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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Updated to 3-5

...I hate musicals. My wife bought this movie called Rent and I know she is going to try and trap me to watch it with her. I'd rather watch American Idol.

...Two more weeks to go and I am on vacation. With today's release of Total Classics Phase 5, this time off can not come faster. Thank you TeamFuzz.

...Kind of a sad day for me, today's the day John Belushi died in 1982. Belushi was always one of my favorites and he really shined in movies like Animal House and the Blues Brothers, but he played a serious role in a rarely seen movie called Continental Divide that earned a lot of praise when it came out in 1981. R.I.P. to an original Saturday Night Live cast member.

...The Yankees made a sign to apologize to the spring training fans for the team not having Damon and Jeter and the other three Yankees at the World Baseball Classic. And I don't blame them. I don't like this WBC and I just want it to end.

...Say, does anyone know what the blockbuster movies that are coming out this year? Some pretty good ones usually start coming out in May and in the summer there are a bunch of them worth seeing.

....I love dogs, but I hate cats.

...You know what I've been wanting to do for awhile now? Step into a batting cage and take some swings. But around here I don't know if there are any inside ones. I know of a outside one that I go to in the summer, but that's some time away.

...Anyone ever watch Cold Case on Sunday nights? That's one hell of a show.

...Think spring, think spring!!

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i think the wbc should have been scheduled in november, after the world series, and the players would still be conditioned enough to play. since it's every 4 years, i would like it about 1-2 weeks after the world series, delay free agency and some offseason stuff until after the wbc is over for playing years. i think more people would be intersted in watching, since baseball is still fresh and this will help them last through withdrawl during the winter. basketball has it's world championships during the offseason, right after the nba is done, and even though nobody watches, it's still better than doing it in october when the players should be getting ready for the season. i bet we would have less pullouts of the wbc if this was in november, several have pulled becuase of the spring training factor.

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....I love dogs, but I hate cats.

Cats are the best. They barely make a mess, they show affection, and they lie around all day. I can't wait to get home to see my cats again! You have to walk dogs and stuff and they can crap in the house (not in a box), worst of all dogs can actually hurt you. Cats are weaklings. I guess this comes from a biased point of view because I was bitten from a dog, that and dogs always bark at me and crap like that.

Anyway, here are some more random thought:

- I still don't miss football, ESPN has a ST game on today!

- The WBC could have been a big thing but all the hype just disappeared, noone cares anymore. It could have been a big thing. It could have been great for the game.

- My virtual Nats have been going through a horrific slide. Been having way too many tough losses lately.

- I never tried Total Classics, I think I will very soon.

- I have two tests this week but I think they'll be no problem.

- Janurary was warm because of "global warming", I guess February was cold... Because of global warming of course. Did you know that scientists claimed that Antartic glaciers were receding and advancing??? In the same month!!!

- My brother is starting to frequent a website that scares the bejezus out of me

- Each and every kid's book I am forced to read in my education classes has to do with segregation. Are teacher's supposed to make their kids feel despressed or something? Of course these books have White characters (girls specifically) being saviors of the Black character. Nice lesson.

- The first book I really got to get into when I was a kid was about Alexander the Great, I must have been a weird kid.

- Talking about Alexander the Great, Oliver Stone's "Alexander" really sucked ***. They made homosexuality as sensational and uneasy as possible.

- Yes, musicals suck. The more I think about it, the more I think South Park Bigger Longer and Uncut sucked. That was a stupid *** musical.

- Nice to see Fuzzone/million dollar man have some saucy interviews on his website. I didn't know Moose was telling the truth the entire time. :roll:

- Now I'm freaked out that Hory and Kraw could be the same guy... You'd think that IPs would tell the admins something.

- Before Kraw's sig was erased, it said "EAGE is EVIL". How come his generic installer is this site's best kept secret? Hell it's not a secret use it guys, it makes modifying your files much easier.

- If A-Rod has another bad post-season and gets traded, I hope he doesn't get the same awful treatment as Soriano.

- Soriano, stop being a *****. Move positions. They'll probably try to trade you anyway. Hopefully to Colorado. :lol: Bowden and the Nats did a great job forcing Soriano into an uncomfortable position and turned him into a bad guy. Soriano would of had more value moving than looking like a malcontent.

- On 3/20, I'll announce a MVPmods 2006 MLB season prediction contest, with scoring and all of that fun stuff. I'd release it sooner but I'd think the predictions would have more merit if made at a later date.

