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Random Thoughts On A Sunday Morning Updated To 7-28


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Updated to 3-19

...Sorry for the late post in this, I was out of town for the weekend and I just returned. Sure it sucks being out of town, but it's over and that's that.

....Got to get a cortisone shot in my right elbow tomorrow morning. I hope it doesn't hurt as much as I think it is.

...Driving down to Binghamton, NY, I took route 390 which turns into route 17. I passed up Geneseo and I rolled down my window and waved to SwinginSoriano.

...Funny moment of the weekend: the in-laws gave me a black baseball hat with the confederate flag on it and above the flag it said "Git R Done" :lol: I said Ye-hoo when I put it on but was immediately corrected because I should have said "Yee-haw".

...I enjoy watching Jackie Chan movies.

...So the U.S. lost in the World Baseball Classic? Oh well. Somehow we will make it.

...I purchased "Baseball for Windows" and the disc does not work. It says device driver not found. So they sent me a new disc. I haven't tried it yet because I'm afraid to. Hahahhaha

...How do you guys in the NY area like the new Mets channel? I have not had a chance to watch it yet and honestly I won't once the season starts.

...I joined the first league on our website and I just hope I don't look too bad when I play against everyone else. Those guys are good.

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...Driving down to Binghamton, NY, I took route 390 which turns into route 17. I passed up Geneseo and I rolled down my window and waved to SwinginSoriano.

I remember that. :lol::p

Anyway, I drove all the way back from home today. That and Luis Ayala got TJ surgery, making him the most significant WBC injury. (Though you could presume it would have happened anyway.) I have a busy week coming up... Lastly, the Red Sox got Juan Gonzalez for some god forsaken reason.

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...Away we go....

...Looking forward to playing in MVPMods league. I have been working the private messages, wheeling and dealing some players. Hopefully a trade works out...

...The Sopranos was simply amazing last week. At the time, I thought it was the best hour of television I have seen all year, then The Shield happened on tuesday...it was simply amazing...

...Well A.J. Burnett's health is starting to scare me, and we aren't out of spring training...

...Wonder Woman or Lois Lane? If you were Superman, who would you choose?

...I would love to see Cuba win the WBC, that would make for some good sports headlines...

...I am watching Die Hard With A Vengance. God I love those movies...

...Speaking of movies. I saw the teaser trailer for Rocky Balboa...I can't wait! Come on Rocky...one more round...

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...The Sopranos was simply amazing last week. At the time, I thought it was the best hour of television I have seen all year, then The Shield happened on tuesday...it was simply amazing...

The Sopranos is a good show. I just started watching this season and I like what I see so far. It seems I've joined at the wrong time since the first episode I watched involved Tony getting shot , and as we find out later , (spoilers) near death. The Sopranos , followed by 24 , make up 2 great back-to-back days of television drama. I don't watch the Shield but I did see a couple of minutes of the intro to one episode where they argued about a softball call. That was pretty funny.

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Updated to 3-26

....We are so close to opening day now. In fact, the season starts next week!

...The first game the Yankees play in Oakland, at night. What the hell? I have off the next day but I can't watch the entire thing because they usually end around 1:30 in the morning. I'm not a night owl like a lot of you guys in here are. I just can't do it.

...I was happy to see the Japanese team win the World Baseball Classic. I sure as hell wasn't pulling for Cuba. The Japanese team played the game very well and worked together pretty good. They weren't unselfish. Which brings me too....

....Alfonso Soriano. No one has ever accused him of being unselfish. Selfish, of course. In fact he is. But he's never been called unselfish. And there's a good reason for that. He's the perfect example of what is wrong with baseball today. He's the poster boy for the "Screw you, Me-First" kind of player. The only reason why he agreed to go to left field was not for the team. Are you kidding me? He did it for the money he was to be paid. He figured he gave Washington enough grief so now he'll take his little glove and go out to left and misplay fly balls from April to September like a good boy. If there's ever a guy who needs a fastball right at the head, it's this bum.

