting pretty exciting. I just hope that there are no big injuries. It would be a disaster if Derek Jeter missed the first half of the season without playing a single spring training or regular season game.

--The first game the US is playing is against Mexico. I think that Garciaparra will play this one.

--I hate hospitals. I went to go visit a friend who is staying in the hospital, and has cancer yesterday. It reminded me of the time when my grandmother was in the hospital. It brought back so many bad memories. I hope I won't have to die in a hospital.

--As a teacher, nothing makes me feel worse than seeing students just not try. I have so many students who are smart, but they just don't put the effort into school. My goal as a teacher is to try to get everyone to put forth 100+% effort, and to get everyone to love learning.

--MVP 06 for the PC is pretty cool. I love the job that all the modders did. The stadiums are awesome, the rosters are pretty good, and the soundtrack isn't that bad. I just had to tweak the datafile a little bit. The batter walk-up music was turned off, and I wanted to make the crowd a little bit louder.

--Where is Snepp, and Oly?

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Updated to 2-26

...It sure is nice having Spring Training here. I just love to read the daily articles on the Yankees and what's going on down there in Florida. It just makes me that much more excited for the season because it's not that far off now. :)

...I didn't watch one second of the Winter Olympics.

...The WB Network is hard to figure. They got a great show like Smallville on, but the next new episode is not going to be shown until March 30th. I wonder why?

...R.I.P. Curt Gowdy (who was a great baseball announcer) and Don Knotts (if you don't know who played Barney Fife, that's the guy.) It was a tough week for some of the greats in their respective fields. :cry:

...I read somewhere that the PS3 is going to be delayed for about a year and it is going to cost Sony $900 to make one console. If that's really true, Microsoft's X-Box will have no more competition. Like I care. I don't have the money to buy the 360 anyways.

...One other thing about the X-Box. Sometimes you buy stupid things, right? Well, this is what I did last year. I purchased a 12 month subscription to X-Box live with the intent of playing people on this board and on another board online. I haven't played anyone nor have I played X-Box live in months. My subscription ends March 26th and I'm not giving them another $49.99.

...For me, it is relaxing to spend time and walk around in places like Circuit City, Best Buy and Comp-USA. I'd say the same thing about Fry's, but I only went into one when I was in Texas and we don't have them here. That's another nice place.

...Did I say Texas? My wife's going there in April. This time without me. I'm sure she'll have a better time since I'm not good company when I have to go shopping all the time and do nothing but that. But next year, if the Yankees are in town when they go, then I might go. This year, forget it. One purse is the same as the other for me.

...I am definately pulling against Jimmy Rollins. No way do I want him to break that record.

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--Where is Snepp, and Oly?

Snepp's been gone since November of 2004. He just has not come back since that time.

Olyrunner has been here recently. She sent me a note that she downloaded the beta version of MVP 06 and she likes it. She's been busy lately but probably will be coming back more during the season.

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-Monday sucks

-Monday sucks more when its 1st period and you have 6th period lunch

-HS is pretty cool. Teachers say "It's gona be hard". Please I'm pulling a 90 average right now and I'm not even studying! Sheesh!

-Yes whatever happened to Snepp. I hope he/she is ok.

- Mio preferita non speak italiano. Mio preferito inglese. Italian sucks when you have a teacher whos a *****.

- I have an esssay on this book tommorow, and I didn't start reading. Thank God for homeroom.

- MVP 06 Beta is sick.

-I'm starting concept uniforms.

- I'm still hooked on Seinfeld. It's become part of my daily routine now.

- Found out out Federation team is going on three tournaments in the summer. Nice!

- Being on the JV baseball team sucks. We don't get the nice pinstriped home vests.

- I just found out winter won't exist in 2105.

- Manhatten rules. I went there to go to ESPN Zone the other day, and it's the place for me. Out of all the boroughs of NY, I had to get stuck in the only suburban one. I;m a city boy dammit! I want to take the train to Shea, not a 2 hour car ride in traffic!

- Lundquist brought Sweden the gold medal, and next stop Stanley Cup for the Rangers. It's good to see a team that sucked for years come back and become great again.

- Jagr>hockey

- I'm with Y4L, Rollins isn't going to break the record. I am!

- What's up with airline food huh? :-)

- It sucks when your plane is delayed for 6 hours. Your on the runway for 6 hours! Then you find out you can't take off at all so at 3 in the morning you go back into the airport and sleep for 2 hours and have to wait another 4 hours for you to get off the ground, and then Newark was too windy to land, so we circled it for a good 20 min. My legs got cramped.

- Its almost Monday! :-(

- I got a question too. And it makes sense. The more I learn the more I forget. The more I forget, the less I know. So why bother studying.

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...Whoops, it's monday morning....

...Clemens is pitching to a bunch of minor leaguers at Astros camp...WHOOPPEE,! I wish the idiot would just make up his mind. You know what, retire already...I think he enjiys all this media speculation. It's pathetic...

...On the subject of retiring...for someone who hates the media as much as Barry Bonds does, he can't seem to stop talking about 2006 being his last/not his last season...Who Cares! Don't let the door hit you on the way out...

...2015...no winter....hmmmm....by the maybe EASports will have their rights to MLB back....

...Been bitterly cold here the past couple of days. Seems like winter has finally shown up with a few weeks until spring...

...Stumbled across MVP NCAA Baseball at Wal-Mart yesterday, now I don't know what to do...Buy it or don't buy it...Price is only $34.95 Canadian...