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Not posted here in a while, so here goes;

Man, I'm glad to be going back to my nightshift job again. I was on dayshift last week and it truly did suck. Like, "if I had to do another week there I would have left" level of suckage. Shirt and smart trousers look, no personal equipment of any kind (no MP3 player to listen to through a 9 hour shift of doing the same stuff over and over again), no kind of atmosphere at all. At least on nightshift you can chat if you want to, as long as the work gets done. On days, it was just horrible.

It's Spring! Can't wait for Opening Day. Now if I could just afford that damn MLB.TV subscription. What a rip-off that is.

Ice Cube's latest track, "Race Card", is excellent. The video is good, too. Reminds me why I've always been a fan of his music, and a very welcome break from the alleged "hip-hop" that's being released today.

It's 4:30pm and I'm just waking up from my Paint Shop Pro enduced long morning which moved my attempted bedtime from 4am after the Calzaghe/Lacy fight to closer to 8am. Ah well, that's was Sundays are for, right?

Did anyone catch that fight? Lacy got an absolute boxing lesson from Calzaghe, something I didn't expect at all. I'm never seen Calzaghe fight more than a few rounds, but he was incredibly impressive last night. I actually felt sorry for Lacy - just imagine what he's thinking. He goes into the fight a feared man, unbeaten with massive power in both hands, only to spend 12 rounds being schooled by a under-rated Welshman and ends up with a busted nose, 2 very bad cuts to his eye-area on both sides (one from an accidental clash of heads, the other from the multiple barrage of blows that Calzaghe was hitting him with) and a fat, and busted, lip. If there was ever a time to want to throw up the word "Owned" onto a television set, this was it.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, folks! :)

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- JV roster is posted tomorrow. I hope I make it.

- Rangers should have kicked the Devils ***.

- Mets got their asses kicked. Can't blame them though. They had minor leaguers in. I like that Milledge guy. Seems like he can be a solid corner outfielder.

- SNY will be the best regional sports netowork ever. Move over YES, SNY is in town March 16 at 5 PM. www.sportsnetny.com

Pretty short list today.

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- Nice to see Fuzzone/million dollar man have some saucy interviews on his website. I didn't know Moose was telling the truth the entire time. :roll:

- Now I'm freaked out that Hory and Kraw could be the same guy... You'd think that IPs would tell the admins something.

- On 3/20, I'll announce a MVPmods 2006 MLB season prediction contest, with scoring and all of that fun stuff. I'd release it sooner but I'd think the predictions would have more merit if made at a later date.

1. I'm not a fan of that interview section on Fuzz's site. He interviewed two people on it that caused trouble on here (Moose and Deathnotronic) and it is obvious that they had axes to grind.

2. What if they are? Do you realize the work you have to do to keep this kind of hoax up? And why would you do that? Just to have two different accounts on here?

3. Your contest sounds like fun, I'll do my best.

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Eh, I've yet to post in here (for all that I know), so here goes:

- I have my first fantasy baseball draft of the year tonight, and I'm stoked!

- Coheed & Cambria's latest CD: "Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV: Volume One. From Fear Through The Eyes Of Madness" is one of the best I've heard in a while. I can stop listening to it.

- North Carolina beat Dook last night which improved their record to 21-6 overall and 12-4 in the ACC. Not bad considering they only have one senior starting and their best player, Tyler Hansbrough is a freshman.

- I have been playing a lot of Mario lately. Right now I'm on the final level which, I have to admit, is very tough.

- I'm seriously contemplating downloading the '06 mod and giving up on NCAA Baseball.

- Actually, I think that I'm going to download the '94 mod instead.

- I watched my first Spring Training game of the year this week, unfortunately I was only able to watch the first 4 innings :cry:.

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1. Nothing good could have came out of most of those interviews. The one with Trues was good but the rest were about 'the dirt'. You'd fuzz would do interviews relevant to TC5, right?

2. I have no idea. Probably just an inside joke.

3. I could PM the contest to you if you want a sneak peak. I spent two hours thinking the thing up, I think it could be a lot of fun. :)

- Mets got their asses kicked. Can't blame them though. They had minor leaguers in. I like that Milledge guy. Seems like he can be a solid corner outfielder.