...I was on vacation this week and it was fun. I did nothing. Kicked back and enjoyed myself. Of course, the week was a blur. I could get used to this.

...I am kind of sorry I got into this league we have going. Sometimes you find things out about people that maybe you wouldn't have wanted to know in the first place.

...I like looking at people's avatars on here just to see what they have. I don't change mine a lot, but I do on occasion. Some of the avatars I can't figure out. I mean, go look at Tribetime's for example. That black guy sure does not look like an Indian. :lol:

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Updated to 3-26

....Alfonso Soriano. No one has ever accused him of being unselfish. Selfish, of course. In fact he is. But he's never been called unselfish. And there's a good reason for that. He's the perfect example of what is wrong with baseball today. He's the poster boy for the "Screw you, Me-First" kind of player. The only reason why he agreed to go to left field was not for the team. Are you kidding me? He did it for the money he was to be paid. He figured he gave Washington enough grief so now he'll take his little glove and go out to left and misplay fly balls from April to September like a good boy. If there's ever a guy who needs a fastball right at the head, it's this bum.

What I don't understand is why Washington made that deal. Of course they needed some offense, but surely they knew the drama that Soriano would bring with him. I wonder if, at the time the deal was completed, the Nationals had expressed their desire to move Soriano to the outfield. Nevertheless, I hope they will enjoy his 15-20 hr's, 100+ K's and weak defense. It sure is worth the 10 mil he's getting.

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- Soriano will probably be playing second base again by July, yes, it's a given that it will be with another uniform on.

- Soriano couldn't win in this situation, either he was a selfish asshole (yeah, he was) or if he plays left he's only doing it for the ten million.

- Who will have more homeruns? Soriano, or Brad Wilkerson? Really.

- According to this, at least his teammates like him:

Alfonso Soriano has impeccable credentials as a teammate, drawing raves from nearly everyone who has played with him. But because the flap over this position switch played out so publicly, and because Soriano admits that he would be happier at second base, some members of the Nationals organization wonder whether he will be questioned about his effort -- regardless of how hard he is actually playing -- when he misplays a ball in left. -- Washington Post

- I have a feeling that Soriano won't totally suck this year, really. Doesn't mean he'll walk 40 times, but if he returns to being a linedrive hitter he'll be fine. (Back with the Yanks, he had great road stats.)

- I was pretty close to wanting to change my username/avatar. If Soriano actually sat out, that would have been it. I was considering the consequences of the names of my files, and how the hell people would know who they were talking to. (I don't get people who change their names regularly) Luckily, Soriano just went into left and will hopefully keep his mouth shut. Anyway, I'll change my name if he pulls a 'Gary Sheffield' in left. Hey, Sheffield is on the Yankees. I <3 Sheffield!

- There will be no more Soriano thoughts in this post, you can rejoice now.

- Torre announced that Bernie will be the full time DH, of course this comes to the suprise of AAAA player Andy Phillips, who even Bernie at this point can out hit. Too bad the Yankees didn't get another veteran 1B, depending on Giambi to stay healthy (or effective) is a big risk. At least from 2002 - 2005 we had guys like Nick Johnson, Tony Clark, John Olerud, and Tino Martinez playing enough first for Giambi's knees to hold up a bit. What's the Yankees' backup plan now? Hell knows Phillips is out of options and he'll be in some other team's AAA.

- Only Red Sox fans would think that Choi is a gold glove elite hitter. LA sucked and he could barely crack the lineup there. Of course, it was a no risk move for the Red Sox, and yes, even the Yankees could have used him, what's our alternative? (Though, since the Red Sox were the worse team technically, they had dibs on waivers before the Yankees.)

- I finished my Nationals Dynasty, and I really don't feel like doing another one. I'll probably just play some postseason games as the Yankees.

- The Tigers, yes, the Tigers have a great lineup on paper. Hell knows that the team has as little heart as any team in baseball, and they'll find a way to screw it all up. That, and the Tigers are pushing Zumaya and Verlander to the show early. It sure has worked for Bonderman, right?