...NYM06, I am a huge...I mean HUGE Rangers fan. I love the fact that they are great this season, brings back memories of their Cup-winning '94 season. Wish Messier were a part of it now though...As exciting as Jagr is, I still miss the Moose...

...Woohoo, I know this is going to sound pathetic, but there is only a month left until Ice Age 2 comes out in theatres. My 7 year old watches the first one all the time, and got me hooked on it. One of my favorite CGI flicks...

...A bloody month until Smallville, pathetic! Oh well, atleast there is The Sheild, and spring training games to look forward too...


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2. Why won't winter exist in 2015 and where did you hear something like that?

The "real" threat of global warming of course.

-HS is pretty cool. Teachers say "It's gona be hard". Please I'm pulling a 90 average right now and I'm not even studying! Sheesh!

Man highschool... Tons of assholes but I did jackshit in highschool. Lots of watching baseball and playing Team Fortress Classic, driving my 85 Lebaron to school... The work was way easier too. It isn't going to be easy in college, and I'm sure real life is much harder than college.

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At my high school, I had 4-5 hours of work each night, and I rarely got home before 7 at night. Also, we had saturday classes about half the time, and this was in addition to the extra-currics and sports we did just to get into a college we wanted to attend.

And then, somehow, this seemed like a vacation compared to my schedule in college. I don't like school.


SS, you played TFC? I was a ridiculously great sniper, especially when it came to the last couple of maps they added (that were supposed to be for TF2, funny how that turned out). I got good enough that I could do successful flag runs as a sniper, with the perfect aim to knock down the damn heavies.

I miss TFC, it's a great little mod.

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- I did most of my work during the summer. I would go to work right after school and pretty much work until my dad (family business, you work elsewhere dad gets pissed) and that'd only be 2-3 hours. (Dinner was usually at 5 something, though dad didn't always come home because he used to work from 8 - 11 six days a week, and 'come in for a couple of hours' on Sunday.) He worked hard so I didn't have to, I'm a lazy piece of ****. Though I do work harder than most people I know, but I still feel like a lazy piece of ****.

Damn, you had a car in high school? I'm 18 and even I don't have a car yet!

Having a car kicked ***, luckily I was able to save up enough money to buy, and mostly repair a piece of crap. Everyone laughed at it and it could barely go past 65 but it was a car, owning a car was a big accomplishment to me. I was able to drive to school and not suffer listening to Z100 on the bus. I was able to listen to Howard Stern in the mornings to school before the attenna broke. The car was mostly used for doing errands for my grandma, who at the time was sick.

SS, you played TFC?

TFC kicked ***, when people put bots on their server it ruined it all! That and computer problems took me off the internet months at a time. I even made it into a clan, was a part of TPF, I was a ruthless SOB in TFC. People played like they were afraid of dying, it was a videogame, you respawn and live to kill again. This made me a very aggressive "prez" in hunted. As long as the bodyguards cooperated I kicked ***, plus I knew good hiding places. I sucked at sniper (my brother actually kicked *** at that class) and soldier. I could never use the rocket launcher as an offensive weapon, of course I used it for "Rocket jumps". It's insane to use a weapon that kills people to make yourself jump a little higher... Anyway, I usually played as HW Guy (OMG not 1337, n3wb!), Engineer (the true newbie class) where I would build a sentry gun then go on flag runs successfully (EMPing anyone in my path and destroying opposing sentry guns with my shotgun.), and if the defense sucked I was ALWAYS a scout. I'd die 5 or so times but that flag was mine, and with concing you could cap a ton of flags in little time. I was also the demoman who would blow up the grates when people were too lazy to help the team.

It sucked that TF2 never came out, but hell, I don't need another vice to waste my time. I will always have fond memories of TFC, where I got real good real fast, and of course, got called a cheater. (Being called a cheater when you're good was always an honor.)

Sean-O, did you ever play at the Bob-O-Buds' server? That guy played annoying jingles and tricked out the maps. Other than people 'spray painting' porn it was a great time.

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Y4L, unfortunatly, yes no winter. We are going to kill ourselves. (Not literally) Soon, places like NYC and the rest of the seaboards of the World will no longer exist. For anyone older than 20, I bet you can remember going to the beach and having to walk about 20 miles to get to the water right? How many steps does it take now? 3 or 4? That's an effect of global warming.

...NYM06, I am a huge...I mean HUGE Rangers fan

I like starting the Potvin chant.

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-HS is pretty cool. Teachers say "It's gona be hard". Please I'm pulling a 90 average right now and I'm not even studying! Sheesh!

I never study one day in HS and I made straight A's(thank god they did not take off for spelling), college macked me upside the head. I thought it would be more of the same, the 1st year was a *****, 2nd year was hard, 3rd, 4th, 5th was as easy as HS.

Yes it was a 5 year program

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Y4L, unfortunatly, yes no winter. We are going to kill ourselves. (Not literally) Soon, places like NYC and the rest of the seaboards of the World will no longer exist.

Then the world will freeze, right? Science kicks ***. Possibly the future will be like Futurama, Global Warming will be offset by Nuclear Winter. Or... We can wait longer and not presume that 120 years of recorded temperature means we are going to die. Remember, Glaciers started to recede before the industrial revolution. It's much funner to think that humans control their own fate sometimes. Just remember how small the 'looking for Earth-killing comet' budget is.

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