It's spring training. The most notable part about the game was the velocity (or lack of) from Schmoll and Wagner. Schmoll with that disgusting delivery of hits the low 90s, I once saw him hit 96 mph. Of course, they are just pitching BP and doing a half assed job. Which is okay. The whole crappy pitching thing is what is turning me off about the WBC. I'll give the DR vs. PR game and the US vs. Mexico games a chance. They will either be like ST game or something out of a bad baseball videogame. (Way too many runs.) I wouldn't be suprised to see Milledge become a National though... They were really grilling the Mets for trading Jae Weong "so-so" Seo. I like him but he is either on or off, inconsistant. The Mets were able to get Julio, Sanchez, and yes our buddy Schmoll by giving up a late 20s junk-baller and a bad contract. (And loud mouth wife I must add.) Sadly though, the Mets are really putting a lot of pressure on Heilman not to suck. I wouldn't count on that. That and Pedro acting like he's going to miss the season is not good at all for the Mets. I mean, everyone is overally optimistic in Spring Training. If you are not claiming you are in "the best shape in your life" something is wrong.

One more random thought:

Soriano stated (through a "source" of course) that he would play outfield, if that team was the Yankees... Obvious Soriano still misses being a Yankee. After all he supposedly still has his NJ apartment. Soriano better quit day-dreaming because there is simply no room on the team for him anymore. Cano better not have a horrific sophmore slump (I'm predicting his offense to suffer while his fielding and plate patience improve, but that's just a random prediction) or otherwise Cashman/Steinbrenner will hand Soriano his own 4/52 contract. (Those seem like all the rage in the Bronx.) I love Soriano, but there is simply no room on the Yankees anymore. Unless Sheffield is going somewhere, but that's a pipedream.

Anyway, they had Baseball Tonight on as well, of course hinting that David Ortiz deserved the MVP the entire time. That and they claimed the Oriole acquired no-one when they got Ramon Hernandez, Kris Benson, and Leo Mazzone. Leo Mazzone will change the face of the Orioles, look at what he did with the flat out garbage the Braves gave him. Hopefully, Angelos will continue to waste his money on needless contracts. Good job overpaying Hernandez when you still got Javy. Very smart. Odd that the two big FA catchers wound up signing with the teams that needed them the least.

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Updated to 3-12

...I just love the Mozilla Firefox web browser. I think it is the best one I've ever used. I remember when we had to pay for these browsers about ten or eleven years ago. Netscape would charge thirty bucks for their new version and an additional ten dollars for the "gold" version. What a joke that was.

...I'm no Braves fan but I bet every fan of that team must have held their breath when Jeff Franceour tumbled over first base in the ninth inning of the US-Canada game. That's my only worry about this tournament. An injury to a player on your team. Other than that, I love that baseball is played all over the world.

...I used to enjoy reading Peter Gammon's column over at ESPN.com every Sunday. I thought it was pretty good. But since he got elected to the Hall of Fame, the ESPN people made his stuff Insider material only. Like ESPN needs the money to pull a stunt like this. Oh well, at least I can still read Mike Lupica at the Daily News.

...That new book about Barry Bonds and the lastest steroid allegations make me wonder how he is going to be able to deny it this time? It always brings me back to that picture of Lyle Alzado on the cover of Sports Illustrated. His warnings to other athletes didn't mean much I guess.

...From all the reports I have been reading, Carl Pavano looks pretty good down there in Florida. I just hope he bounces back this year. God knows we need it.

...Given the choice of going to two stores to get stuff, I would take Target over Walmart any day of the week. Walmart sucks. Target is cleaner and looks a lot better.

...Had to get the New York State inspection this week, it ended up costing $630 dollars. Son of a *&^%$. What can go wrong will go wrong.

...The wife's going to Texas in April. I am not going because of a few reasons. First of all I don't have that week off and second of all I won't go 1,500 miles again like I did last year to just go shopping. Next year, if the Rangers are in town when they go (her father goes for the Nascar race there) I might go just to see a game. When she is gone I told her I "had a lot of work to do around the house." Yeah, right. I'll empty the garbage and pick up the mail. That's it.

...Vacation next week for me. I'll be out of town the weekend and back on Sunday. My random thoughts for next week will be delayed for late Sunday so if anyone wants to jump in, go ahead.

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...Bubba Sparxxx - Deliverance is the best 'relaxing' rap track

...Paste IP is a *****, I wanna shoot whoever came up with it.

...The new Matisyahu album that just came out this week is is amazing musicly and has an amazing replay factor. Just awesome.