- Seems like there are no 'upset' teams, no underdog to pick this year. Of course, that'll change during the season as usual.

- Is the Poker fad over yet?

- It sucks that Chef was a scientologist. Gotta love being part of a fake cult for the business connections. Hayes, South Park was your career, no one cares about you anymore. Too bad the episode itself wasn't that funny. At least South Park doesn't totally suck yet.

- The Simpsons totally sucked after their sixth season, the Family Guy sucked since the end of the third season.

- Did I imagine that Futurama sucked too?

- Since everything on TV sucks, one can really find the time to watch/listen (matters where I am) to 162+ games of baseball.

- Those contracts are going to burn the Blue Jays, too bad they didn't spend that money when DELGADO was still on the team. At least we got to enjoy the return of Pat Hentgen.

- The Yankees will be better than Boston this year, but 2007 and beyond I wouldn't count on it. Boston is getting young players, and the Yankees will have declining players and increasing contracts. At least Mussina will be off the books.

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"Those contracts are going to burn the Blue Jays, too bad they didn't spend that money when DELGADO was still on the team. At least we got to enjoy the return of Pat Hentgen."

...and all those fat contracts the Yankees have dished out, has helped them how? Oh right....2000???? Sure they have made the Postseason every year, but have tanked each time...Don't knock the Jays until we see them in the regular season. Pavano bombed last year, Wright bombed last year...that's the chance you take.

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The difference between the Yankees and Blue Jays is that Steinbrenner doesn't care if he spends catastrophic amounts of money. The Blue Jays have a budget, the Yankees really don't.

That's why the Yankees never spend their money wisely, I'd be pissed if I was a fan of a small market and my team just threw money away on injury prone players. (Like Detroit and Magglio Ordonez). I get pissed enough being a Yankee fan when Cashman gives injury prone players big contracts, but as the Yankees are the Yankees, they try to buy their way through their mistakes.

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Okay, I see what you are saying, and I do get your point. It does worry me alot about Burnett, I don't deny that. But I have to atleast commend J.P. for taking a chance, and really that's what Jays fans wanted. A chance for our team to win. He did overspend, but hopefully it doesn't blow up in our face. Time will tell.

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I don't see the point of ditching Delgado, who LOVED Toronto, and wanted to stay, and then dishing out the money to people like Glaus, etc. Darn you Soriano for making me doubt my team...darn you to Heck!!! I feel the pull of the darkside calling...me...must ...resist...

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Well, I'm happy Delgado left he totally destroyed Yankee pitching. Sadly, he didn't sign for a lot in Florida. They should have just gave him his money and not try to trade him. 4/52 for a guy like him looks really good right now. And we all know, Carlos would have stood in Toronto for that amount. Could have been a franchise player.

Owners screw the fans.

I feel the pull of the darkside calling...me...must ...resist...

Think about Gary Sheffield... See, you're all better now.

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...Here I go...

...Anyway watch the season finale of The Shield? That was the greatest finale of any show I have seen in a long, long time...pooer Lem...

...speaking of TV, The Sopranos has been amazing, and the new show Big Love has been good also...

...Poor Bary Bonds...go away now...

...been looking on the back of my milk carton lately, looking for a "missing" picture of Sammy Sosa...

...spring is in the air, I was out raking leaves today, it was beautiful...love this time of year...

...little over a week until the MLB regular season...woohoo, evryone starts off in first place...

...Ladies and gentlemen your 2006 AL Cy Young awar winner....Roy Halladay...

...The MVP MOd League seems to be on it's way out. It's to bad, the couple of games I played against Thome25, were quite enjoyable...

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Updated to 4-2

...Finally, April is here! It's always been one of my favorite months because of baseball and that will never change.

...Not a good way to start the season if you are a Yankee fan. The Yanks start their game at 10 pm tomorrow out in Oakland. No way I can watch that. The only good thing about this is that they get one of their west coast trips out of the way.

...Can the Yankees score 1,000 runs? I don't care. Maybe they'll need it because some of those pitchers are still hurt and some I don't trust (Mussina).

...I got King Kong on DVD yesterday, but I still would rather see it on one of those big screen 3D theaters that are around.

...If Ben Stiller is in a movie, I just have a hard time watching it. I just don't think he's funny.

...So Anna Benson is divorcing her wimpy husband Kris? Not a good move on her part because now she's going to go back to being a nobody like she was before. Maybe she can get her stripper job back? I'm sure she can get some good references.

...David Ortiz, Alfonso Soriano and Javier the Choker Vazquez are 1-2-3 on my personal hate list.

...Anyone getting an X-box 360? Or are you going to wait for the PS3? All I know is that I can't afford either one. I'm still using my original X-box.

...Speaking of X-Box, I had a subscription to X-Box live that lasted one year. I got it in March of 2005 and it ended just a few days ago. I had to call them before the renewal date because if I didn't, I would have to pay another $49.99. I cancelled not because it was a bad thing, but because for months I never played anyone on it and it turned into a waste of money on my part.

...That cortisone shot in my elbow I had in my arm not too long ago seems to have worked wonders. I really feel a lot better.

...Turn your clocks ahead today!

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podcasts are so cool...check out the sports section, there is probaly one for you. everything sf giants baseball is a good show.

my life sucks now...no internships for me at all, and i'm not sure what i want to do after college. i don't think grad school is for me, and i can't seem to find a job that requires a bacholer's in biology. my life is at a crossroads.

even more sucking...i'm going to be so busy the next month, i don't know what to do...i'll be so happy when this month is over.

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...Finally, April is here! It's always been one of my favorite months because of baseball and that will never change.

The end of the baseball withdrawal, that and I can say 'It's only April' when the team sucks rather than actually worry.

...Not a good way to start the season if you are a Yankee fan. The Yanks start their game at 10 pm tomorrow out in Oakland. No way I can watch that.

Same here.

...So Anna Benson is divorcing her wimpy husband Kris? Not a good move on her part because now she's going to go back to being a nobody like she was before.

Don't want to sound sick here, but the only way people will ever give a crap about her again is if she gets into porn, or actually develops into a good Poker player.

...David Ortiz, Alfonso Soriano and Javier the Choker Vazquez are 1-2-3 on my personal hate list.

If two of those guys were still Yankees... Anyway, I don't get why everyone is forgiving Damon so much. His 4/52 contract will probably bone the Yankees as much as that grandslam. Anyway, I dislike Ortiz (obviously) but that is mostly because he hits so damned well against the Yankees, his homerun poses, and his lack of humility during the MVP 'race'. (Should have been one-sided)

Anyway, here are the other random thoughts:

- 2.0 is almost out

- PolishJoe was kind enough to send me an useful file

- This is probably the third time I said this in this thread, but I still don't get the hate on Vazquez. It isn't like he tried to give up a grandslam, unlike the guy who tried to hit the grandslam. Vazquez had a lot of bad luck, though his excuses on his way out didn't help.

- BTW, one of my friends is really banking on Vazquez in his fantasy team...

- The White Sox rotation is stacked, but their bullpen is **** poor. Kenny better make some moves.

- Contreras (who is actually 36) just got another three years for almost 30 million. Bad move, simply bad move. They should have made him earn the contract.

- McCarthy (the pitcher) must be pissed off

- I just found out today that Luis Ordaz is still playing baseball

- Plenty of other crap happening, but I don't like sharing my personal life that much

- Is the Poker fad over yet?

- I can think of three guys off the top of my head that are breaking the sig/avatar rules. If you are one of those three, please, fix your sigs.

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Here I go...

...Woohoo, the Jays home opener is Tuesday night, I can't wait! Finally have a reason to be excited...