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...I just love the Mozilla Firefox web browser. I think it is the best one I've ever used. I remember when we had to pay for these browsers about ten or eleven years ago. Netscape would charge thirty bucks for their new version and an additional ten dollars for the "gold" version. What a joke that was.

Man, that must have sucked. Anyway, I'm using firefox right now and it is pretty much like IE with tabs. I only downloaded it due to paranoia about viruses. (It's easier to target IE)

I'm no Braves fan but I bet every fan of that team must have held their breath when Jeff Franceour tumbled over first base in the ninth inning of the US-Canada game. That's my only worry about this tournament. An injury to a player on your team. Other than that, I love that baseball is played all over the world.

From what I saw the WBC is like glorified Spring Training. Basically, everyone is getting their work in except they are giving eachother way more high 5s. The injury risk in the WBC is almost equal to that of ST. I'd just be worried if my player was the only star player on a bad team because they'd leave him to play way longer.

...Given the choice of going to two stores to get stuff, I would take Target over Walmart any day of the week. Walmart sucks. Target is cleaner and looks a lot better.

Wal-mart is cheap, but I don't go over there often.

My random thoughts:

- si.com/mlb is way better than ESPN.com, anything worth reading there you have to pay for. SI gives you everything + pictures.

- I came home for Spring Training to chill but I wound up doing a crap load of work. I'm as sore as hell.

- My crappy MVP team just hit a six game losing streak, lucky I won so many games in April.

- Pavano will start the season on the DL but the roster situation will get complex once they let him off.

- If Pavano is actually healthy, he is pretty much only a league average starter at best. I hope the Yanks aren't depending on him.

- I gotta check out that new Big Schmooz models.big

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-I purchased a crapload of stuff yesterday. I got my Nextel phone hooked up, and the total amount for everything was 530 dollars, what the deuce? I mean the phone itself was 350 bucks with service, but then I had to make a 150 dollar deposit. What the hell else? I also bought an HDTV. A Samsung 27 inch...it's pretty good and I like the quality. It supports all modes including 720p. I'm gonna have a blast watching my yankee games in HD.

- Mentally, I'm not where I want to be right now. I feel I shouldn't have spent all of the income tax money. My aunt, she's in her final hours I guess, as she has developed pneumonia and she's been in a nursing home for quite some time. She still remembers who I am and when I came to see her I could not contain my sadness. I left the nursing home bawling my eyes out. She's been like my third mom and I share great memories with her. When nobody wanted to visit her on any given day, I stepped up to the plate and went to see her. I love her with all my heart, and she'll move on to a better place in perfect health again. Thanks for the memories auntie.

- And so I get the news that my first Nextel bill will come out to 250 and change. More money that I have to pay for. I better get to fixing more computers, seeing as I need that money NOW more than ever. Nobody has donated for my Total MLB update but in the end, its OK. I guess. I'm in huge debt right now.


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Away we go...

...The Sopranos season 6 begins tonight. I can't wait! It has been two years since season five ended! It should be nothing short of amazing...

...Barry, Barry, Barry....What to say? I love that it is all coming out in the open, and now Mr.Bonds is trying to steer all conversations to 3,000 hits rather then the home run record. The guy makes me sick...

...Well even though Canada is out of the WBC, the game against the United States was a thrill to watch...Congrats boys...

...So has Sosa retired????

...The New York Rangers are starting to play like they should have played all season...not that great! Being a die hard fan, I am still hoping the can right the ship, and make a great run in the play-offs...

...Speaking of the New York Rangers, how is it I can love them, but dislike the Yankees...weird...

...Who would win in a fight between Superman and Batman??? Supes has the powers, but Bats has got the darn kryptonite ring...


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I came to the dark side during the 2001 World series , and haven't looked back.

The Sopranos season 6 begins tonight. I can't wait! It has been two years since season five ended! It should be nothing short of amazing...

I look forward to watching my first Sopranos episode today. Hopefully I won't miss it , I don't know when it airs.

And the Rangers are playing very well...Jagr is playing much better than he did in Washington DC , and Lundquist is doing a fantastic job. The Hurricanes and Sens are doing a good job too...when NHL postseason comes it should be interesting to watch several of those teams duel it out. That is when hockey is at its best.

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I hate that whole 'dark-side' thing with the Yankees. The Darkside LOST in star-wars, the Yankees are winners. Don't embrace that stupid term. They aren't the 'dark-side' to me.

I don't think they use it as a losing darkside. It is like when they call them the evil empire.

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