...Wrestlemania is tonight, and like a fool I am ordering it! Have a few friends coming over to watch it. I am not even a huge wrestling fan anymore, but what the heck...

...Taping the White Sox/ Indians game this evening. Should be a really fun game to watch...

...I have to say hat's off to George Mason, you guys had a heck of a run! Congratulations!

...I am patiently waiting for MVP Baseball '06. Can't wait to see the final mod...want to get that Blue Jays dynasty started!

...Well the Commisioner of baseball has ordered an "independent" study of steriods in baseball. It's headed by George Mitchell, who just so happens to be part of the Red Sox organization...yeah....that's "independent" alright...

...Into the final couple of weeks of the NHL season, and my Rangers are still there! God what an exciting season it has been. Jagr has the MVP all but wrapped up, and Lundqvist has been amazing in goal! Here's hoping for a lengthy run in the playoffs...

...Anna, Anna, Anna, divorcing poor Kris Benson. I told her numerous times that I didn't want our relationship to interfere with her marriage! But she obviously didn't listen...now I feel guilty. Well atleast Kris has his millions! LOL!

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...Woohoo, the Jays home opener is Tuesday night, I can't wait! Finally have a reason to be excited...

Tuesday openers suck, you have to wait an extra day. :lol:

...Well the Commisioner of baseball has ordered an "independent" study of steriods in baseball. It's headed by George Mitchell, who just so happens to be part of the Red Sox organization...yeah....that's "independent" alright...

I bet this investigation finds nothing so Selig could say, "Bonds is legitimate".

Well atleast Kris has his millions! LOL!

Anna will also have his millions. I would go off on a tangent but I'll spare you guys that! :)

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Updated to 4-9

...Today will be the first time I will see the Yankees on TV past the first inning. And from what I have not seen, I am missing nothing. I hate these west coast games.

...Who's the *&^%$##&^ that first thought of this "they can score 1,000 runs this year" crap? Doesn't anyone else think that they are trying too hard to do exactly that?

...The wife in in Texas the entire week with her family and sister that lives out there in Plano, Texas. Nice place, nice area and a nice state to visit. Why didn't I go again this year? I don't feel like going shopping every day. That's all they did last year. I didn't get a chance to see a Rangers game when I was there but I know where the purse stores are. :evil: And right there is your reason I am writing this today in New York State and not in Texas.

...Whatever happened to Axl Rose?

...I felt bad for Tribetime when I read this week that his I-Pod was stolen. There's just no reason to go around doing stuff like that and I hope that somehow he gets it back. Those things aren't exactly cheap.

...A lot of people around here are kind of concerned that the Buffalo Bills might leave the area. Not me. I'm not from Buffalo, I don't live there and I'm not a Bills fan. My team's 3,000 miles away in Oakland. But I still feel for them. It wasn't that long ago when that lying snake Art Modell screwed the loyal Browns fans and left Cleveland.

...Who's the best team in the NBA this year? I don't know. If I cared I'd pick up a paper and find out. My basketball season ends after the NCAA finals.

...Another guy who isn't funny that a lot of people seem to think he is: Will Ferrell. He's another one when I see on TV I change the channel.

...Oh good!! Now Anna decides she wants Kris back. She got the attention she wanted and now she's happy. I don't care how hot she looks or how hot people think she is, she isn't worth it.

...Back to the Yankees for a second because, well, these are my thoughts of the day. :) Giambi is hitting .125. I am confident he will start hitting soon. He's too good of a hitter to be like that. But Bernie Williams (.176) and Jorge Posada (.158) are not surprising me at all. I think the best way Bernie can help the Yankees is to get nice and injured for five months and then retire.

...Barry Bonds cried on his TV show on ESPN. I didn't see it because I had no plans of watching it. I just heard someone talking about it so if anyone can fill me on why he did this stunt, let me know.

...I think that Eudora Pro or Mozilla Thunderbird are the best mail clients out there.

...I am still up in the air about buying "Baseball Mogul 2007"

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